ITT you have worn armor, a rusty dagger, and amnesia (457)

271 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7760 09:36

Develop a tsundere crush on the second straw mat. Stand up and say, "I wasn't laying on you because I l-l-like you or anything, b-b-baka!" Blush a deep crimson red. Add the second straw mat (hereafter known as Koza-chan) to inventory in the hopes of developing some love triangular antics.

Quickly changing character by channeling our inner clown, press our nose against the cell and squawk in a high-pitched voice to the manbearsuit, "Woo hoo hoo, kiddo, are you ready to have FUN?" Bare fangs.

Equip sombrero.

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