[Contentful] ITT we write down our dreams. [Serialization] [Thoughts] (619)

1 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6700 20:39

In the beginning I am running in the forest naked as fast as I can, as if I'm escaping from something. I encounter big swarms of aggressive bees recklessly stinging me on the road but it doesn't stop me. Then I get to a branch and realize that all but one of the stings were actually nails. Strangely, those nails are actually reversed, pointing up with the head inside my skin.
Suddenly, an empty cinema room. I'm standing there, examining the only one of those stings that isn't a nail, and vomitting on it in order to neutralize the poison. The nails are expulsed out of my skin, the scars and the vomit disappear, I take a seat, and people start getting inside the room.
The film starts, and I know even before its beginning it's a sequel to a show I really like (Kaamelott). But that film is fucking terrible, and the only scene I remember is some guy running ejecting nails out of his skin.
Suddenly, I'm in a medieval Europe-styled market next to the forest and a railroad. Someone is with me and goes on the railroad. I tell that person what ey's doing is dangerous and ey comes back. I look at an arcade game in the market and decide to play it. The screen shows a cylindric tower slightly to the left in front of a blue sky with a few clouds, and there are ghosts with their tongues out represented exactly by the same sprite as in the Touhou games for PC-98.
And then I wake up.

322 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9004 00:23

There is no need to be upset.

323 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9004 04:59

So people here used racial slurs towards me and told me to kill myself. But I'M the problem.

Do any of you have any self-awareness at all?

324 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9004 05:34

There's no racial slurs here, so you're just dragging drama over from somewhere else. You're not a victim, you just like attention on an Anonymous site. Just join Reddit or something already, this site isn't meant for you.
vc: fefe

325 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9004 05:44

And in an ideal world no-one would have responded, so there was nothing for you to grab onto and it would appear it was just one person in an echo chamber, but oh well. No doubt you would have just sockpuppeted until someone latched on.

326 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9004 12:34

>>319 It's not about "safe spaces" or "critical thinking", I just don't need any more trite edgy opinions recycled from the dregs of other sites. It's embarrassing.

327 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9005 18:18

This morning I remembered that I had drawn a somewhat substantial comic a couple years ago, except as I got to a more lucid phase I slowly realized I didn't remember hardly any plot or art details, a single line of dialogue, nor where I had squirreled away a single sheet of it.

mfw somewhere in the back of my head I believed a previous dream or series of dreams in which I'd drawn it, but only when I was asleep.

328 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9005 18:56

I've had similar experiences, such as waking up and calling out to the qt I was sexxing, only to realise there was never a qt at all

329 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9005 19:44

It's actually the most frequent kind of dream I notice, where some sort of epic mythos has accumulated over the space of months of dreams aaaand here is where you forget it all, lel

This one just hurt particularly bad because it wasn't even memories of something exciting I was losing, but of a laborious process that had I actually done it I might be pretty good at it now.

330 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9006 00:29

I dreamt that a big scandal had broke about the new god of war game being a 1 for 1 ripoff of minecraft.

331 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9006 01:26

I once went to get the ice cold coke I was sure I had stored in the fridge only to realize it was a dream and my fridge is actually empty.

332 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9006 01:27

I was the only guy in a college music class full of attractive college girls. For some reason the next exercise required everybody to be naked. So everybody stripped and it was extremely hard to keep my eyes on my notes as I was surrounded by hot naked women writhing around. The teacher, who was more my age, came over and stuck her boobs in my face and seductively asked me what I thought. I thought, man, is this gonna lead to what I hope it leads to?

But unfortunately the dream changed then.

333 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9006 09:54

Once, as a child, I had a dream in which my grandpa brought all his donkeys through the living room, one by one, so I could feed each of them a carrot. There were dozens. The dream ended when one of them bit my dick instead.

334 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9006 13:12

I drove down to the mall to meet my younger brother who was hanging out there with his friends, and he have me what looked like a small mushroom cap but was apparently weed. Which was a dangerous situation because it was highly illegal.

335 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9006 15:21

I haven't had a dream, but I'm gonna have one soon!

336 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9006 16:38

I had another dream about getting choked. I woke up out of breath. I think I have sleep apnea.
Weed isn't dangerous.

337 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9006 16:44

Weed isn't dangerous, but the law is.

338 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9006 16:50

You're not gonna get caught. Lots of people smoke.

339 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9006 17:45

please at least wait a hundred post or so

340 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9006 18:58

341 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9008 05:22

Married a shark

342 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9008 18:46

Dreamed that my great aunt and great uncle died. I was super broken up about it, sobbing and crying and stuff. They're kind of assholes though, I don't think I'd be that upset irl if they actually died.

