Tom Hiddleston (Sweet 16) (1000)

1 Name: Anon. : 2017-08-28 02:47 ID:5qdWEBEh

Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston

450 Name: Anon : 2017-12-30 22:48 ID:WOTS2uSz


Merry belated Christmas everyone.

I hope you all had a good time. I’m glad Baby Anon. enjoyed his unwrapping. You have the right idea there I think. It all felt very grimly commercial in the UK this year. Maybe I am getting old. We went for the “one gift each” approach. A handbag for me and a home charging point for Dr Anon’s electric car (the cost of which greatly offsets any savings on petrol, I am here to tell you!). We spent 5 days with my widowed father in law. His gift was me cooking every meal and him not having to live on microwave meals for a change.

Now in the countryside, fairly near to Casa Hiddleston Mama as usual. I will keep my eyes peeled, though I believe he usually spends NY in London if twitter is to be believed.

451 Name: Whatsinaname : 2018-01-01 19:46 ID:6LNXsSd5

Happy Christmas, Happy New Year, and best wishes for 2018. I had a quiet Christmas, where my son came over for a couple of days. He got me some much needed throws for these cold days and nights. What I need is to get these drafty windows taken care of. Then I had a date with a new guy to see del Toro's "The Shape of Water." I recommend you all check it out. New Guy and I went out again Wednesday, and then again last night for the New Year's Eve. I guess I can say everything is going swimmingly.

452 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-01 23:40 ID:zSl8T0x0

Belated Happy Christmas, and Happy New Year to all! Just returned from the holidays with my family. And apparently there was a Tom sighting in London by an Italian girl on facebook, yesterday morning. She saw TH on a coffee run while she was eating breakfast, and she commented that he looked cute and available, whatever that means. Now, just hoping for a project announcement.

Marina Magno
Yesterday at 9:48am · London, United Kingdom ·
Happy new year! Well, the year couldn't be better. English breakfast and a chat with Tom Hiddleston... good morning everyone!
Marina Magno Cute and available, like urban legends tell

453 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-02 20:44 ID:zSl8T0x0

Apparently Tom didn't make the UK GQ 50 best dressed men of 2018 list by the magazine, despite being voted the American GQ Most Stylish Man of 2018 by the fans. Interessante.

454 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-02 23:23 ID:LfjWE7CD

>>452 Apparently the original word in "cute and" was "disponibile," which can also mean "approachable."

>>453 Interessante, but not surprising. The tumblr blogs were hyping that poll like crazy.

455 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-03 02:15 ID:LfjWE7CD

Bit o' snark from the Guardian when mentioning Early Man? "Our paleolithic power couple prepare to unite the tribe against an evil predator, Lord Nooth, voiced, perhaps inevitably, by Tom Hiddleston." Inevitably because it's a villain role? Inevitably because he's been consigned to comic-book/animated movies?

456 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-03 02:20 ID:B/xQlxFm

TWH fan for 6 months and naive to how celebrity-Ness works. After finding multiple blogs/threads I'm now enlightened and now kinda heartbroken, disappointed and disillusioned. He's human, a faulted human male. My head is spinning, what to believe, what's true, what's B.S. Drugs, alcohol, s&m, gay/bi/tri, horndog, liar, exhibitionist, pretender, moody asshole. I'd like to go back to what I first believed, charming, gentleman, kind, articulate, honest, clean, enigma. I do feel bad for what's happened to his career and hope the best for him.

457 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-03 05:20 ID:GzpEHais

>>451 Three days on the hop? Woohoo. I can only dream of such a romantic social life! We stayed in on NYE like two (three) hermits. 'Too damn cold' was our joint opinion.

>>449 He wasn't really bothered with the unwrapping or the toys but he's in love with the tree. He's still staring at the lights like a zombie on LSD. We're a little afraid of what will happen when we take it down. Mother dearest: Suck it up. It can't be Christmas all the time, kid.

>>450 Usually men who can't cook or run a household remarry quickly. My grandfather did. He had every meal at the local restaurant for three years before finding someone new. Did you at least try to give him some lesson? This is how you boil the egg. This is how you make bolognese!

458 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-03 05:25 ID:GzpEHais

>>453 Any comment from Yours Truly after she crowed about the public vote? Didn't think so. But what do those people at GQ know about style, certain fans will say.

>>455 Say what you will about our status as fans, the Guardian officially hates him so whatever they meant by 'inevitably,' it's bound to be a dig.

>>456 Welcome!! Consider the source, would be my advice in sorting fiction from non. In the great pic 'n mix of human behavior, he's probably many of those and none of the others.

459 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-04 02:49 ID:LfjWE7CD

>>450 If your FIL is willing to try cooking, I can recommend the "How to Cook Everything: The Basics" cookbook by Mark Bittman.

>>456 Welcome! I'm still a relatively new (since Aug. 2016) TH fan and I can relate to what you're experiencing. I also felt really confused/conflicted the more I read about him, but eventually I learned to ignore the way-out-there, extreme opinions and settle somewhere in the middle. And I also hope that his career comes out of the current apparent slump.

