Her past sexlife... (84)

82 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-05 05:25 ID:Heaven


>>I CAN imagine feces, but don't generally prefer to. Also, yes you did.

Might be a question of semantics, you are taking this to the human-value court, I was speaking of practicalities.

>>What? Is this some more crazy non-sequitur, or a reference to your aforementioned superiority, stating something to the effect that this superiority is not due to something that can be expressed quantitatively?

I used "superior" as speaking of the advantages/dissadvantages that comes with our sexes different qualities. Our bodies work differently, our brains work differently, we have varying instincts, different priorities, it's purely biological. The differences in these fields make men more prone to follow morals while women are more prone to follow emotions, from a moral point of view that does make men superior. And I'll remind you we were looking into moral issues.

When I said "better", I was speaking of human value, you know like equality and shit, and I wanted to point out that even if we were to value the sexes differently in this sense it would still even out because; just as women rarely use their intellectual capacity for any good, men regularly fail to use their moral aptitude to much effect.

>>Where the hell did that come from? Your leaps of logic are almost incomprehensible. Stream of conscious style posting doesn't really work well when trying to express your opinion like this. IHBT?

Read above.

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