Her past sexlife... (84)

37 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-18 23:34 ID:Heaven


>>That on the other hand is laughable. I know very well that problems won't go away...

I wasn't talking about you but people at large, I'm always talking of people at large, disregarding the exceptions because in the big picture they do not matter. Besides that I'm glad we have an understanding and you know, if people don't realize the point of not soiling yourself with sexual impressions, both mentally and physically, it's worth precisely nothing. I'm not saying this isolated issue is the answer to things, I'm saying it's part of an answer. As with your conservative christian couple-example.I'm sure they didn't know why and probably weren't very chaste at heart. If you're to do something you must do it fully, or you will just feel worse from being a hypocrite.

>>This isn't rare, if you weren't already aware of that....


>>I agree with this, and I foolishly thought it was obvious to the average human. Or perhaps we're thinking of it in slightly different ways?

Yeah so now you know I'm not pulling shit out of my hat and no it's not obvious to every human being and yes I suppose that makes you foolish and naive. You seem intelligent, in an intellectual kind of way, not all people are gifted that way. On the other hand you seem fucking ignorant about other things. Trying to imply humanity is less than rotten. Why do you even bother?

>>I disagree with this. Just because shit happened in the past doesn't mean it automatically has to snowball on you.

Look I'm big enough to know there are no rules but generally it is like this. With every new punch we sustain we get worn out, we realize the reasons and become aware of their ever presence, therefore our hope/patience grows thin and we become less able to tackle them, eventually we give up.

I know however that some people... Let's just take an example here of how it also might work so you understand I'm not ignorant. Some people instead grow resilient to the punches and meet them with indifference instead. You'll come across this relationship where the partners are bashing away at eachother like it's a motherfucking war going on, and when they are done everything returns to "normal", and this is how it goes on. They just become less fiery about their spats as the years progress and at old age they sit at the breakfast table, casually swearing at and insulting eachother before they go about their personal hobbies. Having gotten used not to be in eachothers faces too much.

People learn how to live with a miserable situation, it may also work that way. But I say thats not good enough, because the shit they carry with them through their acceptance spread over to others. The problems multiplies, and there is always only a lesser amount of people being able to contain and work away the shit that has been passed unto them, resulting in an ever growing, overall shittyness.

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