343 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9008 19:28

Everyone dies eventually. For some of my really old family members who passed away, they were kind of relieved when they were on their deathbed. Being old can mean having chronic pain, needing assistance to go to the bathroom, not remembering basic things, worrying about being a financial burden on younger generations, etc.

When you're healthy, happy, and successful, death seems bad. When you're old and miserable, death seems more welcome.

344 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9010 01:45

I was at some kind of talent school. I have absolutely no talent in anything, so I had been removed, but nobody knew and I stuck around for a bit, so they probably assumed that I was still signed up.

345 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9011 15:07

Schoolniversity dream.

Wake up in a lecture hall where school chemistry teacher promises all of us doom on an upcoming "optional" state-wide test on September 22, telling us to read the following, she then names elements and some authors whose books we are supposed to read - too quick, I don't catch it, one name repeats for a few of those. I try to look at the notes which an old classmate next to me has been taking, but she missed it either. There are only some details about the test and the doom that awaits us written neatly. I prepare to leave as the teacher interrogates/berates/checks exam or test of some unlucky guy. I pick up some empty wine glasses and go wash them, then put them on a desk and tell some girl waiting her turn that those belong to that guy.

I put my coat on as I go down the stairs avoiding flocks of primary school pupils, but decide to go to a canteen instead turning right (as I would in my school). The canteen is much bigger than it was (NB: I rarely went there at all) with much larger counter, restaurant-like tables and a very nice menu. It's largely empty, a few tables are occupied, another classmate is sitting there drinking his sorrows away (vodka?). There is no line, and I go to order some salad (cooking lady informs me that vegetable ones are gone and offers fruits instead, chopping some grapefruit and kiwi quickly). Some confusion ensues over buckwheat - there is a giant blob of it, a whole mountain - but in the end I get my cutlet, soup and a cup of tea and settle down at an empty table.

(Interrupted by alarm clock)

Still in the canteen, standing with two people. One guy is telling a story, making gestures excitedly, the other one is laughing. I leave their group thinking to myself, "Funny guy. But his badge is missing 'n'." I turn back to take a look. The story guy is wearing a red shirt with a red name tag on it saying, "Ed Times".

346 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9011 15:21

Oh no, the ending is cut off on the board view and it's the only part I liked!

I must add that "schoolniversity" is the only repeating setting that occurs and the one that I remember most often, as I "don't see" dreams usually or they are induced by thoughts. These take place in a weird mix of my school and my university (as if the former became one of its buildings) and features people from both.

There are some fantasy elements: some repeat like this cafeteria or an absolutely enormous hall in the main building with a large bookstore in the middle (where I found Japanese kemono doujins once and was very excited to get them - only to be frustrated when I woke up without my dream shopping bag) and some happened once, like a campus outside of a city. It even had a yacht club.

347 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9011 15:29


348 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9012 20:44

Should have watched, lol!

349 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9031 16:14

I had a dream where I was restoring an early 1970s Chevelle. It turned into a nightmare when I discovered that the car needed more repairs than I thought it would, and I was watching the bill get higher and higher. I then faced the question that many people face when restoring cars. That question is "Do I keep spending money on this car until it is restored, or do I just sell the car and accept that I wasted a lot of money on it?"

That kind of question was asked when my parents were having several problems with their cars a few years ago, although they weren't cars that attract car enthusiasts. Both my parents spent about $2000 on repairs before they discovered that they would need to spend much more.

After falling back asleep, I then had a nightmare that I was restoring an RV and being stuck in the same situation.

350 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9035 12:44

I dreamed I went to go see a baseball game and they had one of those events before the game where you can go up and meet the players and get autographs and stuff. When I got up there the only one there was a certain player who's known among the local media for being especially open and friendly. I tried to make some smalltalk about baseball with him but he just gave me the most dead eyed thousand-yard stare you've ever seen and wordlessly slid a signed paper napkin at me across the table. Then later I was playing baseball in a fancy hotel room with expensive pottery and dishes all over the walls. I was standing on a mattress with shards of broken ceramic everywhere, holding a bat. The pitcher, who wasn't one of <team>'s actual real life players like the guy above, just a random dream person who was throwing me the ball, comes over and is giving me pointers on which pitches to swing at and where he as the pitcher wants to put the ball vs where I as the hitter should wait for the ball to end up. I said back to him, "Oh that's cool, I never knew a lot of this stuff. I just play by instinct. Don't think, feel."

351 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9037 17:58

Licked basically all the dirty walls. All of them, in one streak. Don't even ask me how that works.

352 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9059 13:47

I had a dream where sinks were on the floor. I was in a massive maze-like skyscraper that interconnected with other skyscrapers in weird directions, kind of like a 3D maze.

353 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9063 14:11

I was going to the city by train. But the train station was very high-tech and efficient.

