I only took it because I love you, >>312-san.
Write a poem and post it!
It's a song I wrote, but it started as a poem:
Never not a blank thought, because it terrifies
C'est la vie, share the feeling, asking If I'm blind
Just because se cannae see the freshly-tarmacced roads
(A hint for question 23: "I love you loads")
The only way to think straight
Is to go around the side
Don't say you lived
When you've only just survived
We're alive for more than just to procreate
So I said "Okay, I know" but then my glider stalled
So I turned and ran back up my waterfall
The only way to think straight
Is to go around the side
Don't say you lived
When you've only just survived
[ring modulated bass solo]
The only way to think straight
Is to go around the side
Don't say you lived
When you've only just survived
I demand you write your post without looking at the screen or keyboard, except for the captcha. If this is too easy, cross your hands too.
>>315 maybe cos it's datk but you have better teeth than i expecrted from a fokyuin
??317 was 69b ass, wash yohair, veyag ti twwth (o wkkwaw you'll be gtjy)
(aww, off to a good start but i lost my positioning on the keyboard for the demand)
I vowed to fulfill your demand if nobody had posted after I got home from work, so here you go!
The internet's not a place to be serious
Let's chill, you know, just be mysterious
Copy and paste, that's how I roll
I don't really care if it gets outta control
You posers be thinking while I be feelin
Rappin' up and down from the floor to the ceilin'
You say "VIP" but I'm a DQN
Born on a farm and raised by a hen
Motherfuckers wait all night for quality
I don't wait, I make it, who cares, let's be free
If you care too much you'll be sad and bored
If you just let it go freedom's your reward
Posers be thinking while I be feelin
Rappin' up and down from the floor to the ceilin'
You say "VIP" but I'm DQN
Born on a farm and raised by a hen
Remix it!
>>320 Golly gosh, that was life-affirming! Whether or not anyone posts after this I'm going to remix it anyway, but I have a job interview now. Or anyone else can remix it too, I'm going to do a weird ambient remix
Please comment.
>>327 I just graduated at university and am now on the dole, though I have started up a record label with a friend and the future is quite exciting. On one hand i don't like taking handouts, and I was a bit disappointed my job interview yesterday didn't go well, but on the other hand i like having time to work on my folio and other projects
>>329 post a download link to your, if push comes to shove, alltime favourite album
Listen to the whole album once and review it.
This is an album which, unlike your typical IDM album, conveys some warm feelings besides chaotic and other colder feelings. While it gives you a sense of hope and reminds your emotional self that everything can and will be alright, it also tells you that nothing's easy. This is a feeling which reminisces of World's End Girlfriend.
Its Celtic and dreamy feel isn't overshadowed by its more chaotic sense of emergency, there's a balance here, between what's good and what's complicated in life. It's an album surely many can relate to, as it tells a tale of ups and downs, of dreams and hopes, of living life to it's fullest.
It gives off that intense feeling that you are, one day, going to die, and that you need to make the most out of your life. That you shouldn't waste away your life with idle thoughts, but you should however, have fun in your life. It's important that you do something, that you struggle for everything you want. This is indeed the sense of emergency it conveys.
Vaedre is, in my personal opinion, the best sounding thing in the album, it's a bit like the artist decided to take everything he wanted to put in the album, and decided to make one final push towards showing his true message. And then along comes Sea Angel Lament, with sadder, tiresome feelings creeping through. It's the end of the journey.
All in all, this album could mean nothing to most, and it surely will, but anyone, when given the appropriate time and peace of mind could find everything they want to hear in it. Just like in every other album ever made.
I command thee to be my friend. My MSN is rupertmariejohanson(at)hotmail(dot)com, if you don't have MSN just e-mail me and let's talk via e-mail.
>>330 I sent you a wee message :3
>>332 record a little message for us using http://audioboo.fm/
Make this GET a good one! Other than that, feel free to do whatever.
