Demanding from the next poster (895)

190 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6597 20:40

It horrifies me, yet is completely unsurprising. The sheer fact that almost nobody seemed to care about applying lethal shocks to other people based on nothing but a stupid experiment is just plain bad. It really upset me when I first learned about the experiment.
I do have to wonder whether the people who walked out simply realized the nature of the experiment and decided to quit without checking up on the subject; I want to hope that they really did it on the basis of "I know it's not real" rather than "screw people".
Then again, I can barely bring myself to kill a mosquito on the virtue of any life being good life (even if it hurts or dare I say, kills me), so that might influence my thought on the subject.

Going on a similar, interesting, theme, I demand to know your feelings about the Stanford prison experiment.

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