Demanding from the next poster (895)

764 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7040 12:36

Mario 64 mainly recalls memories of frustration, as I could only play it when I visited my friend. Due to my lack of any home game systems besides a Gameboy, I was pretty inexperienced and died often. Thus I never got to play very long since we always played "switch when you die" style. Honestly, we were more amused at playing with Mario's face on the starting screen than anything else. We usually switched to Mario Kart, a game everybody could enjoy together.

As for Bandicoot, it is the game of sleepovers. My Kiwi friend was tall and lanky and lived in a big house. It was still sunny out, but we were tired of running so we piled into his room. The joy of middle school, no responsibilities today nor tomorrow. We planned on ordering pizza later. The Kiwi grew up in South Africa so he played us some native African tunes, but it failed to entertain us for long so he switched on the Playstation. Crash Bandicoot, switch when you die style. Neither of us had much fun though, so we switched to Crash Team Racing before I could really get a feel for the game. He had a multitap so all could play. CTR was much more fun and it soon grew dark without us realizing. We had pizza.

Oh wait, now that I've written this all out I looked at your demand closer and saw that it said "reasoned, objective." Oops.

I demand you give me an emotional, subjective comparison of Tetris Attack and Puyo Puyo Fever. If you don't know those games, then a comparison of Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros.

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