460 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-04 03:42 ID:B/xQlxFm

Hi all! Not sure how to drive this thread yet to tag responders. Thank you for the kind responses compared to other thread sites which were either vicious or oblivious. I prob should have called myself Clueless since TH is the only celeb I've ever dogged, so please bear with my questions.
Why is it such a big deal over who's dating who, admitting it, keeping it secret ( and I just heard of relationship contracts) wow.
Bigger celebs have been out n about with multiple partners and the world kept spinning....
Also, maybe T's boring wardrobe is cuz he's color blind and it just simplifies life lol

461 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-04 03:44 ID:B/xQlxFm

How do you make particular posts numbers highlight?

462 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-04 03:46 ID:B/xQlxFm

>>459 oops I guess I figured out posting. Thanks for the advice too on what to believe etc

463 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-04 03:47 ID:B/xQlxFm

>>458 thanks to you too!!

464 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-04 22:44 ID:B/xQlxFm

I wasn't a lurker here. As soon as I read the first page of threads I signed on cuz this is like my kind of Disney ride..up, down, fast slow but it doesn't kill you...does it make you puke!??!!!
I first met TH on CP. If my ex of 30 years ever looked at me like he looked at Edith in the toy room attic...we'd still be married and in bed..sigh. I'm 55 freaking yrs old, so a little embarrassed at crushing. I live in hell...I mean Phoenix. 4 months of 72 degrees then endless months of 120. My second meet was Istl which I liked..grew up on country music, and he did do a good job coming from a whole diff environment. Then I met Hal/ pretty...but had to use the closed caption to understand wth they were saying. Plus don't hear so good...what?
Then I did the Thors/aven...HR...OLLA...and endless interviews. And my fave TNM. Stop rewind repeat part 4. Waiting for Rag to come out on DVD. I don't like funny...happy to see since starting at 1st TH thread now on 5 that anon. And cp still posting. They make me laugh. Was on tumblr but sick of unicorns farting fairy dust from exploding ovaries but good pics. And I tried
Not a lot to ad as far as sightings but do have a sliver of humor. My niece and I do have a pact and a plot to kidnap Jensen for her, TH for me....if it pans out I might share. Happy New Year! (I was a vet tech 25 yrs if you have dog/cat/goat/horse???s)

465 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-04 22:48 ID:B/xQlxFm

Ps. Dirty secret.......I coughed out a few bucks for autographed Loki pic and a Liddlehiddle coriolanus one knows about the pic

466 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-05 01:05 ID:zSl8T0x0

Allegedly Tom pulled out of buying this 4 million pound country pile in Wiltshire, which he had viewed 3 times, and which is owned by comedian Michael McIntyre. Friends say that this was b/c the deal didn't include some of the furniture from the house. Do friends talk to the media? I hope not. Anyway, the DM mentions the TS fauxmance, the heart tank top, etc. They even put the word romance in quotes to question its validity. Ouch. Can't wait to see pics of Tom attending the Early Man premiere coming up.

467 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-05 01:11 ID:zSl8T0x0

>>466 The house in question is pretty lovely. Pool, tennis court, pond, small garden, garden house...

468 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-05 01:17 ID:zSl8T0x0

>>467 I meant greenhouse.

469 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-05 01:18 ID:zSl8T0x0

>>467 I meant greenhouse.

470 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-05 01:18 ID:LfjWE7CD

>>466 Scooped again - you're good! The DM also loves to run unflattering pics of Tom with their stories, don't they?

If anyone missed it, the UK premiere for EM is this Sun., the 14th, and the 3 principals are confirmed as attending.

471 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-05 01:24 ID:LfjWE7CD

>>460 I think the reasons that it's a big deal about who he dates vary. For some, he's their Internet boyfriend, and they get distressed when he's linked with anyone. For others, it's interesting only for the question of whether the relationship is real, fake for publicity, or some combination. And every reason in between.

472 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-05 01:39 ID:B/xQlxFm

>>471thanks for the info. Poor TH..another kick to the noogies.
No new BFI building and no house. He needs some happy stuff.
Another unmentionable site says he has some jobs in the works but couldn't say what of course til it was a done deal. I hope so.
So someone saw him yesterday? I wonder how he really looked. Beardy T is ok if it's groomed, but bushy hair/beard screams feral wild man that's losing hope (or just lost comb and razor....)

473 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-05 04:58 ID:zSl8T0x0

Brutal slam on TH by the Express! I was looking up information about dreamy Grantchester, Happy Valley, and War and Peace star James Norton, who incidentally is Tom's RADA alumni mentee. Reportedly James can't ever get Tom on the phone (Tom has been quite busy with Hamlet and trying to rejuvenate his career, though.) And the Express states that after watching James Norton in his new show, McMafia, James could be the next Bond, as long as he avoids wearing a "tiny, tight white I Heart TS vest! " Dear me. Tom is MIA, and the UK press just won let that crazy PR summer go.

