Her past sexlife... (84)

33 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-18 19:10 ID:Heaven


>and it's the summary that will eventually take one of those peaks of misery and turn it into an excuse to end things.

I disagree with this. Just because shit happened in the past doesn't mean it automatically has to snowball on you.

>Not all, but I say almost everyone.

I obviously disagree with this. I have no problems admitting that a lot of people are too jaded and hurt from having too many crap relationships, but I disagree with that almost everyone is like that. In my opinion there are plenty of other factors that matter just as much for how someone's life'l be, that's unrelated to whether or not they've had sex/a relationship before a longterm/life-long one.

>I'm telling you for sure, they will crumble one by one, they will cheat, lie, turn into perverts, they will fight, drink their brains out, do drugs, beat their children and beat eachother. Even if they somehow stick together it will be like they are enemies, and they will have their shit each in their own corner, and their kids will grow up ruined.

...If you're arguing that this won't happen to people who haven't been in relationships before.. I'm going to have to be rather baffled and wonder how on Earth you manage to keep that world-view.
I've both directly and indirectly seen serious longterm relationships like that turn awful. (obviously not just that, though, the same way I've seen plenty of happy longterm relationship that involved people who had dated/had sex with others before.)

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