Tom Hiddleston 9 (1000)

1 Name: Anon : 2016-06-24 07:25 ID:vWSNZn5Y

Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston

851 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-01 06:27 ID:Heaven

>>814 I know, it does the same to me, I think you are supposed to know where it left off and be able to find it in that sea of other planes. I was too tired last night to do try, but at least we know the dates.

852 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-01 06:32 ID:Heaven

The 4th of July party is going to take place on the 2nd, isn't it? So it could be TH might spend Saturday in RI or NY and then leave for OZ.

>>836,839 Not having a hand to hold he was holding the phone. O r maybe he suddenly remembered he has to learn lines for a living.

>>842 Wouldn't that be even more pathetic than already is? Not only he's a kept man, she relies on her to land a job.

853 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-01 06:39 ID:Heaven

>>844 I said it from the start, when TS started following him on twitter in 2014 when she hardly followed anyone, it was a sign. She went to that dinner and Gala knowing well prepared and knowing very well what would work with him, i.e. praising ISTL like it's the best thing that ever happened to cinema and dancing.

>>843 that would be hilarious because "DUde, didn't you know? Have you heard of google?"

854 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-01 06:46 ID:b3C4kc0u

>>849 Botox requires biannual injections. I think he's as lazy with them as he is with changing his clothes, which is a good thing. While there's products and facials that give you temporary facelifts for special events, there's none I know of that will completely erase a deeply indented frown line. I've been watching that frown between his eyes vanish and slowly reappear, particularly in the last year.
The bottom teeth are a mess which I find endearing.

>>850 Getting silly isn't the problem, looking silly is (Hugh Hefner/ Selena Gomez). Maybe that's the final straw we all need to jump off this fascinating ledge

855 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-01 07:05 ID:Heaven

This is fun, they make fun of TH

856 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-01 07:08 ID:Heaven

CH was TS's true love, they should never have split

857 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-01 07:26 ID:IkF6ezI7

>>856 Ouch! Is he suggesting, perhaps, that Ms Swift doesn't write her own songs and music by herself?

858 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-01 07:30 ID:Heaven

>>857 that and/or that he existed as a renowned artist before TS, which is true.

859 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-01 07:32 ID:b3C4kc0u

>>856 They were peas in a pod.
I wonder what delights to expect with TayTo; a twangy yodelling album with a touch of pop or a rom com: "Too fast: making out in Italy after a few weeks'

860 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-01 07:34 ID:b3C4kc0u

>>856 >>857 He's been hinting more than once that she isn't all that when it comes to writing her own content. He's such a bitter bitch, I love it

861 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-01 07:48 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>850 Hi qaz! It will be all fun and games, then either a pap with a super-long range lens will catch it and the creepy old man jokes will start.

>>854 I'll have to watch for the smooth forehead - I wasn't paying attention to that part of his body. I should be embarrassed, but ...

>>860 CH was def >>854the emotional one in the relationship.

862 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-01 08:01 ID:b3C4kc0u

>>861 It's my job to look at faces. I gotta say, I can't stand working on botox faces. The fat literally weeps out of their pores onto my brushes. I can't blend powder products, I have to stick to creams only even on eyelids. It ruins my brushes- they're instantly dripping in gross fat on contact. So there's a warning to all you lurking potential botox users. Aside from looking waxy and frozen and weird.

863 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-01 08:01 ID:dYPpRuCh

If I'm remembering correctly, the last time the smooth forehead made an appearance was when he did that photoshoot in all those double-breasted pinstripe suits.

864 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-01 08:02 ID:dYPpRuCh


865 Name: Anon : 2016-07-01 08:04 ID:IL6vAiQW

>>862 Oh that is so gross! Eeeeeeew!! I have never seen any website tell you that is a side effect (no wonder!)

866 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-01 08:07 ID:b3C4kc0u

>>863 Ignore all stills photos for reference as they are photoshopped. I go off red carpet or formal appearances. Nothing can be cheated on film. Unless you're Nicole Kidman in that Australia movie who had to have facial expressions edited onto her face frame by frame because she was so frozen (notice she didn't work for a while after that role)

867 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-01 08:09 ID:b3C4kc0u

>>865 It's something I've only recently realised and am forcing it as a discussion amongst peers in the industry. It is a problem which none of us have spoken about before. Maybe because it's so prevalent now, it's not just for celebs, everyone's doing it

868 Name: Anon : 2016-07-01 08:22 ID:IL6vAiQW

>>866 Thinking about it, there was a time when his skin looked great - during the September CP tour. I wondered if he had had some super hydrating treatment which made a difference for those 10 days or so. If he had just had Botox it iwould have worn off by April and he might not have had time to get it redone between Vietnam and starting the next publicity tour, when his skin looked bad.