474 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-05 06:05 ID:w870LLGI

Hmmm. In the same way I felt/still feel odd about the dog, I now feel unsure about the house. That is a large outlay, even if a mortgage is involved. But I'm thinking more about the upkeep. On that sort of home it would be massive. If he didn't have the inclination to employ/pay for his erstwhile lady maid, how is he going to feel about gardeners, pool people, driveway people, tennis court people, unless he's going to be mowing, cleaning, spreading gravel himself! That's a lot of money for a man who doesn't seem to be working much, and really didn't have any huge paydays with his other films. I'd guess Kong was his biggest pay check to date. What, $5m, $10m, maybe even $20m (that seems unlikely)? Then tax, agent fees, etc.

If I'm planning on working long hours on set, I'm not getting a dog. If I'm not going to be working, I'm not buying a house.

But I was wrong about the dog so I guess I could be wrong about this. My waters must be off. If he wanted it, the idea of settling down could be on his mind. That's a lot of room for a single man. Perfect for a harem though!!

475 Name: Anon : 2018-01-05 08:10 ID:A3rZwPke

Welcome Elvie! Enjoy the board.

>>466 Good spot Sosorry.
>>474 All of this. If it hadn’t been for the earlier story, that he was looking (which was a while ago, in another paper and thus not obviously a setup to make this sound truer) I would not have believed a word. This really isn’t an obvious choice for a single man, especially for one who is not really into interior design. Not is it the house for someone without a reasonably secure disposable income - though TH is someone who doesn’t care for his clothes, so maybe he isn’t focussed on issues like upkeep.

Two thoughts:

1) the only part that rings true is the desire to buy Macintyre’s furniture. I am sure that was only a pretext for the sale falling though, but the desire to buy it sounds like him.
2) this tells us that TH sees himself as part of the uber trendy Cotswolds set ( - which may say something about how he sees himself. One of what we called at college the “beautiful people” - moneyed, good looking, a bit druggy, thought they were dead gorgeous and led the herd. Hung around the pool table in the college bar talking to other beautiful people about how beautiful they were. I do recall he was spotted at a hip Cotswolds hotel about this time last year.

476 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-06 06:05 ID:5qdWEBEh

I wonder if he wants someone to think he's one of the beautiful, Cotswolds dwelling people with major bank. Someone of the female persuasion. 'Yes I fauxmanced, yes I wore that shirt...but look at my manshion!'

Maybe he's given up on acting and is now a dog sitter/waker who flips houses.

477 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-06 06:12 ID:5qdWEBEh

Now for another edition of Show or No.

Event: Golden Globes
Date: Sunday
Record: 1 win out of 1 nom
Cringe Rating: 8.5/10 (2017)

Show or No?

Also: Beard or No?

478 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-06 15:57 ID:B/xQlxFm

Betting no show. Beard and hair too big to get out of house. Caveman furs still on live bear and Thor is using Ts club in place of mumu. He's currently being groomed but it will take til Early Man premier to get thru the hair.

479 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-07 20:40 ID:LfjWE7CD

>>477 I’m hoping no show. No real reason for him to be there publicly, and too much risk of him saying something dopey with the focus on anti-harassment.

480 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-07 20:45 ID:6XUhSq3g

>>478>>477 Tom was seen running this morning on Hampstead Heath! So I guess he's a no show for the golden globe awards tonight. I vote that he maintains his goatee. His War Horse Press Interviews looked very nice.

481 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-07 21:02 ID:LfjWE7CD

The Telegraph, ostensibly discussing James Norton for Bond, spends a chunk of time dissing TH and how he blew his chance thanks to Tayto:

Bond may haunt his press coverage as much as TS will....

482 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-08 21:37 ID:zSl8T0x0

Apparently Tom got the Early Man french accent gig b/c Nick Park saw him do the impressions of DeNiro, etc. on the Graham Norton show in 2015. Okay...

483 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-09 01:16 ID:B/xQlxFm

I just finished all the Hiddleston threads. WOW. Some of you were are so spot on about some of the happenings. Made me shake my head a lot at TH. And I also laughed hard enough a few times to threaten undie change....old bladder easily startled by sudden laughter, coughing, sneezing, startlingly and 15 lb fat ass cats jumping on it.

So I guess he's to make an appearance on the 14th for EM premiere.

484 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-09 06:44 ID:zSl8T0x0

Sad that TH is no longer active on twitter since his phenomenal director in Crimson Peak, Guillermo Del Toro, won a Golden Globe Award for his new film The Shape of Water, last night! I only wish that CP had had a better script, and that it had been as fully realized as TSOW was. Fingers crossed that Tom magically has a new project to announce on the 14th at the Early Man premiere.

