[Dilemma] Help! I can't get him out of my head! [Obsession] (36)

33 Name: Anonette : 2008-07-05 07:08 ID:Ni1KuHbi


Ow, the sarcasm, it burns

Seriously, go back to bed, then post

The date? It was okay, but I as bothered at the fact that we did a lot of things, but they weren't really done together. Allow me to clarify because that sounds a little vague. We did stuff (stuff that involved money, which I did not have which made me feel guilty because in some strange way I did ask him out, skim through >>20 for details which made me hint to a second 'date' wher I would have the chance to let him off easy) but it wasn't like we were interacting with each other very much, except for when we went to eat (appetizers only, would should I make of that? a person who is frugal or stingy? but he did pay for everything except for the movies) and played minigolf (even then, he gloated his winning even for a short while) and even then the conversation was awkward. Glasses seems either social awkward or a jerk, but even then that may just be my prejudice speaking.

We went out again (not on a date or at least in my mind) and I explained to him that I didn't want him spending money on me and I perferred that we talked in a cafe or something rather than sat next to each other completely disconnected like he insisted (and he did insist)

To be honest, they're both seem like bad dating material.

CB was sarcastic at times and dismissive of others when it didn't really benefit him (Loli complained about this although she was the same way and admitted to it) His charm was used as a tool to get other to like him, although he might not have realized it. Both he and B-chan were using one another, and they really did deserve each other.

Glasses, though sincere, seems socially awkward and although is my best match intellectual, doesn't stimulate my interest at all, even intelectually speaking. He's very analytical and may find a hyper emotional person like me confusing even though it was ammusing at first may quickly become exasperated and think every female is like this and will become bitter and sullen like most Secret Admirers.

So I think I know what's clear. Because CB won't be coming back into my life again, it is best I forget about him, which I have been gradually and try to tell Glasses tat we can only be friends (I keep hinting at it, but some people don't pick up on subtlety as well as others) while trying to keep my summer from turning into a shoujo manga. shudders

I should probably post this where someone would give a shit like LiveJournal but then I wouldn't get precious gems of responses like yours >>31

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