Solution-less problem? (67)

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-21 15:36 ID:Heaven


Matthew 5:31-32
Matthew 19:3-9
Luke 16:17-18

This passage might also interest you:
1Corinthians 7:10-11

Also he didn't say 1 during your life, I said if someone dies you're no longer bound to that union, and that also holds true for spiritual death, if someone leaves both the unity of christ and their relationship within it, and all attempts to recover this person fails, the one left behind is no more bound to that person than he/she would be to someone dead:
1Corinthians 7:15-16

>>She never asked us to evaluate her relationship at all, so its rude to push it in her face then... huh, >>4?

Well I had the objective to help her with the orgasm issue firmly in mind but I always believed laying a solid foundation is the best approach to solving any matter. The main problem here is peoples worries and expectations about sexual performance, not their lack of skills and knowledge. Can you appriciate that? Thus, to help someone, you should bring them out of the confusing maze of thoughts and ideas about sex, back to a clean start and work your way from there. The body is fully capable of working it's functions unless our thoughts screw it up. Proof? When our mind work with our lust instead of against it(i.e. it doesn't interfere), most people are quite capable of having orgasms without even touching themselves. It's all about letting yourself go, and if you can fully do that together with someone else, well it should be a walk in the park for both parts.

And it's paramount to remember that the basis of lust is to be one in thought, feelings and body, it's a natural instinct. To play in the hands of that is to drive not to remain within yourself as you connect with someone, but to transfer your mind unto them. So if your mind looses sight of this and remains within yourself trying to focus on personal performance, the experience will definately suffer even if you do reach an orgasm.

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