>>481 This article mentions that the Night Manager 2 plans have been a struggle. Hmm...I'm glad about that, I think. And since the Sun is now claiming that Tom's RADA mentee, actor James Norton is being touted as the next Bond, I will assume that Norton's PR is driving this Bond BS, much like Tom's PR did last year, and other newspapers use it for clicks. Anyone who wants to be the next Bond please learn to chill out, and shut up!

485 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-09 22:55 ID:zSl8T0x0

An article exploring why ALL of the Marvel leading players, including Tom, can't open a movie at the box office in their efforts outside of Marvel. And it trashes all of their movies outside of Marvel! The said that not even Hiddleston could save Kong: Skull Island from King Kong tropes, and that although he never delivers an uninteresting performance of on camera, that what Tom is best at is Loki. I disagree. Most of the movies they criticized had terrible scripts! And a couple of the actors like Chris Evans, Evangeline Lilly and, and Chris Pratt are just not verstile actos who are capable of multi-layered performances.

486 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-09 23:12 ID:zSl8T0x0

Oh no! 95 year old Stan Lee, former president and CEO of Marvel and co-creator of Iron Man, Spiderman, and X-men, has been accused of groping his nurses, harassing them, and requesting oral sex in the shower. My dear. His pic w Tom is below.

487 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-10 02:04 ID:LfjWE7CD

>>485 I think that article is all over the place. For example, it gives some examples of non-MCU movies in which Hemsworth did well, then picks one in which he didn't. Another: their argument barely stands up with, say, Jeremy Renner, who generally has an excellent track record away from Marvel.

And while KSI had its many, many problems, Tom could hardly have saved it given his whittled-down role in the end.

It would have been a better, more interesting argument to discuss whether or not the actors' Marvel-movie fans will follow them over to any non-comic book movie, good or bad. Or if there's something about being an MCU actor that causes them to pick bad projects outside Marvel.

488 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-10 02:27 ID:zSl8T0x0

>>487 I agree. And, I think that the industry and the public's obsession w franchises doesn't allow audiences to become but so loyal to an actor's career choices. Leo D and Denzel W are the only sure things at the box office. And even Denzel just faltered. Plus movies have become very expensive.

And apparently the BBC really really seems to be trying to keep up interest in The Night Manager 2, expected maybe in 2019?! And what Cosmoplitan magazine knows about a sequel, is nothing! No plot, no cast guarantees, just a writer who is on staff to write it. Ha ha!

489 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-10 02:49 ID:LfjWE7CD

>>488 We'd likely do better in predicting TNM2 by throwing darts randomly at a multi-year calendar!

490 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-10 05:13 ID:mm1nlOp8

>>484 Rather than announce a new project I'm afraid he's going to be wearing a sandwich board reading: Will Act for Money.

It may be that these sites that are saying he's working on confirming new projects have some insider info but I doubt it. More likely wishful thinking on their part or a gamble on the obvious answer. I mean at this point he must have something in the works, right?

491 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-10 05:19 ID:mm1nlOp8

>>481 Remember how it was just we monsterous toxics who were harping on about Tayto? Everyone else had put it behind them and moved on.

492 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-10 16:01 ID:B/xQlxFm

Wasn't he possibly involved in Lockards Silent Night?

493 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-10 16:06 ID:B/xQlxFm

Oops, Luckard..James Luckard.

494 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-10 18:32 ID:+paBlYiz

>>490 Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then. (Meaning the sites, not TH.)

>>492 possibly, but that was just a tweet and nothing since.

495 Name: Anon : 2018-01-10 21:18 ID:A3rZwPke

>>494 Have I missed something? are there sites out there saying he is working on confirming new projects?!

496 Name: Anon : 2018-01-10 21:48 ID:A3rZwPke

After the GG no show, I have been wondering what is actually going on with The Drought. There were some there who had not been nominated and were not associated with nominated projects. I find it hard to believe as last year’s winner that he could not score an invite if he wanted one. So what is going on?

Is he just taking a voluntary self-imposed break after several years working back to back? I find this hard to believe. Everything I have seen of TH suggests to me that he is fiercely ambitious and loves the limelight.

Has he become such box office poison that there are no projects? Again, I find this slightly hard to believe. He got good reviews on Hamlet, and behaved himself pretty well on the TR press junkets. So many actors (not necessarily superstars) have been forgiven much more heinous behaviour - drugs, sexual harassment, tantrums etc. I can’t believe he is the only one not getting a pass, even if he was too fat and too tan on the TR set (as indicated by Anonon).

Is he just too picky about what’s on offer? Wants another tentpole and is rejecting reasonable smaller projects?

Has he been advised/ordered by his management to calm it down for a year or 18 months while memories fade, perhaps including making no project announcements even if he has them. Does this mean he has sacked his West Coast publicity team - seems likely as I find it hard to believe that they would espouse the “less is more” approach.

Has he had some kind of nervous breakdown in the early part of 2017, out of which he only really emerged at the time of the Hamlet project? I have to say, I look at the (lack of) personal grooming and the clothes and compare with how he obviously loved looking good during the ISTL junket (and before at events like ComicCon when he wore his own choices) and I do wonder about this. What would you say to a friend who has not cut his hair or shaved in 2 months and wears the same clothes every day.