Rather than boarding the train car when it arrives, you'd board a car (not on a train) BEFORE the train came. Then, as soon as the train arrived, it would merely shift the passenger car onto the train. It would also move a car off which contained people who wanted to get off at that particular stop. Then it would leave immediately. No more waiting to cram into a car. No more wasted time.

It did seem like a lot of work just to save like 20 seconds, but in the end it did make things faster, even at the cost of extra complexity and more energy usage.

354 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9063 19:54

Interestingly that's not dissimilar to a concept of high-speed rail-based "personal" public transport by some futurist.
Cars fitting a couple of people would sit on a rail at your stop, like a taxi rank, and you'd get in the front-most one. Then it would get up to speed to join the main rail, merging with other cars going the same route at high speed. At your destination, it would simply switch off to the secondary rail again and halt behind the other cars waiting for passengers, and you'd get off.

355 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9070 14:39

I could fly very easily. It was as exhausting as running though, so you couldn't do it for really long periods of time unless you were really fit.

There were two kinds of techniques for flying. One where you'd move your arms and legs, kind of like swimming, in such a way that you'd stay at the same altitude. Also, the higher up you flew, the harder it got.

But the second way you could do fly was to put effort into swim-flying (best way to describe it) upwards until you were like maybe 50 feet above the attitude you wanted to be, then you'd glide forwards and downwards for a while, just keeping your arms and legs out and coasting downwards, so you could rest for a few seconds while that happened. So you'd go from low to high and back.

There was also a place where you could do laundry on the top of the roof of a couple of skyscrapers. You had to take all your laundry up in the elevators though. For some reason, flying was excluded from this portion of my dream. If you wanted to go to the washer and dryer machines, you had to take the elevators up from one building, then take a walkway from one building to the other. But it was at the top of the building, and it was open, so I got vertigo because you could potentially fall off when crossing rom one building to another.

356 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9070 14:41

Oh, and flying while tired was dangerous. Just because you could fly doesn't mean you could survive falling from a great height. At one point in the dream, I felt tired, and it was difficult to maintain altitude, and I didn't want to fall to my death, so I just stopped.

357 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9077 14:03

I was traveling. I eventually went to some lodge in the middle of nowhere. Saw some old high school friends, like a reunion or something. They were more successful than me and it made me feel bad. Then some people were leaving, but for some reason I didn't want to leave. I think there was a problem with my car, or something else that prevented me from going. Then, when most (or all?) people were gone, a creepy-looking tiny skeleton sprang up and was watching me through the glass door. I kind of danced and it imitated me. Then I played pattycake with it (through the door). I wanted it to leave so that I could get to my car to leave the building. I was concerned about it hurting me if I went outside. Then it started growing taller and bigger and started to grow flesh too, eventually turning into a person. It turned into Freddy Krueger. Then I knew I was fucked because they would be able to break the glass. I don't remember what happened after that.

358 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9086 16:41

First dream: I was doing a made-up sport called "free running" where you'd either run, or sit on a plank and push with your hands on either side -- in order to go down a hill. The hill/course for the free running had a lot of cool stuff. Ponds, rocks, trees, and overall, it was very pretty, like a garden. I think it was on a mountain.

Then I woke up, then went back to sleep again.

Second dream: I was in what looked to be an airport, or some other place where a lot of people were waiting in chairs. There was a snake charmer trying to get a snake out from somewhere. I dropped my glasses near an elevator, but when I was about to get them from the ground, security told me to go back, so I had to wait with no glasses for a while until they realized that I actually dropped them.

Dreams don't make sense.

359 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9088 19:52

I had a dream where I had to take a big trash bag full of spaghetti and pasta sauce up to the top floor of a building. Don't ask why. I really don't know. I was with some other people who were helping me.

The staircase wasn't like a normal building's one. Even though it was all in a building, it was more like this:

And someone fell down when we were going up. I'm not sure what happened to them, because it seemed like the stairs went on forever. Also, at the top, the air was very thin due to the high altitude, and I couldn't breathe very easily. Then I woke up feeling out of breath.

360 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9089 04:39

I just closed my eyes at work, and suddenly had an intense 5-second dream where a wise old man grabbed me and shouted, "You were not always you!" I think I haven't been getting enough sleep lately.

361 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9090 01:44

I had a dream where I returned to my apartment, and I found it was even more of a shitty mess than it usually was, but I didn't really give a shit. I took a bath and noticed the walls around my shower were covered with greetings signed by at least 50 different people painted with lots of different colors. I thought they were messages from previous tenants that I just didn't notice before, so I didn't pay that much attention.