869 Name: qaz : 2016-07-01 08:25 ID:Me4dUJY8

>>861 Hey, Whatsinaname! Well, that Hugh Hefner comparison is a bit mean, but... yeah. He and squad will look all kinds of awkward together. That's why I want photos, lol. I'm morbidly curious.

>>862 OMG, eeeew.

>>866 Did they really do that for her? I love this kind of insider info, do continue sharing! :)

870 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-01 08:36 ID:b3C4kc0u

tinfoil hat
You know, speaking of insider info, I find it alarming that the relationships being compared to TayTo most frequently are Cloony and Amal (gay) and Tom and Katie (gay). So that's a bit weird.

I need to stop sharing, it's the same combination of codeine and alcohol brought about by a mouth massacre in a period of temporary unemployment. Disaster. Although it's been so much fun to follow this charade.

871 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-01 08:43 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>870 Ah yes. But the question would be: which half of TayTo is gay?

I will now crawl back into my own tinfoil cocoon and await the next conspiracy theory.

872 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-01 08:46 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>870 Or, as I just realized is possible, were you saying that all parties involved in those relationships are gay? (If you don't feel comfortable answering don't worry about it.)

873 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-01 08:46 ID:b3C4kc0u

>>871 Exactery
also crawls into tinfoil cave

874 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-01 08:48 ID:b3C4kc0u

>>872 I have only heard of one side being gay but who knows? There were career opportunities galore for both partners involved (and for TH if you think about it)

875 Name: Anon : 2016-07-01 08:50 ID:h2slAuXM

>>874 Haven't heard on the grapevine that AC is gay, just GC. I think she just has a tooth of gold.

876 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-01 08:55 ID:b3C4kc0u

>>875 Tooth of gold is a kind description. All of Tom Cruises ex's have made a name for themselves and also garnered a lot of leverage in the industry. It's possible TH is doing the age old bearding in reverse (because he's a feminist). It's a reach though and I may not come to this conclusion when sober

877 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-01 09:01 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>876 Of course! Bearding for feminism! Yes, for feminism, just like his naked bottom, thrusting on television and movie screens across the globe.

878 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-01 09:05 ID:b3C4kc0u

>>877 Taking one for the team

879 Name: Anon : 2016-07-01 09:37 ID:6SVQ0Pil

>>878 Or, not taking any for the team!

880 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-01 10:02 ID:Heaven

>>862 Eeew! these people are crazy, it's not the money, they are just crazy. No wonder when the effect disappears they look even worse.

>>870,871 we should start making a line of tinfoil clothes to wear according to the occasion.

881 Name: Anon : 2016-07-01 10:10 ID:rftTz6Ku

Those "number 11" vertical wrinkles that TH has between his eyebrows are a classic sign of smoking also...

882 Name: Anon : 2016-07-01 10:11 ID:rftTz6Ku

>>880 Well Taylor was wearing a tinfoil dress to the Met Gala so she is way ahead of us!

883 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-01 10:14 ID:Heaven

>>882 damn you're right, I forgot the first axiom of the TS book, "everything is planned in advance"!

884 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-01 10:38 ID:Heaven

Is the fact that BBC Radio1's program is shading them really really bad?

886 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-01 10:50 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>884 Yikes! Tom's been a guest on that program, hasn't he?

887 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-01 10:53 ID:0FYoOZ+W

888 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-01 11:14 ID:Heaven

>>885 Ouch at those tweets.

>>886 I think so, he's never ever going back together with the press.

>>887 Wow! The idea that TH is helping TS filming material for new single makes everything even more absurd for him, especially his family involvement.

889 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-01 11:18 ID:vqQuPn8c

I sense a GC article coming. They always like to trot one out when the press gets too bad for TS...or too close to the truth.

