Her past sexlife... (84)

46 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-19 23:49 ID:Heaven


Yeah I guess I am bitter and a bit too extreme in my arguments at times, stating absolute ideals I know noone can live up to. I hate people and don't care about burdening them with morality. I want them to hate themselves as much as they should, as I think they should hate their fucking guts. They move through this life making a mess, leaving it behind without lifting a finger to fix things because they can't be bothered to burden themselves with a situation that isn't to their advantage. Well except if they are too proud/scared to admit defeat, but that is no good basis on which to carry things on, because they will do it wrong with such motivations.

Not that I think it's better that such persons give up a relationship. They should change themselves within the relationship rather than fleeing from it and in stupidity think that they can find another, better one. They will just bring with them the person who held half the responsibility for the failiure of the last one(i.e. themselves). Well, mostly anyway, the instances where one party shares no responsibility are few.

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