I finished showering, dressed myself, and then I found there was a girl detective(?) which told me a huge band of teenagers had broken into my apartment and started partying, and that was the reason the apartment was in such disarray. I figured that since the apartment wasn't really that much dirtier than usual, besides a broken laptop that some turd decided to smash against my desktop and the weird painted greetings in the shower, I might as well roll with it and blame the teenagers for my crappy house upkeep and told the detective that she ought to call the landlord to explain everything to her and to get someone to clean everything up.

362 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9093 02:53

I dreamt of being inside an infinitely large tower again. This time, it was some kind of shooting game. I found a weapon hidden inside the wall behind a large T.V..

363 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9093 09:10

I was washing all of my dildos. IRL I only have three, but I had more in the dream, including some more exotically shaped/textured ones. One was covered in this weird yellow goop and, even though it was washing off without much trouble, I was kind of apprehensive about putting it inside of myself again.

364 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9093 09:35


>I only have three

only? that's still 3 more than I have

365 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9093 09:44

Sounds like you need more dildos in your life, friend.

366 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9093 09:49

I had a kind of scifi-ish dream. But it was dystopian scifi. I was on some sort of scifi space port thing in the middle of nowhere. Like, it was a man-made building/ship thing, not a planet, just floating in space, far away from anything else. And it was like a slum. Very poor, high crime, etc. It was like a scifi version of a dangerous area in South America. Someone wanted to rob me so they had us to go to an ATM (they wanted me to withdraw money), but I was able to change into a tiny body to escape. Your soul or whatever was like a sim card, and you could easily swap it out into other bodies (like putting a sim card in a phone). I guess they were robotic. Or maybe you could just shrink down to avoid being seen? I don't know. It was weird. But I shrank down to the size of a fly to be unseen. I hid in air vents for a while.

There was no good ending or anything. I just spent the rest of the dream trying to avoid being robbed. Also, gravity was kind of weird. You could sort of float, and it was easy to jump effortless over things, because you were on some space thingamajig instead of a planet. But at one point I was close to the edge of the port and I was worried about falling off. There was nothing for a very long distance in all directions. I got the feeling that some people were stranded here, with no space ships, which was like the scifi equivalent to being homeless. There were a lot of restaurants and bars here too, though it sort of felt like one of those semi-abandoned malls in some places. I guess some people would stop here to refuel or something, but I think some of those people would be attacked/mugged.

367 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9101 20:21

ELAINE and KRAMER appear on an abandoned ship. The ship is slightly
tilted. Through a port window, we can see the ship is partially
surrounded by ice. ELAINE is carrying two phone books.

ELAINE: That's the last of them. Can we go now?

KRAMER: Yeah. Yeah, sure. But you did pick up my phone book, right?

ELAINE: No, these are mine. Kramer! Did you lose your phone book

KRAMER: [Sputters] Maybe. Yeah. Definitely.

ELAINE: Oh, fine. Show me where you put it down.

KRAMER leads ELAINE down a corridor and pauses at the doorway to a
room. The room is wider than can be seen, and there is light from
what must be an open window on the left. A clutter of shelves fills
the right of the room (the tilt of the ship has caused them to
collect). A tattered phone book can be seen on the shelves.

KRAMER: [Pointing, distraught] It's over there.

ELAINE: And you want me to go get it?

KRAMER: [Sputters] Yeah.

ELAINE: Why can't you go get it? What's in the room?

KRAMER: [Pointing to the shelves in turn, clearly avoiding the left
of the room] There's the sink, and there's the phone book, and
there's a bed.

ELAINE: Enough. What's on the left side of the room?

KRAMER reluctantly steps back, revealing that just inside the room,
to the left of the doorway, is a short, humanoid-shaped figure
covered in black cloth.

KRAMER: This is Ms. [rapid Japanese]. She's Mr. S[unintelligible]'s
niece. He killed her, you know.

ELAINE: You're afraid of a dead woman.

KRAMER: Y-y-y-yeah.

ELAINE: All right. What killed it? [referring to the phone book]

KRAMER: Ms. [rapid Japanese]. She's Mr. S[unintelligible]'s niece.
He killed her, you know.

ELAINE: Yeah, I've got that. So you just want me to walk in, take
the phone book, turn around, and walk back out?

KRAMER: Y-y-y-yeah.

ELAINE: Uh-uh. I'm going in through the window.

ELAINE and KRAMER are now outside, on the deck of the ship. Much
of it is covered in snow and ice. The window to the room is on their
right. On the left is the edge of the ship. Beyond is a snow/ice
wall, with a small patch of water between.

ELAINE: I'm going to check out the fish.

ELAINE casts Polymorph Self. She becomes an octopus-like creature
and dives into the water. After a few minutes, she remerges.

ELAINE: Kramer! [Shoves him] Those fish are big! I was one of Mr.
S[unintelligible]'s tomato plants, and I was five feet in diameter,
and I got this! [She shows him a bite mark.]

