[VIOLENCE] ITT we decide who would win the fight set up by the poster above us (539)

380 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10899 02:04

I knew nothing about Joe Rogan until now, so I did a bit of research. I learned:

  1. Rogan gets angry more easily when he's drunk.
  2. Rogan gets angry when his personal beliefs are challenged.
  3. Rogan gets angry about extreme statements.
  4. One of his worst arguments was a debate about marijuana with Steven Crowder.

First I would keep the conversation friendly, and wait until he had a few beers. Then I would start bringing up the fact that marijuana is harmful, and it's such a shame that Joe Rogan likes weed because he could be so much better without it. I would start with "scientific evidence" slowly move into more combative and extreme statements like "only chumps consume marijuana."

When he brings in the Netflix crew, in a major twist I would reveal that I actually love weed and have brought enough to share with everyone. Then I would placate Joe and the crew with copious amounts of Mary J.

A battle royale with every version of Link from every Zelda game

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