It uses the toilet like a human, hunts and eats vermin so I don't have any extra food expenses and submits the occasional entertaining post on DQN. Hmm, I guess I'm not so much looking for a pet, rather a slave with pica and a strong stomach. Now accepting applications! Also, good job on the board synopses!
Recommend some cheap or free video games. Budget titles from years ago are fine too.
It uses the toilet like a human, hunts and eats vermin so I don't have any extra food expenses and submits the occasional entertaining post on DQN. Hmm, I guess I'm not so much looking for a pet, rather a slave with pica and a strong stomach. Now accepting applications! Also, good job on the board synopses!
Recommend some cheap or free video games. Budget titles from years ago are fine too.
I don't know your favourite genres, so I'll suggest a few.
78641 - adventure. Trailer and dl link: http://youtu.be/AEEyOdVsdsQ
Chef Boyardee's Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa - basketball JRPG which gathered some cult following, members of which were lately communicating strictly by quotes from CBoyardee's videos, which in turn forced him to wipe his YT account. http://youtu.be/8F1cOvZ3nS8
Slaves to Armok: God of Blood, Chapter II: Dwarf Fortress - classic city-building/roguelike game which was recently updated (on 1993-09-6762). http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/screens.html
Kerbal Space Program - spaceship constructor/space flight simulation, in-development. http://youtu.be/l5OhFnq_iKw
Osu! - music game with various gameplay features. http://osu.ppy.sh/
Project Zomboid - open world/survival horror, in-development. Demo version (which is tailing behind the latest build) is free. http://projectzomboid.com/blog/
Do as many push-ups as you can and report the number.
The arbitrary differentiation of Faraday's synaesthesia of satellite 幽か mittens is indubitably analogous to anhydrous terrestrial ones.
I demand that you read every Achewood comic, and if you enjoyed them, to make this same request of the poster below you! (If this question is asked again and you HAVE read Achewood, feel free to disregard it ;)
Silence fool
Lucky for you I happen to be in a library for the next hour and a half. Here's my list of messages:
I demand that you draw some "modern" "art" using MS paint with a mouse.
I demand that you write a review of the latest VIPTRONIC album!
I'm gonna go with Flanagan and Matsumoto's "The Ruby Programming Language" (O'Reilly Media 2008, ISBN 0596516177). I haven't read it, nor any other books on Ruby, but from my experience O'Reilly tends to publish decent books on most other languages. Also, Yukihiro Matsumoto is the creator of Ruby. Surely his input's got to count for something.
I demand that you recommend me an MP3 player that isn't made by Apple, can hold more than 32GB, and does not garble CJK characters in filenames and id3 tags.
>>597 Why not an Apple one? I can't really recommend anything else, I've never had any problems with my iPods. My 2003 classic and 2004 mini still serve me well, the only reason I upgraded to my 5th generation 80GB one in 2006 is because I got more music, and I still use it like 6 hours a day at least. I can't think of a negative point about them.
>>599 Go outside, it's a beautiful day.
Joke's on you, all eight of my wallets are empty. (I have no idea why I have so many. I think I get a new $10 one every Christmas from a different family member. I'm currently using two to prop up my keyboard.)
I demand you write a two to three paragraph short story told from the perspective of your cat. It can be about whatever you like.
This door. This fucking door. Ten minutes ago, I had come inside to check if any new food had appeared in my bowl. It hadn't. And now this thick block of wood dares to block my exit. Just great. Right, time to find the ape ... there he is. Sitting motionless and staring at that box with flickering lights again. Well, I know how to deal with that sort of thing.
"Murr." I rub against his legs, then look up at him, seeing if he's caught the hint. He reaches down and scratches my head. Not bad, but this time that wasn't the message. I walk a few steps toward the corridor and mew again. He claps his palms on his thighs. No, damn it, I do not want to be petted while warming your lap. Not for another couple hours, anyway. "Meowww!" Hopefully he caught the note of exasperation this time.
Hey, it seems to have worked. He got up and started following me. I lead him to the offending door and stare at the doorknob meaningfully. He sighs and points his forelimb in the direction opposite the door. Twenty paces away, there lies ... the terrace door. No change there. Wonder what he meant. Anyway, he seems to be finally opening the door for me. I rush out towards the garden hedge for a very satisfying bowel movement. Much better. Casually, I stroll around the house, then enter through the flap in the terrace door. Still no fresh food in my bowl, and the door opposite me is closed yet again. Apparently the primate responds poorly to my efforts of conditioning. When will he learn that I need to have a straight-line unimpeded passageway through the house?