KRAMER: Well. Huh. Do you want me to cast Cure Light Wounds?

ELAINE: It wasn't Ms. Nishi-whatever who killed it [the phone book].
She's been dead for centuries! It was a fish!

KRAMER: [Nervously] Well. What do you know about that.

ELAINE: And you knew!

KRAMER: [Sputters] Maybe.

ELAINE: Start talking. If you want me to get that phone book for
you, I need to know everything. Including why those fish have five
hit dice, and why you tried to blame it on Ms. Nishi-whatever.

KRAMER: Uhh...

[Dream ends]

I wrote this down as quickly as I could, but by the end, some parts were fading.

368 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9102 02:18

This is amazing. I would love to read an extended fan-fiction like this. Especially the first part is the perfect mix between creepy and comedic.

vc: vag

369 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9106 18:36

I was exploring a building which looked like a level from Quake 1. When I finally went outside, a teenage girl dressed in black came up to me, said "don't live in a dream world" in my language, then kissed me ten times.

370 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9108 19:36

I was in a Twilight Zone-esque horror movie called "You can't forget me" (I spent a lot of the dream trying to figure out how the title related to the plot). I played a travelling salesman who arrived at an isolated town, mostly surrounded by a forest. Everyone was warned not to go outside the town limits after nightfall. On the first night, a few people vanished, but nobody wanted to talk about it.

On the second night, I overheard a group of children arguing about whether they should go outside or not. For some reason, I was supposed to keep the worrying child safe, but she said she had to follow her reckless friends and try to protect them. We followed, then watched as larger, more adult versions of the children silently walked out of the woods. The children panicked and ran, but one by one they were caught and eaten (perhaps "inhaled" is a better term). We weren't able to do anything to save them. When we saw the adult version of the child I was supposed to protect coming for us, we bolted, with the replacements casually following us.

Inside the town, everyone had gathered together in the town square, with torches. They seemed to know about the threat, but had no real defence strategy. Older versions of everyone (not just the children) started appearing. At this point, I realized a few things were wrong with the movie, so I stopped paying attention for a while while the townspeople were assaulted by their doppelgangers, and instead I pondered what was "supposed" to happen. I'll get to that later.

Anyway, a bunch of people got eaten and we ended up preparing to climb on top of the tallest building and wait out the night. But as I was trying to find people to escape with, I kept finding the older duplicates instead. At this point, everyone was sort of milling around the town, either running from their older self, trying to hide from the doppelgangers in general, or trying to find each other. I think I ended up finding two or three non-replaced people. As we were pulling up the ladder, a background townsperson ran up, screaming "You can't forget me!". But he had attracted the mob, and we watched in horror as he was devoured by a hunched, gray-haired version of himself with a cane.

Anyway, the things that I recognized as being wrong with this movie:

1) The casting choices were extremely odd. Specifically, all the children were played by 2hus. So young, EoSD Marisa was eaten/replaced by sexy, busty fanart Marisa, and we had to spend the rest of the movie running from her.

2) I, clearly, wasn't supposed to be the star. This was obviously supposed to be about a child's fear of growing up, and of finally becoming old and feeble. My character felt shoehorned in.

3) The dopplegangers didn't know what they were supposed to be doing. As children's nightmares, they were perfect. They ate their targets and moved on to interact with the adults. But as an adult, I saw the second half of that. They sort of just walked into town and stood around. Sometimes they tried to act menacingly, sometimes they just looked smugly at people (but that might have been because some of them were played by 2hus), sometimes they tried to blend in and fully replace their target. At one point, I grabbed one and broke its neck. Nobody, not even the townspeople, knew how to react; they all just stared at each other, waiting for a cue.

4)I'm pretty sure "Don't forget me" was supposed to mean that a child's replacement had forgotten that child's friends. At the end of the movie, only one child would be left, completely alone, and they might decide that it's finally time to grow up. But all the children died halfway through, so that couldn't happen. It's as if the director threw up his hands and said "Fine, just have somebody say the title or something".

371 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9109 18:33

I was in some kind of office building trying to find my old heavily customized Atari 800 system, and everybody had these cheap looking remote control dinosaur toys. They had that ugly hacky airbrushed by chinese slave girls paint jobs over injection molded plastic, with old style pill-shaped red LEDs in their eye sockets, big obvious screws holding joints together and such, but they could run faster than dogs and cats and moved with disturbingly organic liveliness.

Someone threw a teddy bear into the hall and they all shredded it like a pack of hungry wolves.