890 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-01 11:30 ID:IkF6ezI7


891 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-01 11:33 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>887 I don't think TS is capable of that sorta avant guard approach to video making or social experimentation. This is what usually happens when people are so surprised at a situation that they can't believe it's real; they start to try to explain it away. We've all done it here with our tin hats.

This is probably what it appears to be: a relationship that is being marketed, managed and PRed in the most cackhanded fashion imaginable.

If they were smart, they might cut and run and say it was a social experiment or music video, but I think they're going to double down and stick to the PR plan. For my own prurient viewing pleasure, I hope they also double down on the cackhandedness.

892 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-01 11:35 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>890 Gossip Cop. A mouthpiece for TS as well as other celebs. I'm fairly certain they let PR people write their copy.

893 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-01 11:35 ID:ixRvQFyw

Wow. The mocking just continues. I really hope the two don't end up doing something dumb and extreme just to change people's minds about the relationship being real. Because with their current timeline it won't look good.

894 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-01 11:37 ID:IkF6ezI7

>>892 Aha! Got it. Thanks x

895 Name: Anon : 2016-07-01 13:06 ID:6SVQ0Pil

>>891 Avant garde TS!!!!!! No, I don't believe that.

Who knows what is going on inside TS's lizard brain. This is a new experience for her, having the tablecloth pulled away so everyone can see how the trick is done. I have little doubt, though, that she is image-obsessed enough to pull the plug if she thinks this is harming her, irrespective of any feelings she might have for TH.

My feeling is that he is a bit of a romantic, very keen at the moment, possibly thinks he is lurve, and will be defiant. For the moment. The fun for me will be seeing how long love triumphs over the fact that he is a laughing stock, and that his carefully crafted public image is in the toilet. That's the battle I want to watch from the sidelines. I can't wait for the first interview he does after this debâcle.

896 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-01 13:27 ID:IkF6ezI7

>>895 I agree, I think he'll be stubborn about it. He's said often enough (aside from wanging on about privacy and not oversharing) that he can't control what people think of him, so I think he'll stick to that and feel he is being true to himself.
Captcha is - Dilation - WTF!

897 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-01 13:30 ID:Heaven

>>895,896 I wish he had stuck to some other of the things he said. But I hope that if he says something along the lines of wanting to be private about his love life or that some things are sacred, the journalists will laugh in his face.

898 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-01 14:18 ID:IkF6ezI7

>>897 Same here. It's going to be interesting to see how he handles it.

899 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-01 15:58 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>895 Agreed. I wouldn't be surprised if he believes that it'll all just blow over in due time.

I do find it interesting that E! went from publishing detailed accounts of TayTo's dates minutes after the pics release to writing think pieces about the couple's supposed staged romance and worrying for Taylor Swift.

900 Name: Anon : 2016-07-01 19:48 ID:IL6vAiQW

Has it really been 48 hours since we were gifted with any pics? Is this the calm before the July 4 social media apocalypse?

901 Name: Anon : 2016-07-01 20:01 ID:IL6vAiQW

Here's an article that makes a really obvious point about rock n stroll that I never thought about. If they were engaging in pda on a crowded beach (a detail given to us by the Sun which said "An onlooker revealed: “They were all over each other – hugging and kissing – even though there were 20 people coming and going on the beach") then where are the fan photos of this encounter? I haven't seen a single one.

902 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-01 22:16 ID:vqQuPn8c

I have been waiting to get home from work for this! Disclaimer: This baby is eating away at my brain so my IQ is dropping fast, this is all conjecture and I could never support a policy paper with these assumptions, but here goes:

I've been making my way through theoanons back catalogue because it was mentioned here. She was churning out a lot when I was in Libya and doing the whole 'real life' thing. I read about the tiny brunette spotted with him in May (was that mentioned here? I haven't gone back over the posts I missed) and dismissed it because he's always spotted with brunettes.

Yesterday an anon was posted about seeing this same brunette in his local pub. Theoanons published it, joked about her waiting around when TH was in Rhode Island and left it at that A few hours later this post went up No other posts were published between the two. Maybe it's just me but that note seems to be directed at someone who wrote in, asked for the previous post to be taken down and for no more 'brunette PhD student' anons to be published. Is this crazy? Am I going to strain my arm with the reaching?