497 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-11 01:24 ID:B/xQlxFm

Is he maybe involving himself in the rehab of the BFI house since the bid for the new one fell through?
Geez, I just feel bad for the guy.

498 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-11 02:48 ID:LfjWE7CD

>>494 The impression I get from Tumblr is that MMP on LSA is dropping hints to that effect. (I don't follow LSA anymore; the tone got to me.)

>>496 For the GG, I noticed that a lot of the non-nom'd/
unassociated presenters had soon-to-be released projects - for example, Hemsworth was introduced with a reference to the upcoming Horse Soldiers. Tom's role in EM wouldn't merit much of a mention, so maybe no invite (or push from his PR team to get him one).

Re The Drought: I agree it's unlikely that this is a voluntary break. Especially because it's hard for actors to get back into the game (get cast) if they're away from it for too long. (And for that reason I doubt his management is keeping him quiet for this long - even if they wanted him a bit off the radar, there still should be a small steady drip to keep him visible. But there weren't even any interviews for RadHam, except one in an Italian fashion mag.)

I also think it's hard to believe he wouldn't be getting any offers at this point. I'm leaning towards the offers just aren't what he wants/what his team is telling him to hold out for. Just a guess, but I suspect the offers are for indie/non-tentpole ensemble parts, when he wants either another big franchise or a plum indie lead (his Imitation Game). Good luck with that - there's just too much good competition in his age range/type.

Don't know about a nervous breakdown; I don't see Branagh entrusting the RADA fundraising kickoff to someone who was just coming out of one. Depression, on the other hand.... would at least explain the recent IDGAF approach to his appearance. And/or he's doing some deep navel-gazing trying to figure out what he really wants out of his life at this point.

Mildly interesting that after the early spate of puppy sightings reported, there's been nothing on that front recently.

499 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-11 04:07 ID:DAxiZXkP

>>495 I thought Elvie had mentioned these up thread.

The post-Tayto drought is unique. Even his previous drought was because projects fell through, I think (it was before I entered the fandom). Still he was able to secure others. This one seems to stem from a complete lack of non-Marvel projects. I fear that, after several years of being the lead in his recent non-Marvel roles, he may think smaller, ensemble parts are beneath him. (I can't help but wonder if he only took the Early Man role because Redmayne's in it. If ER signed on, then it wasn't beneath TH to do it.) Turning things down is of course his right but it's going to drastically cut down on the roles he'll have on offer.

His 'brand' took a hit in 2016/early 2017. That would have been enough to send a slightly narcissistic and greatly ambitious man into a tailspin. I don't think he's had anything close to an actual breakdown; he was fine (if subdued) during Kong promo and was compos mentis enough to agree to the Rada play and prepare for it.

I don't think the American team and TH have parted ways for one reason: Yours Truly. She appeared when the American team came on the scene. If her services are part of his PR package, okay that's a perk. If he's paying for her services as an individual, all is lost!

500 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-11 04:15 ID:DAxiZXkP

I know I said the dog wasn't a rent-a-dog for a pup stroll but...reaching for anonsy's discarded tinfoil hat....

501 Name: Couch Potato : 2018-01-12 08:47 ID:N/M+DxEM

Have a good trip.
And Earn $1,000 together.

502 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-12 15:43 ID:B/xQlxFm

Shall we keep an eye on James Franco's career now? He was only accused of being a perv so that's not as bad as dating a girl and being misunderstood in a speech.

503 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-12 15:44 ID:B/xQlxFm

Gotta mop my floor...sarcasm dripped everywhere

504 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-12 16:12 ID:B/xQlxFm

There's a photo of him from today with Maisie promoting EM. He's alive and looks good. Don't know how to apply pics to post.

505 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-12 16:26 ID:B/xQlxFm

URLfile:///storage/emulated/0/Download/tumblr_p2g98nAj9L1u5j9sco1_540.jpg hope this is it.

506 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-12 16:32 ID:zSl8T0x0

>>504 Pics of TH and MW promoting EM! Tom's beard is long, and his hair is as well. He looks well rested.

507 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-12 16:34 ID:zSl8T0x0

508 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-12 16:39 ID:B/xQlxFm

>>506 so sorry...thx..xoxo

509 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-12 16:41 ID:B/xQlxFm

Same TH...same shirt...good that some things don't change...uh..literally.

510 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-12 17:12 ID:epn2qk+C

>>502 This is an over-simplification of those two situations that I can't let go without comment, even though you are being sarcastic. If these were accurate summations of Tayto and his GG speech, then our criticism of him wouldn't have been warranted, and we would indeed be the toxics were are often accused of being.