372 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9110 13:23

I came home to my giant, long bed to find several people laying on it and watching TV. I laid down next to a girl who ground on my dick for a while and then left. Another girl started sniffing around suspiciously, which made me realize that I had cum in my pants. I was quiet until she pointed me out in front of everyone and I said, "Yeah, I came, I'm gross." I didn't mention the first girl because I knew she had a boyfriend. The only part that seemed weird was a white person on TV saying the n-word.

373 Name: AndreStrong : 1993-09-9112 11:22

Weed isn't dangerous. it just does so cool. I often drink tea http://www.cannahacker.com/weed-tea/ This is a very cool thing, respect your bro

374 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9112 15:51

It's like 7 years later and I still often have dreams about being back in school. In this one, I dreamed I was in the class of my 12th grade English teacher who I severely disliked. I had forgotten my book, she told me to go get it. I said "no, I won't". She told me to go and get it before the end of class or "there will be consequences". I said "wanna bet"? and she said "sure, $20". I sat there until the end of class without going to get my book, then grabbed $20 off her desk while I was walking out and left without saying a word to her.

Later on I had found a mysterious scrap of paper with a locker number and a combination on it. I was supposed to find the locker and open it and there'd be a legendary item inside, but I don't know how I knew that.

375 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9126 13:42

I was dressed in girls' clothes waiting on a bus with some strangers. I was wearing a frilly tank top and a skirt, but my top was on backwards so I pulled my arms in to turn it around and accidentally exposed my nipples for a brief second. I was feeling pretty cute and confident and was hoping someone would come on to me like in an ero manga. When the bus pulled in across the street and we were all running across the street to get to it. We finished crossing the street and ended up in a neighborhood I recognized, but that shouldn't have been there. Then I was dragged to one of the people's house instead. I say house but it was more like a shed or a shack, with a bare wooden ceiling and bare wooden walls with cobwebs everywhere and only two dirty rooms, the sparse sunlight filtering into the building seemed itself to become grungy and dirty by contact with the place and made it look permanently like the sun was setting outside.

One of the people held me down and undressed me and stuck his dick in my ass but then pulled it out and turned on the TV. Everyone suddenly became transfixed by the TV, it was some show about a creepy puppet that seemed to go on for several actual in-dream days while I just laid there naked on the floor. Then one of the people pulled down a big piece of clear plastic that had been covering the ceiling, revealing that it was covered in literally millions of spiders and centipedes and beetles and such. When he did that, all the bugs started falling off the ceiling and landing on me and crawling all over my naked wet body. The one who pulled the plastic down started ranting at me that the bugs had always been there but that they were his friends only they didn't know any better than to crawl all over your body and that's why he put the plastic up, his mother was up there too watching over us, and when I looked up at the ceiling again there was a dirty skeleton in a tattered and rotten dress hanging from the ceiling, staring back down at us with its eye sockets full of spiders.

376 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9126 22:04

>>370 That dream sounds positively amazing. Especially the bit about how it's basically all done in one take, and the scripts are vague and nobody really knows what they're meant to be doing.

377 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9128 16:22

A man or it could have been a woman was lying face down on the floor. He was naked and had a gun in his hand. He shot himself a few times in the butt cheeks and then shot himself in the asshole. Then he turned over a little on his side and shot himself in the head. Throughout he was making what sounded like moans filtered through a voice changer. It sounded like the moans from the Max Headroom hijacking video. It was kind of creepy and I'm glad I woke up.

378 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9136 16:38

Max von Sydow and I were reminiscing about our lives of high tech crime in a run down cyberpunk neighborhood. We laughed and drank a lot, and showed off various scars to a girl who'd been listening to us. Every now and then, we'd project POV holograms of our victims and laugh even more.

I was so damn disappointed when I woke up...

379 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9144 15:04

I had a dream where I had a combination jet pack (with wings)/laptop. As in, you could use it as a laptop, but then it could also change into a jet pack thing if you unfolded it.

I was being chased by Pewdiepie and he was trying to kill me, but he was trying to be playful about it. I don't know why he would be in my dream. I only saw one of his screaming videos on Youtube many years ago.

I was flying from city to city in order to escape Pewdiepie. I had to refuel my jet pack laptop thing at gas stations every now and then.

At one point, I was trying to impress a girl with my jet pack, but she thought it was dorky and tacky.

Later, I was getting tired of flying, so I found a river and there was a car-boat thing that looked like a 50 GMC combined with a boat (see: https://www.google.com/search?q=50+gmc&tbm=isch) and I just hopped in because the door was unlocked and I asked the guy if it was okay if I hitched a ride because Pewdiepie was following me and trying to kill me. The guy in the carboat thing was cool with it, but I noticed that he wasn't steering it or using the pedals, and he said it was a self-driving carboat.