>>333 well actually I was going to say, before I saw your demand (as I had to click view whole post) that when >>332's recording stopped, I sat for a few minutes in quiet contemplation of what I had just heard, and went on quite a deep mental journey thinking about lots of things, the song seemed to inspire lots of memories within me, and also made me think about the future. Funnily enough I did think about my hands for a bit; I have a date tomorrow with the girl I'm quite certain I shall marry, and she has a thing about my hands, and I was thinking about the time we've spent staring at our interlocked hands. Woah, like, contemplating my hands deep within a meditation on a higher level or something.
Hope you don't mind >>332 if i post this direct link so i can download your recording. http://audioboo.fm/boos/538737-332.mp3 I like you voice. It makes me feel cosy and safe.
>>334 Come find yourself.
>>336 I demand that you add me on MSN! Pidgin is sometimes weird, so if I don't accept, send me an email ~
I'm going to assume you were talking to me. My favourite mathematical theorem is our dear friend the quadratic formula. I knew it off by heart within a week of being taught it, and frightened small children by repeating it in monotone and telling them that was the sort of thing you had to memorise in maths.
I demand that you do not in any way mention, hint at or allude to the fact that >>333 says "300" instead of "333".
Jealous mother takes a life
A life she once held dear
Hides the books of memory
Without a single tear
But when she sees the old piano
It all comes flowing back
Cakes and kids and memory drops
Can't stop guilt and regret
Find the episode/show this is from. Hint: the poem can be used as lyrics for the episode's theme music.
Sorry, after I posted I realized my demand was a bit silly and regretted it. If you search youtube for Clonico it might be the second result or so?
Anyway, two semi-amusing anecdotes to make up for how neither is that amusing:
I was at an event with a friend when A reporter came up and interviewed us. I didn't speak much and let my friend answer all the questions. When the paper came out, it quoted me as saying everything my friend had said, and didn't mention him at all.
I asked a group of middle schoolers to choose what they would take to survive on a deserted island from a collection of things. 20% of them chose a dog -- to use as food. Three of them chose the gun -- to kill themselves.
Tell me an average anecdote!
>>349 i was on one of those camgirl sites the other night, you know where they go on webcam to shake their jiggly bits and i've mucked about a few times the past few days but this time i went in and there was a woman slapping her bum-bum and other guys saying things like "mmm bb u so fine" and "take it off" and she seemed to be enjoying the attention, then I said "I'M GONNA FEED MY CHILDREN NON-ORGANIC FOOD, AND WITH THE MONEY SAVED TAKE THEM TO THE ZOO" and she stopped gyrating, closed her legs, sat up with a confused look on her face and scratched her head a bit, and all the conversation died. Then she lay down again and gradually got back into the swing of things, so i left because i just wasn't interested any more.
>>351 post the nicest thing anyone's ever said to
I can't actually think of anything other than a pretty standard "you are fucking retarded and should stop posting until you understand the community better because you're making all of us look like dicks" aimed at me and some other guys on another board. Day 1 registrant elitists are good at throwing that kind of drama out after some years, I've found.
IRL, I was always that quiet guy sitting in the back. I didn't really get any comments at all. Nobody liked me, but nobody hated me enough to call me names either. I've changed a bit since then but the people I've done stuff with since then were too mature for namecalling. Probably for the better.
Post the meanest thing you've ever said to someone, and reflect on if it was truly appropriate or just a heat of the moment thing.
Oh, god. There were so many brutal comments exchanged between my first ex and I (we were 14 and 16, respectively) I can't even begin to enumerate them. Putting two vindictive, bi-polar, narcissistic, intelligent cynics together is the worst idea ever. Maybe the meanest thing I'd said was when I went off about how she should, in all honestly, just kill herself and save me all her problems. Or something as simple as, a few years later, giving a calm dissertation on why I hate her, the way she thinks, the people she knows and the life she leads.
None of it was appropriate. I could definitely have afforded to be a better friend after we'd broken up and she'd moved away. But I was just tired of being someone she constantly depended on to cry about situations she got herself into, soon thereafter hounding me for not knowing what the fuck I could say that she wouldn't immediately disregard.
Tell us your opinion of yourself.
A cursory check reveals that it seems to be up right now. Unless by "up" you mean "up in quality", which I doubt will ever happen.
Post your five oldest bookmarks.