But wait...this morning I was looking at the blog on the train. She posted another message to 'submission anon.' And this is where you need to trust me - she posted one message, which I saw, but then edited it. When I refreshed the browser after looking in the archive, the message had changed. The first message had exactly the same start and ending but some lines in the middle were missing. To paraphrase the missing lines: I know how hard it is to be in graduate school while trying to maintain a relationship, especially when your life/home is in another country.

The ending of the message, mentioning a line and using it, sent me to the archive. I don't know if I missed any posts, but the only post where theoanons gives a 'line' to this brunette is here
It's a line about enjoying TH's dick but not enough to give up her studies.

Now it could be that someone - maybe a Swift fan or someone who wants to pretend she was in a relationship with TH (although that number is dwindling) - is fucking with the blog and writing in messages pretending to be this PhD student. Or maybe those anons about PhD student are real, and PhD student wrote in to the blog. Did PhD student break TH's heart in May (he lost out to a dissertation!)...sending him into the arms of a pop princess? Because what lies on the other end of the spectrum from small, dark, PhD student? Yeah, that one.

That's my addition to our collection of conspiracy theories.

903 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-01 22:28 ID:vqQuPn8c

Looks like he had voiceover work? Maybe we won't get TH in a Borat mankini. Disappointment, thy name is TayTo.

904 Name: Savvy : 2016-07-01 22:43 ID:mjDeTkSn

Jesus Christ! Did she really do this?

905 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-01 22:48 ID:vqQuPn8c

906 Name: Savvy : 2016-07-01 22:54 ID:mjDeTkSn

907 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-01 23:03 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>904 >>906 Yes, yes she did.

908 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-01 23:17 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>906 Yep. That whole Kennedy boy thing was so pathetic because he was still a minor and she was 22-23 something. It was pretty creepy and getting papped at his mom's grave...that's when I stopped giving Taylor Swift the benefit of the doubt.

>>902 Tbh, I never believed the tiny PhD brunette story. Mostly because these rumors always come out when Tom is dating someone else. It's almost as if these rumored hookups/ gfs are the real deal and the person he's actually dating is some front to protect the real gf from his crazed fans. It gets too fanfic for me and I tune out lol

Then again it seems like Taylor Swift may have read and believed her Hiddleswift fanfic too. I wanted to see if this public romance has more similarities to the fanfic apart from meeting at MET and it does! They take a European vacation in it too where they are hounded by paps. Maybe Taylor is using the fanfic as a guideline lol

909 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-02 00:47 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>908 Maybe this is going to turn out to be some bizarre commentary on celebrity life after all. Plot modeled after a fanfic, obviously staged "paparazzi" photos...

910 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-02 00:50 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>906 I remember this from a news story after it happened. And I remember my mouth agape.

911 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-02 01:32 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>909 oh god I hope not. Tom will go on and on ad nauseam about fame and its trappings and quote Shakespeare and post modern poems while all Taylor puts out a Blank Space style video and song with yet another victim perspective.

I'd rather take my chances with a poorly introduced eager romance between two adults with the emotional range of a 13 yr old teenager. It's more entertaining.

912 Name: sosorry : 2016-07-02 02:13 ID:D9gQVHva

Did anyone else notice that the Swift plane was on the move today? The tail number N898TS had a flight starting at 19:23 today. Is there a way to track the city that the plane took off from and landed in? How do you do that?

913 Name: sosorry : 2016-07-02 02:16 ID:D9gQVHva

BTW, the plane is not on the move now. So I am assuming this must have been a short flight in the US.

914 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-02 02:19 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>912 >>913 Probably gathering her Squad.

915 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-02 02:57 ID:kgW+V0dO

>>909 Yes, I want them to go meta. It's the only way out where they can both save face. She can morph into a woman that takes control and gain an adult intelligent fanbase and TH can go back to being a likeable gronk.

>>906 This is incredible. What a transparent attempt to role play yet another fantasy. She truly lives in a dream bubble. I just can't comprehend her guile and stoicism.
"It was like talking to a ghost. She seemed to look right past me."

>>902 I don't get it. Is there supposed to be a tiny lover doing a PhD that wuvs him so but is shy of the public eye so he came up with an elaborate distraction to date the Swift so that the miniature love of his life can be free.
It would seem from those messages that theoanon is in contact with the person calling herself tiny phd but I get the impression she's being trolled.
Who knows, with the way TH has been behaving lately, there's suddenly more likelihood of truth in everything I've written off as a load of bollocks.

