Hikikomoris/Hikikomori wannabes: How do you make money for a living? (220)

74 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-01 08:45 ID:BPl5rOhO

I don't understand why anybody would want to BE a hikikomori/fake hikikomori.

I'm 21. I have disorganized schizophrenia. I am a "hikikomori" (personally I reject this term) and have been since about 1999, but extremely social phobic my entire life. It's been the worst few years of my life. I would give anything to escape this and act normal; have friends, go out, fuck bitches - even just speak to people. I've wasted 8 years inside my home confined to myself. On one hand it's a sanctuary I never wish to leave except to go out late at night and buy food. On the other, it's my own personal hell I willingly put up with to escape the bullshit of reality.

As for money, since I have schizophrenia I'm able to leech off the government and use disability. It's hardly enough and I barely scrape by every month. I wear rags and eat shit. I have medication to buy which makes it even worse.

Being a "hikikomori" is not fun, I don't get why anybody would desire to be one or claim to be one.

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