Whoops, forgot my demand while getting caught up in fiction composition.
List the titles and artists of the last 10 songs you chose to listen to (i.e. not stuff that popped up on a playlist/radio station you happened to have in the background).
Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory – 9999999
Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory – The Courtesy Call
Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory – Technical Difficulties
Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory – Overgrowth
Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory – Ghost of Rattman
Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory – Haunted Panels
Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory – The Future Starts With You
Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory – There She Is
Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory – Cara Mia Addio!
Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory – Want You Gone
Fill your post with teen angst.
"Twelve lines" say you, sir?
This sounds like a perfect task
For a renga.
DQN and poetry
Thus are together at last.
Well, that is to say,
Apart from many song threads,
If you'd claim those count.
However, their lines were most
Vulgar and profane at times.
So this just might be
DQN's first true poem,
Which is complete now.
Critique my poem. If you can, write an improved version.
I'll interpret that as "I demand that you supply a picture of your favourite Touhou". As it happens, I did draw a picture of my favourite Touhou and I did take a picture of it, only to find that I don't have the right cable to copy it onto my computer. In an hour or two I'm going to go buy that very cable and then I shall post it. Just sit tight.
I demand that you are me and that you post that damn picture already.
I demand that you revitalize this thread with a good demand.
I used to have a cat. He was given to me for a period of two years to be taken care of by a young Japanese lady while she did some errands, as in that time slot, the said errands would not permit her to provide a suitable environment for the cat. I liked that cat a lot.
I demand that you play through Cat Planet and tell us what you thought of it.
My mother
Mumbled "cat planet" under her breath several times, trying to work out the significance of the two words. Eventually trailed off and looked at me inquisitively.
My dog
(Not technically a person but oh well)
Looked at me, sniffed a little and licked her lips, then put her head down and went back to sleep.
A Skype chat with a few vague internet acquaintances in it
Only one person replied. They said, and I quote, "o-o".
I demand that you pet my head and tell me I'm a good girl.
blow it out your butt
>>633 Switch off your lights and light some candles
Powercuts have happened to me enough time for me to know what it's like without electricity. Generally it just leads to reading books by candlelight and wishing the power was back on. Sometimes ghost stories are told.
I demand that you make ten posts within the space of ten minutes with "Andrew" in the name field.
Hmm, odd ... it tastes almost exactly like the cold water dispensed by my fridge.
>>644 I drew this a couple of years ago http://i46.tinypic.com/jqp94i.jpg
>>646 List your three favourite Lynyrd Skynyrd songs.
I demand that you go to the anime board and post in the newest thread.
List everything you have consumed in the past 24 hours.
I could be nit-picky and just list all the parts of my computer and how they work together, but that would be boring. So here's my non-computer list:
*An old orange, as a toy to toss idly between my hands. It's probably no longer tasty.
*Blanket, to keep myself warm as I screw around on the computer.
*Yatsuhashi, to feed myself breakfast. (Still hungry, of course.)
*Cheap black comb to comb my hair after my shower.
*Clothes (red shirt, boxers, black pants) to clothe myself after my shower.
*My girlfriend's yellow towel to dry myself after my shower.
*A razor to shave my face during the shower.
*A washcloth to wash myself during the shower.
*Soap to put on the washcloth.
*Shower head to provide water.
Do a good deed and tell us about it.
I demand that you go for a bicycle ride and shout "hello" to any people that you see along the way.
>>660 http://i45.tinypic.com/152yqdt.jpg
>>661 Well today I made a kind of cooling chamber out of a piece of paper and tape, but it didn't add anything special to the experience...
>>663 Use a coaster, you'll mark your desk!
That was awful.
I demand that your demand to the next poster be the same as this demand.
No! We've already covered this in >>2-3,504-506 - no meta-gaming!
I demand that you tell us about the last thing that made you really laugh out loud.
When you first awaken, you are standing in the corner of a room, leaning against one wall. It is completely empty - no furniture, no windows, and, as far as you can tell, not even a door, which begs the question of how the fuck you got there in the first place. You call for help, and strangely it doesn't echo around the room; even though it should. You try to move, but you seem to be stuck in this one corner, unable to relocate yourself. Because you yourself are the door.
Attempt to draw a spirograph free-hand.
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