916 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-02 03:08 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>915 Every time Tom's publicly seen with a woman, someone trolls around on the tumblr gossip blogs with some story about how he's actually seeing a "short curvy brunette" or some variant thereof. I forget if it was when Tom was with JA or EO, but someone sent all kinds of anons to the Town Bike about a woman from Toronto who was Tom's secret girlfriend. Short, brunette, didn't want to be in the public eye. He supposedly met her during Crimson Peak filming, they'd been seen together in restaurants and public places, the usual story. Eventually someone claiming to be the woman in question contacted Town Bike and said it wasn't true and to please stop posting about her. Fast forward to the present day, and the exact same thing is happening on THEOanons.

917 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-02 04:57 ID:+bbjgOol

>>913 She has two planes. She could be using the other to pick up Tom. I'm not sure if her fans trace the second one too.

918 Name: sosorry : 2016-07-02 05:00 ID:D9gQVHva

Okay. E! news just officially listed TH as one the "A-list," during their breakdown of celebrity couples leading up to Independence Day. Wow. This included Affleck/Garner, Holmes/J Foxx, and B Cooper/Shayk. They placed TS in Rhode Island, without mentioning TH in London. Maybe this plan is TH's grab for visibility before putting his head under the sand for Thor 3. Not saying there won't be more TS sightings though. Although this romance seems like a lusty con job w PR benefits for both parties, maybe this twisted plan is working in Hollyweird, and TH's fan base just to accept it. Hmm...

919 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-02 05:08 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>917 They do track both planes, and have some secret Swiftie coven on tumblr where they all privately message each other about it or something.

920 Name: sosorry : 2016-07-02 05:20 ID:D9gQVHva

I have tracked the second plane! Tail D-BETI. This plane is based in Germany, took off near Wertheim am Main and is flying what seems like a local flight flying NE in Germany towards Northern Germany, possibly up to Denmark. So this second plane is definitely not headed to London. Maybe TS leases the second plane when she does not use it. So if TH is headed to the US, he would probably fly commercial. The internet is scary!

921 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-02 05:27 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>920 I saw that tail number on a photo in an article about her planes that was captioned "A Dassault Falcon 50 like the the one registered to S A T A, LLC." so I don't think that's her actual plane. Based on the tracking info, that particular plane never leaves Germany.

922 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-02 05:32 ID:dYPpRuCh

Here's the article. It seems like the Falcon 50 is her "backup plane," and the Falcon 900 is used for international flights as it holds more fuel. So the 900 would be the one she sent for Tom.

923 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-02 05:44 ID:dYPpRuCh

Okay. So I found out the tail number of the F 50, registered to the same company as her F 900 (S A T A, LLC). It hasn't flown since May.

924 Name: M : 2016-07-02 06:05 ID:9zOUSsxE

926 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-02 06:19 ID:dYPpRuCh

D-BETI is owned by a man named Adolf Wuerth. It's based in Germany.

927 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-02 06:42 ID:Heaven

Yeah, anonsy is right, I think theoanon is being trolled about that student, especially because TH hasn't been in London enough to do anything, he left for Hawaii as soon as he finished promoting CP, thn he was home for 2 weeks around xmas (and for those that supported the idea that THEO was still a thing, he was with EO) and then away until what June? The only thing he dicked in London were hid underware.

928 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-02 06:43 ID:Heaven

I go with my theory that if there isn't any TH appearance for the 4th of July party, we won't be seeing them together until after SDCC, so people will be more inclined to buy it was a summer fling and forgive him. Then she will appear in OZ.

929 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-02 06:54 ID:Heaven

And to say he wanted so much to be cool

Apparently "stunt for promoting a new single" is becomingeveryone's hypothesis (but it still doesn't explain the involvement of his family)

I saw at the OD blog that there is now a hashtag on twitter #famewhoreTom and #hiddlestutnt If this turns out to be a promo move, was it really worth it?

930 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-02 06:59 ID:Heaven

I'm starting to have a feeling TS's fans make things up as they go along

931 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-02 07:02 ID:Heaven

Ruffalo is already on set

932 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-02 07:07 ID:Heaven

>>906 and TH is dating this moron? This moron is a feminist symbol?