(I don't know about other browsers but firefox can sort bookmarks by date added; it's a little harder if you have lots of folders, but you can just spend a couple minutes copying everything into one temporary folder and then sort it.)
I'm on safari so just doing it by memory
I woke up 2 hours ago at 3pm, and i've been talking to a hot babe online since I got up. I also went for a jobby and read my Sgt. Frog book while i was there. I might go play some infamous and i might go buy doughnuts too.
>>360 buy yourself a big cake and eat it all
I couldn't find a cake so I bought a big castella and ate it all instead. It was castella quality!
Post with a prime number of words.
I contributed a couple tracks!
But you've probably already seen that so I'll show you something else I'm proud of.
Spend an hour reading through a random friend's social network history, preferably somebody you don't really know, then post a one-paragraph summary of that person's life here. If you're not into social networking then spend an hour going through some random person's livejournal.
This person is currently not in relationships (apparently he dreams about the day when he finally finds a woman of easy virtue with well-developed secondary sex characteristics). He has a new car which was a gift from his parents (he boasts about it, yet he complains about lack of funds). He visits nightclubs often (he likes RnB and dubstep). Either he has low salary or he is "between jobs".
Make a video of you playing Touhou.
I was going to play KOLM II but it told me to play KOLM I first so I played Freeway Fury 2 instead.
A brief opening comic-style cinematic explains the protagonist's motivation. An impatient athletic commuter stuck in traffic is overtaken by Fury. He punches his way out of his car and begins leaping from vehicle to vehicle -- to escape what turns out to be surprisingly light traffic. The moment our road-raging anti-hero crashes through a windshield, rather than swerve out of control and crash, the vehicle actually continues in a straight line, and even begins to speed up. Some sort of mysterious power awards him with "nitro" for these violent invasions of private property.
Not only can this madman leap ridiculously long distances and instantly take control of any vehicle, he is also gifted with control over time itself. Truly this man's fury has gone beyond any mortal road rage, and entered the realm of the occult. He has clearly traded his life for the unholy ability to slow time. And so he proceeds, remorselessly smashing and leaping, destroying all cars in his path. The bloodshed only feeds his strength.
But at the end of it all, when the hero has crossed the finish line and arrived at his terminus, perhaps he will begin to reflect. As his demonic road-rage subsides, he will slowly being to realize the consequences of his actions. When he closes his eyes he will see broken skulls, lifeless eyes, motherless children, childless mothers. Was the havoc he wreaked worth the few precious minutes he spared? All those lives lost, families destroyed, commuters inconvenienced? But it is too late for repentance. His soul is forever lost. He is beyond forgiveness, doomed to a Sisyphean life of ceaseless freeway destruction.
Apparently some sort of boss appears after completing all possible routes, but I quit after completing the main route. I can only assume that the "boss" is the protagonist forced to confront his inner demons. Overwhelmed by the monster he's become, he is faced with the choice of harnessing the last bit of humanity left deep inside of him to destroy himself, or fully completing his transformation into a Chaos God.
Reply to five different threads in /love/ with esoteric advice.
Okay then:
I demand that you give a detailed account of the worst physical injury you have ever received.
I was at daycare. We were outside, where the caretakers wouldn't have to be fucked to keep us entertained. Two of my pals were sitting on either end of the teeter-totter.
"Come play with us, ( ˃ ˂)!"
But there are only two seats on the teeter-totter... where was I to sit? And that's when I proved that I am DQN. I decided, "I'll just sit in the middle! It won't be comfortable, but at least I'll be in the good company of my chums!"
So I ran. And I tripped. And, with my mouth open, my two front teeth in my upper gums were driven deep within my mouth on the cold, taunting steel of the teeter-totter. My teeth were now lodged in the depths of gums, and I was reduced to a mess of blood and screams. My friends and I panicked and the teachers called my mother.
Do you like teeter-totters? Tell me, >>376. Describe how you feel about teeter-totters.