At some point I managed to go to Chicago and I think a police officer was mad at me for flying around the buildings because of some FAA regulations or whatever, but he didn't arrest me and I just ignored him. I don't think I was qualified or authorized to be flying there, or pretty much anywhere, now that I think about it. At this point, I think I lost Pewdiepie, but the skyline was really beautiful so I was trying to take a photo from a certain angle. But the building I was holding onto stretched and fell over, so I couldn't get the angle I wanted for the photo.

The sleeping pills I take give me really vivid dreams for some reason.

380 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9146 16:15

I had a dream where I took a massive shit. I'm talking like a dozen times longer than a normal one, to the point that I had to break it off by clenching my butt and then flushed it multiple times before I was done. I woke up having to poo, and then I did.

381 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9148 18:54

I was in prison being chased by a massive woman, and I stepped barefoot in chocolate and licked it off my foot.

382 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9149 20:05

I was eating at my favorite sushi restaurant and my card got declined so I had to get my boss to cover me, then I woke up in a cold sweat.

383 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9150 04:43

I was taking a class on a bluff. I was nervous sitting toward the edge, so I moved closer to the center. Near the end of the class a boat flew by and knocked one of my classmates off. The professor called 911 and got in an argument with the dispatcher then hung up without telling them where we were.

384 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9153 08:48

I dreamt that I was really high. I went to bed in the middle of the afternoon. My girlfriend was talking to me but I couldn't hear her. Then I realized I couldn't hear anything. Everything was muffled except for a ringing like a fire alarm. I think she said there was someone at the door but I could barely understand her. She walked to get it and I walked to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror and pulled a small paintbrush out of a pore in my nose.

385 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9155 17:14

I dreamed we were all in a farm house. We had been there before and every other time we died. Aliens were coming. There were donuts on the coffee table and I wanted to share a glazed one with sprinkles with my girlfriend. We had to run into the attic. A book or something laughed at us. You'll all die, it said. Someone went down and opened it. What do you mean? They asked it. Haven't you realized it? Every time an odd number of you has gone up there to hide, you've all died. One of you has to stay. We all climbed up anyway. It sounded like bullshit but the closer the aliens got, the less I wanted to risk it. I counted the number of people. 8. We were safe. Then I realized I miscounted, what I thought was a person was a pair of my old slippers. There were only 7 people. Someone had to go but I couldn't bring myself to make someone else do it. I said I would go down. Suddenly, Fox Mulder said he would be the one to go down. It's okay, I've always wanted to see what the aliens looked like. Now I will. He grabbed a camcorder and walked down the steps. We started pulling them up behind him. I was grateful but didn't want to risk him changing his mind. Now we would be safe. Another man, a film director, saw the camcorder and realized he wanted to film the aliens before all this was over. He grabbed his camera and ran out onto the roof. Dammit, no! I shouted after him. He slid a bit on the snow. He looked happy as he filmed the aliens coming across the wheat fields to our house. He tried to run back inside but it was too late. The aliens were already in. We were all dead. The aliens looked like hunchbacked scorpions with irridiscent beetle wings. They crawled on the walls with millipedes and chewed on whatever they could find. They turned towards the director as he climbed in through the window. The only person who survived that time was Mulder, downstairs with his camera and watching it all unfold with an expression of fear and awe on his face.

In another dream, I saw the donuts again on a coffee table in a department store. I really wanted to eat the glazed one. It was like 3 donuts stacked on top of each other. I knew I had to share it with my girlfriend though. A man behind the counter reminded me to share it with her. I found her in an aisle and told her about the donut I wanted to share. She stopped looking at things in the aisle and came over to me and hugged me, putting her head on my chest. She was soft and warm. Let's go split that donut, I said.

386 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9160 18:57

I was part of an archaeological expedition on an unexplored planet. We were searching for evidence that would lead us to Earth, which had been lost long ago. At first we were hopeful, but as time wore on we started seeing contradictions. There were fossilized ancient creatures inside buildings using materials that shouldn't have co-existed. We found corpses of people like ourselves among them. And no matter how far we dug, we never stopped finding artifacts.

We sadly realized that we were unearthing a series of ancient archaeological expeditions that had all died while searching for the same thing we were. I wondered if we were going to die as well, but I just woke up instead.

387 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9162 10:03

I was a girl on my way home from work, and upon entering my apartment bedroom I found some older guy sitting on my couch/bed, taking photos of me. He pretended that everything was normal and so did I, while going into the kitchen to fetch a knife. Luckily he hadn't been following me, and so before he could react I walked up to him and drove the knife into his heart. This did nothing, and we ended up fighting but I eventually managed to pin him against the fridge while chipping away at his skull until he succumbed. I had somehow called the cops while fighting him, but I don't remember if they arrived before the dream ended.

Which was a dangerous situation because it was highly illegal.