933 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-02 07:08 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>930 Her fans insanity levels make the craziest Hiddlestoner look relatively normal. I'm still a little shocked at how her fans track her planes. Twitter sightings at an international airport vs. actual real time tracking of a private wonder she has all that security detail. The way her fans worship her, there's no telling when one could lose it.

>>928 They could have decided to lay low until Australia. I believe it's a serious relationship so I'm thinking we'll definitely see them together in Australia. Maybe even some outings with Elsa P and her kids. It'll be interesting to see how they do their pap strolls now that people have been calling them out for staging their outings.

934 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-02 07:10 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>933 And by serious relationship, I mean it'll be over in 3 months or less. If they do end up being together for much longer well then bravo.

935 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-02 07:15 ID:A/1EwO8E

Hey, speaking of Botox, can you tell if there have been hair plugs from this pic:

936 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-02 07:17 ID:dzHdSeG9

I'm just posting to help us fill an entire thread in a week

937 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-02 07:25 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>930 Amazing how they flew from Rhode Island to Paris and back to Rhode Island all in one day, since there aren't even enough hours in a day for that to be possible. Not to mention Tom was in London recording voiceover work at the same time! Taylor Swift truly works miracles.

938 Name: Anon : 2016-07-02 07:27 ID:rftTz6Ku

I can't with the flight tracker thing! Are they in Paris? Must say I find this very unlikely given her thing with holding a July 4 party with inflatables every year.

Tiny PhD. Hmm. The reason I doubt that rumour is that it was never mentioned at the time. We/theoanons' followers/the fandom generally were all looking for THEO sightings - so a sighting of him having PDA with someone else would have been gold dust. But it wasn't mentioned even though according to theoanons' sources it was widely known. Sounds quite similar to the alleged sighting of THEO in Jan 15 which nobody mentioned at the time but which nw3 remembered about later.

939 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-02 07:27 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>925 Which plane is the one with a bed?

940 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-02 07:27 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>935 Something is wrong with that pic - Tom's entire forehead looks warped.

941 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-02 07:32 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>938 They're not. It's fanfiction.

>>939 If one of them has a bed, it's likely the F 900. It's larger and better for long distance flights, and she uses it much more frequently. .

942 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-02 07:32 ID:dzHdSeG9

>>935 I think he's already started plugging at the front but its too hard to tell. It's very thin at the hairline which is why they cut so much length in to disguise it. He's worn lace fringes on films so I wouldn't be surprised if he has one for events but he's far too lazy to apply one every day. I've seen celebs that have hairdressers put on their hair every morning and gotten quite a fright seeing them without their wig.
That particular photo looks badly photoshopped. Only use film stills, fan photos, red carpets films or movies for references. Even pap pics sometimes get doctored. I don't trust any stills images.

943 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-02 07:35 ID:Heaven

Talking of hair, didn't his hairstylist tweeted a DM of his after the BAFTA TV awards where h ethanked her? I think it was RT by Frenchie.

945 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-02 07:37 ID:dzHdSeG9

>>930 Paris? Really?
>>938 I can't with the plane tracker either. Surely all her stalker fans have that covered
>>937 That voiceover photo was posted round midday yesterday London time so It could have been a late late lunch (unlikely)

946 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-02 07:39 ID:dzHdSeG9

>>944 I would argue the scale dropped off far more dramatically at the time of the RI pics. An instant plummet to really uncool

947 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-02 07:42 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>946 Yes, and by now we've reached a point so low it would be off the bottom of the magazine page. A point I like to call "so uncool it feels like the fiery depths of hell, please God make it stop."

948 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-02 07:46 ID:Heaven

>>943 found it (frenchie as usual rt to show she hangs out with his circle of people) So woudl someone that works at a hairsaloon called "relahairlondon" do hairplugs? Because that would be funny.

949 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-02 07:51 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>948 They do offer "hair enhancement" services, according to their website. Looks like extensions, feathering, that sort of thing.

950 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-02 07:55 ID:dzHdSeG9

>>948 Hairdressers cut hair and color. That is usually all they do. There's specialists for the other stuff.
That Frenchie seems a bit special. I'd be putting her on my single white female list if I were him.

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