Well >>376, I guess you're talking to me and not yourself but I will ask, has that given you a phobia about teeter-totters in the rest of your life? We call them "seesaws" here. I guess I like them though I've never spent much time on one. I used to have this plastic all-in-one kind of seesaw when i was really wee, but I rarely played on it. I often filled it up with water though, there was a hole in the bottom I'd stick the garden hose in. One time I stuck it in, and hanked it so it stayed inside it filling it up with water. Then my mum called me in for dinner, so I left it and went and sat at the table to eat my dinner. After a few minutes there was a sudden loud crack as the hose hit the window and sprayed water everywhere as it did the kind of dance that only garden hoses spraying water with some force can do. I shat myself.
>>378 what is your favourite condiment?
I played Popotan when I was 19. It was in Japanese, so I kind of loitered around hoping for the best. It was pretty cute. I enjoyed the idea of me being closer to characters of Caramelldansen than most of the nerds who visited that certain flash board.
Judge >>379 for his choice of music and make >>378 change his mind in favour of All Alone for Christmas (pmix) by Captain Obvious. It might be obvious for us, but it will certainly take commoners by surprise.
>>380 okay
>>379 It's a good song but Bach is too damn obvious. >>378 should instead go with captain obvious. A Bach prelude in a DJ set is just gonna make people sigh and shake their heads, but All Alone for Christmas is not only appropriate considering the situation, but will give those uncultured swine a real taste of our finely-honed traditional music. Also as a user of DQN it is your duty and refusing to comply will mean that we'll always recognize >>378 as a traitor, a plebeian and a no-good scallywag.
>>382 Marathon no less than 5 films where Nicolas Cage plays the lead role and tell us the impact this had on your fragile psyche.
I lived for 15 years with a father who suffered early-onset dementia. It's part of the reason I can be so cold and detached as to feel zero remorse for any act of questionable morality. Also, I took on his degenerative, solitary behavior to the point where I've become a hikikomori.
Commit a random act of generosity in your MMO of choice by gifting a valuable item or appreciable amount of currency.
I went in to the central square in tinierme and gave away nice items of clothing to people hanging about and now my heart feels warm
>>385 Give me a phrase to spell out with my tongue on my girlfriend's pussy tomorrow nigt.
Solenoid Robots: Mmm! Buzz! Click! Buzz! Click! When we trap Roger Mmm! Buzz! Click! Buzz! Click! Buzz! Click! Ramjet, we are now rulers. Buzz! Click! Buzz! Click!
>>389, tell us what's in your pockets.
I know who you are and this is more than you deserve.
Draw me a picture of Patchouli from Touhou project wearing a Santa hat and a santa suit, please~
I believe in killing rats. They've plagued us for countless generations and for the first time in our history we are presented with technology that may at last end the menace: genetic engineering, a century of biological weapons research, and Ron Paul with an honest chance at the Republican nomination. This will free us from all the harmful regulation that has stopped us from pursuing my ultimate goal. RON FUCKING PAUL: FOR A RAT-FREE FUTURE.
Draw me a rat celebrating its last miserable Christmas in our bright new future!
One valiant rat making his last futile Christmas stand.
Buy yourself a Christmas present under $5 and tell us what you got.
>>398 http://rigelseven.com/dqn/All%20Alone%20For%20Christmas%20(As%20Usual)%20~Parked%20mix~%20-%20dqn-kun.mp3
Get 400GET in an original way.
>>399 http://vocaroo.com/?media=vXBmye1KciGVDISYL
>>401 Get in the swing, pal!
I have never listened to Iron Maiden and likely never will, therefore I will tell you my favourite Shrine Maiden song. By which I mean Project Shrine Maiden. By which I mean Touhou. Anyway, it's "Bloom Nobly, Ink-black Cherry Blossoms ~ Border of Life". Can't go wrong with a name like that.
I demand that you post your favourite piece of punctuation and why you like it.
>>410 I had a shrine at my old flat to my ex girlfriend, it had a fair bunch of her hairs and some of her makeup she left and hair bobbles and the tights i ripped off her the night i met her and pictures of her and a couple of her tampons and blood stained tissue papers and cans she'd drank from. There was a photo of her tampon right here on /dqn/ somewhere that i posted after i licked it the first time (it took some courage to finally do it cos i'd thought about it for a long time but I'm glad i did, it tasted nice)
>>411 give us the 411 on the situation in your bowels right now!