Her past sexlife... (84)

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-16 20:10 ID:r5UZMD7L


>>The worst I can see happening is the relationship not working out

Yeah, exactly, and you're all calm and alright with that now because you're longing to do her, but you won't be calm and alright about it if it happens. I can tell from what you're writing, an experience like that holds the potential to fuck you up. You are better of with a "nice" girl.

And yes I think that is very likely to happen. I understand she isn't interested in sex only, and she's capable of holding back now when her emotional cravings are fed by her affections, but you should never rely on those in ANY person. Look at how people are when they are not in love instead and you know what you'll go back to later. Her past gives away your future. It's a fact it's like this, a temporary spur of emotions doesn't change a human being, it only lets her down when she lands. And trust me she will, we all do.

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