While I most certainly don't speak for all, for most on this board (please correct me if I'm wrong) the problem with both EO and Tayto was the hypocrisy. We'd been told: his private life was just that - private, relationships were sacred, family was the most important part of his life, yet those two relationships (one probably real or the other most certainly not) were used for PR purposes, his family was used for PR purposes. Then he had the temerity to suggest that the public nature of Tayto was due to people with cameraphones. We're all prone to hypocrisy but TH hit it out of the park in these instances.

The GG speech wasn't misunderstood; it was miscalculated. There's a difference. Remember that TH's agents had just recently formed a partnership with Unicef or a charity agency of some sort (I can't remember). That speech was a lite tie-in in which he spoke about himself and the popularity of his tv show more than he spoke about the actual work aid agencies are doing. It wasn't a white savior speech, but it was virtue signalling of the worst sort.

No, he's not assaulted or harassed anyone. No, he's not killed anyone: the arguments that nannies make as excuses for his behavior. But that doesn't mean he hasn't been a lying, attention-seeking shit that's due criticism when earned.

511 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-12 17:15 ID:epn2qk+C

>>505, 506 Thanks for these. He looks good, and no sandwich board asking for work!

>>509 He can't afford new clothes or to wash more than one outfit. He has to buy a house and furniture, and pay for the tennis court to be resurfaced!

Captcha: robe. As in, we're lucky TH didn't show up in his bathrobe.

512 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-12 18:23 ID:+paBlYiz

>>504 Not sure of the original source, but the pix are on twitter here: /bestofmaisie/status/951842353995755520

Still bearded, be-curled, and in his blue sweater. I wonder if that sweater is like Linus’s blanket for him.

513 Name: Anon : 2018-01-12 18:56 ID:A3rZwPke

>>507 >>511 He looks well, but I still hate that beard. He looks like Robert Redford in Jeremiah Johnson (ie like he has lived in a log cabin in the West and not spoken to anyone for about 2 years) (though, wait a minute....).

>>510 Word. It’s the lying we found so hurtful. All joking aside, you don’t get to say ad infinitum how private and authentic you are and also exploit your fake or real relationship for publicity, AND hope to escape criticism.

514 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-12 20:16 ID:B/xQlxFm

>>510 Hi..didn't mean to ruffle feathers as my point was that I think it will be interesting to watch how one is treated vs the other with I think Franco's indiscretions and then going to the GG dressed in black to support against harassment is a hypocrisy too. So basically which hypocrisy will be considered/treated the worst. And for me, I wasn't insulted by the speech which I watched months later, I cringed some but saw where he was going with it too. I also tend to lean towards finding something positive in any situation, give the benefit of the doubt. That's just me with anything :) Sorry, don't want to get on anyone's bad side with my opinion :)

515 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-12 20:29 ID:B/xQlxFm

Just a p.s. new to the fandom so didn't see things as they happened and even tho I've been reading blogs and threads remembering timelines etc are hard for me so I'm probably going to get things bassackwards. Just trying to contribute.

516 Name: Anon : 2018-01-12 21:04 ID:A3rZwPke

>>514 Elvie, you haven’t got on anyone’s bad side. We express robust opinions here and we don’t always agree with one another. Also some are less critical of certain behaviour and some are more so. For example I think on the GG speech I was more of the “clunky but well meant” side (hard to remember now). Others were more critical. It’s a broad church. The only things we don’t tolerate are ad hominem attacks and a refusal to accept that others are entitled to a different opinion.

517 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-12 21:20 ID:iELJMIjS

>>513 'Like' being the key word. TH is a very good looking man. But Robert Redford in makes you realize the existence of God. So handsome, so American!

>>514 You didn't. This is what we do here. Nothing against you personally, just the over-simplification of the reasons for why TH was and is criticised, and may be struggling to find good projects. Please don't be afraid to express an opinion in the future! Somethings we agree on, others, not so much.

Franco, of course, is a hypocrite. I'd say 70% of the men and women in that GG audience were. That's Hollywood. Many in that room have worked with, ignored the truth about, or outright supported people like Weinstein, Polanski and Allen. Most have probably misused they power in similar ways.

I'd bet the established, box office-friendly talent will be forgiven. Franco is a movie star, and also a director and producer. He's got power and draw, which means he'll be redeemed. TH isn't established and wears one hat, which equates to little power/control. It's not right that this is the case, but Hollywood is a big ball of not right.

518 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-12 22:06 ID:B/xQlxFm

>>513 Thanks Anon and I agree
>>510 I should have just said TH and his shite :)

519 Name: Couch Potato : 2018-01-13 11:07 ID:vZS+CCWJ

Have a good trip.
And Earn $1,000 together.

520 Name: Unknown : 2018-01-13 14:37 ID:GgM5jWxd

>>510 Thank you Anon. for putting it in a really concise way.

While i don't think TS is a victim I feel that the majority of sites tend to vilify her a bit too much compared to TH when it came to HS. TH is just as guilty in lying and being an attention whore as TS, but at least we expect TS to do what she does which is whore out her famous BFs'. While I think TH has always been an attention whore starting from his instant popularity in the first Avengers film, he just didn't have an accomplice who was A-list to show off his smugness and daresay even snobbery. It showed a really ugly side to him which turned a lot of people off fans and non-fans alike.

