Hikikomoris/Hikikomori wannabes: How do you make money for a living? (220)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-22 03:49 ID:Heaven

I was going to ask this question to the last poster in the Baby Human topic, but decided I should probably make atopic out of it.

Well, how do you survive? Live with your parents, work off the internet, live with other relatives, supported by girlfriend/friends, still go to school, still go to work, inheritage, participate in money farming?

Post your source of income here, along with your age, if you feel like it.

As for me: Age 21. I live with my parents, but most of my income comes from my community college (still trying to get through it). The rest comes from different things I've done online, like checks from those free Ipod sites and ads on sites I've ran.

217 Post deleted.

218 Name: sage : 2019-04-26 16:35 ID:Heaven


Another one was deleted lol

219 Name: Anonymous : 2019-06-16 10:14 ID:0u76vFbT

I can't think of anything and soon I'll end up on the streets

All the doors are barred I have nowhere to go

220 Name: Anonymous : 2020-07-28 04:10 ID:Heaven

That is relatable. I just got finished with pissing the past five-and-half years of my life away in academia for a degree I didn't want in the first place, and am way too old to catch up on the job experience (read: more than none) that I should have already accumulated by this point.

From the sounds of it, my undesired degree would all but guarantee a white-collar managerial position of some type, but such a lofty position is neither desired nor deserved for an unexperienced non-worker such as myself. Meanwhile, the already-tenuous relation between myself and my parents is crumbling by the day, further increasing the likelihood that I end up without a roof or reliable source of nourishment.

SHit sucks, but things could always be worse. 'Tis usually the more productive way of looking at things. ┐( ´ д ` )┌

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