Tom Hiddleston 10 (1000)

654 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-08 15:43 ID:34K6L3Sw

>>629 Interesting that a tumblr blog was asked to do promo for ISTL. That seems to suggest that Sony, and by extension Team Tom, are more than aware of their market. Then they must know, and Tom by extension, that certain parts of the kingdom are on fire while others are ash.

>>645 Agreed. He can be head over heels and miserable because the relationship is not being perceived as he would like it to be, or required him to pimp out his family or is having adverse affects on his professional life. I think we all know that a person can desperately want to be in a relationship and be happy in it even if it's not all together good for him/her.

>>648 She IS like the guitar. His latest obsession. And this one doesn't require a luggage tag or need to be carried, only constant guiding by the hand.

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