I just don't like the misogyny his fans throw at TS when it comes to HS when TH is just as guilty in playing the public for his own gain and thinking himself as more important then he actually is coughgoldenglobescough I think he should've gotten more criticism about his Golden Globes speech. I'm always suspicious of celebrities doing humanitarian work but he just showed how self-important he thinks he is with that speech of his that any humanitarian effort from that point on is going to be looked at with suspicion.

That GQ interview was a load of bullcrap and I doubt he was in love with TS as he claimed he was. He was trying to play with his old brand again; the romantic, gentleman english man of Tumblr dreams whose heart was broken by a pop star. It is obvious now he is trying to distance himself from that old persona because HS let it be known how attention seeking and insincere he is.

521 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-14 03:14 ID:zSl8T0x0

New pic of Tom and Maisie at the EM promo.

522 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-14 15:03 ID:LfjWE7CD

Pix and vid of Tom at the Early Man premiere today on torilla:

Basically the same look as his T:R one, but with a plain blue suit. Luke is with him.

523 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-14 15:13 ID:LfjWE7CD

The Dragon Book of Verse for which Tom recently recorded is available for purchase (UK only). Two Shakespeare soliloquies (click the blue thumbnail to see the list):

524 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-14 15:31 ID:B/xQlxFm

He looks good. A little thin? Not too many wide, toothy, laughing smiles in the pics.

525 Name: Elvie : 2018-01-14 15:46 ID:B/xQlxFm

Ahaa! I got it! One time he referred to his semi bearded self as looking like a Scottish farmer, so he must be doing a film about a Scottish farmer!?!? ;)

526 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-14 20:01 ID:zSl8T0x0

Dear me. The DM has done an article on the EM premiere and Tom, and 3/4 of the article is about the fauxmance w Swift. Since they call her songs catchy, I bet the TS PR team had a had in it. They analyze the Getaway Car song lyric, post the Rhode Island pics, mention the heart vest, it has the LA airport pics of both of them, and the Met dancing pics, etc. Such a bore. Sadly Tom made a terrible choice in co-creating that famewhore summer. TS doesn't have a career w/o referencing fictional drama and petit feuds, since her songs from this album aren't even being streamed on spotify anymore. And no one cares about the last video.

527 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-14 20:56 ID:zSl8T0x0

>>526 Or maybe the DM is pissed that Tom didn't talk to the reporters, so they constructed a TS article as a rebuke? Apparently he chatted w the children for a long time though, when Eddie Redmayne and Maisie Williams didn't, for some reason. Tom looks a little fuller in the face, IMO. He was manorexically lean for ISTL. Plus, he likes to keep himself so lean from power running, which can make anyone over thirty look haggard in the face. So I think this is better.

528 Name: HandsSolo : 2018-01-15 01:07 ID:IOuqF9bz

Stop clogging up 4-ch with these dumb threads on a second rate character actor. I get your bored but why not go buy yourself a dildo and fuck yourselves to death with it. If you'e lucky, your cats will eat you so your families won't have to pay to bury you.

529 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-15 14:36 ID:7VyO5+Gk

>>525 Maybe he's going to become a Scottish farmer, hence the search for a manor house.

>>526 Well 'Actor has long hair and beard' can't fill up an article. As he's got nothing else to offer them except his supposed real estate dealings, they're going to fall back to familiar ground. The DM had a lot of Tayto's 'photo exclusives' including the mum stroll, and the most obvious example of them calling the paps: the paps on the runway and up the motorway. I wonder if whoever wrote this article knows from those exclusives that it was all as phoney as a $3 bill and put the GQ bit in there as a wink and a dig.

I like longer hair on a man but he's nearly in mullet territory. After mullet comes...manbun or manytail. And we thought Tayto was bad.

530 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-15 16:06 ID:7VyO5+Gk

>>522 The less than enthusiastic smiles may be due to the fact that his dates (that we know of) were Luke and...drumroll...his mummy. Wonder what she thinks of the state of his follicles!

Is the general fandom still blaming Luke for Tayto and calling for his head?

531 Name: Couch Potato : 2018-01-15 16:22 ID:vZS+CCWJ

Have a good trip.
And Earn $1,000,000 together.

532 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-15 17:59 ID:zSl8T0x0

EM reviews. The movie seems to be getting very good reviews, as a kidde-era Brexit allegory. They say that Tom's french accent is rather broad. But Tom seems to be referencing the comedic 'Allo 'Allo! BBC series set in WWII era northern France, so its meant to be a farce.

More EM premiere pics. Apparently Mama Hiddleston was his date. TH also seems to have brand new and darker couloured new eye glasses. Maybe purchasing a pair of designer eye glasses for intensive personal reading and taking hottie-professor fan pics is the only splurge he can justify for himself, since there seem to be no new project announcements?

533 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-15 18:27 ID:vsFoFSho

>>526, >>527, >>529 The DM read as if they didn’t even have a reporter at the event, just a photog. They could at least have mentioned that he spent time with the fans, especially the children.

The times he’s smiling in these pix are when he’s with the kids, a couple with ER and Masie, and one where Luke is saying something in his ear. So he’s still capable of smiling; he’s just lost that hyper level of glee he used to have.

534 Name: Anon : 2018-01-15 19:06 ID:A3rZwPke

>>532 No pap stroll with Mama, I see! Back to the previous approach of keeping family out of the limelight. Who could possibly have thought that her starring role in Tayto was was anything but coincidence.....

535 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-15 19:27 ID:7VyO5+Gk

A kiddo-era Brexit allegory? Jesus wept. Is that the Guardian? Has to be the Guardian. Everything is about Brexit to the Guardian.

>>532 She was. If you search on twitter, one of the most popular tweets is a video of a kid who attended the premiere. He interviews TH at the afterparty and momma is alongside yucking it up. I nearly wet myself as she didn't do her hair for the premiere but did do it for Tayto. Hmmmmm.

536 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-15 19:30 ID:7VyO5+Gk

PS Good to see ER got time off from his job as a Paddington Bear clothing line model to attend. 'Styled by yours truly, P. Bear.'

537 Name: Anon : 2018-01-15 21:14 ID:A3rZwPke

>>535 I saw that - I didn’t see him posing with her on the red (green!) carpet for the press though.

538 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-15 21:47 ID:zSl8T0x0

Cute video of Tom, as he does vocal exercising/beat boxes with MW for EM Press.

539 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-16 00:25 ID:LfjWE7CD

Celebitchy getting in its two cents about Tom’s look for the premiere (half funny, half snarky, but I do like the term “hiatus beard”):

540 Name: SorryNotSorry : 2018-01-16 00:46 ID:t3X+JNDw

Smells like ancient dry brittle and unused pussy in here.

541 Name: UnicornTears : 2018-01-16 00:52 ID:jIm5kaSk

Smells like leaking depends to me

542 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-16 01:59 ID:zSl8T0x0

>>539 Celebitchy thinks that Tom looks like Maisie and Eddie's father? Ouch! And they were contemporaries at Eton, and Eddie is about to become a father for a second time? Dear me. I'm glad that Tom isn't as vain as some guys in Hollywood, b/c that kind of comment would drive some pretty boys straight to a dermatologist to get some major chemical peeling and laser resurfacing done to the old puss!

543 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-16 02:05 ID:7VyO5+Gk

>>537 Well some things are sacred. Also she might have refused to be photographed with him until he shaves and gets a haircut.

Here's an ONTD article on the premiere. Following on from the OP's question, it quickly devolved into a summer o' fuckery rehash. Amongst my favs were posts ridiculing the Nashville restaurant photos and one which called Tayto a 'dumpster fire.'

I think this will be his lot for a good while longer. Even when the new project is announced, Tayto will rear its ugly head in the background. Ah well, this too shall pass, eventually.

544 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-16 02:42 ID:LfjWE7CD

>>542 I think the father remark was as much about their different outfit choices as anything else; compared to his co-stars, he almost looked overdressed. And he’s so much taller than Masie,

545 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-16 03:19 ID:LfjWE7CD

>>543 I loved the quote of “This whole debacle is like someone bringing a small flightless bird to a gun fight”!

Also the early comment re: sending every man in the U.K. a tub of moisturizer....

546 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-16 04:49 ID:zSl8T0x0

The video of Tom's mom at the EM premiere is below, and mummy Diana appears at minute 3:06. And, Tom's premiere style made the GQ's best dressed list of the week at #7.

547 Name: Heynon : 2018-01-17 00:51 ID:LfjWE7CD

Short EM interview w/ Tom: twitter;com/TomTheNextLevel/status/952920765606907909/photo/1

Note the line about “not an exhibition of my work but of theirs.” An example of the new Modest Tom?

548 Name: Sosorry : 2018-01-17 19:12 ID:zSl8T0x0

Tom's 5 minute video interview for Early Man with Theupcoming. It seems as if he is just as committed to promoting this film in an artiulate way, as he is to his other films. His reluctance to talk to reporters probably stems from the fact tht he doesn't have a new project to announce, and he doesn't want to come off as such a a shamless self-promotionist after the GG speech situation and Tayto. FYI, the James Ivory Richard II project is in pre-production as of August 2017. His recent success as the screenwriter of this year's Call Me By Your Name, should give Ivory some heat to get Richard II made.

549 Name: Anon. : 2018-01-17 22:40 ID:jvHfjB/7

>>545 This was my favorite tweet from when KK released the tapes of TS being a lying liar. I missed the early weeks of Tayto because of real life, so Receipt Gate is my Tayto jam. What a surreal night. With everything that had happened, no one thought it would get more ridiculous and then KK made the internet explode!

>>548 I swear that movie has been in pre-production for that past five years.

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