388 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9165 19:43

There was a rather large green-and-black-scaled snake on my head. Like, not constrictor size, around the right size to be multiple layers on my head, but too thick to get my hand around, which I wasn't fool enough to try. I was pretty concerned about this situation since I have recently picked up an ophidian Internet handle and was wondering if there was some symbolism here, but also I just didn't know whether this was safe.

Despite its size, it went in and out of my mouth once, while someone relayed to me that nah it's not venomous, which frustrated me because I'm pretty sure it did that on purpose to establish dominance and really I was more worried about whether it would bite. Oddly enough, despite being my anxious persnickety self in all this, I wasn't disgusted by how clean this wasn't, and more worried about how the hell was I gonna get this snake off me even though I bore it no ill will and acknowledging it might represent a facet of myself, since I could see it without it being in my eyes' lines of sight.

After all, snakes are traditionally symbolic of the unclean or the untrustworthy and many people revile them instinctually, but once you understand them they can actually be kind of cute. But not so much when they're invading an orifice you didn't even think was open. And I'm pretty sure I haven't lied any time lately. Anyway I forget how we parted ways, but I was already musing about the significance of the snake as I awoke.

389 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9166 19:00

I had a dream where I encountered a fake D.VA
She was called D.V8

390 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9168 15:32

A friend and I were messing around with this elaborate drone building educational toy, like Drone K'nex or something. We kept building huge elaborate drones with up to 30 rotors pointing in all directions trying to see if we could overload the control module, but each one flew perfectly. My favorite was a little one that looked like an Elite Cobra MkIII

391 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9170 01:07

My mother was reading a Vulgate bible aloud to herself. She got frustrated and gave it to me to read instead because she doesn't understand Latin(I don't either). Then her and my dad went to an outdoor concert and left me to watch the house. While I was alone a cataclysmic earthquake came and destroyed the entire town. The survivors were going to meet up at the local church, I was looking for my dress shoes because I didn't want to go to church in sandals. This was about the point when my FUCKING RETARD FAGGOT CAT came flying into my bedroom and jumped on my head and clawed the shit out of my face and woke me up.

392 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9170 07:25

There was a book I was half-convinced I head read once, not super thick and not really above 8th grade reading level (it had pictures okay) that had some really solid knowledge in it, but I couldn't find my copy, then I found pirate versions of the first chapters and printed them out, and had to ask my brother if I was going crazy because otherwise I could find no trace with not enough detail to go on and a fading memory, and maybe I'd been fooled by a dream, and clearly I'm awake now and I got to read this or I'll forget it.

The book doesn't really exist. If it did exist, it would be kind of lame; a McGuffin, let's say. I was, in fact, dreaming.

393 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9170 08:26

Be more thankful. That cat just saved you and you don't even know it!

394 Name: Bypel!dtoX7WoGz6 : 1993-09-9172 23:25

Some do say that persistence of consciousness is a myth

395 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9173 17:23

Those are probably just NPCs.

396 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9185 13:38

I dreamed that a bunch of wild west movie fans argued whether John Wayne or Chuck Norris had the best movies.

397 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9198 23:14

All I remember (apart from something about it being set in a video game world made by Danes, inspired by Europe but with very weird place names) was that I got a girl pregnant and very shortly thereafter she gave birth to my son. While I was boasting about him on the internet, he died and upon noticing this I switched straight over to humorously passing it off as an "unfortunate mishap". It turned out that my cohabitants, all of them middle-aged but retired workers, had commissioned a Chinese CIA wizard to kill him by making him stand up in bed, t-posing and falling off (because they were jealous of me?). I spent the final part of the dream flying a helicopter over some tropical sea dotted with islands, occasionally throwing one of the cohabitants out of it.
vc: pain

398 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9199 01:29

I dreamed that, too embarassed by his son's impending wizardness, my father hired me a prostitute.

399 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9203 05:11

When >>396[i]-[/i]san wakes up, what will happen to us?

400 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9203 06:02

We'll realize that Chuck Norris wasn't in any wild west movies.

401 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9203 10:15

I dreamt I named my baby >>396[i]-[/i]san

402 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9203 16:29

I was trying to park a car. I put the brakes on and it rolled toward traffic, so then I used the handbrake. The ground shifted and I started sliding backwards into the forest. I saw someone who looked like the girl from The Ring. Someone else was there and he was afraid, but I realized it was just a prank. I asked her, "what do you want?" She said, "I'm selling insurance." "Against what, dying in the woods?" And then I slipped back further.

403 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9203 22:43

I dreamed that they had finally put clickbait viruses in people. My friend was telling me about some get-rich-quick scheme where you do something for 8 weeks, then get a dollar every week for the next 1001 weeks (ok, maybe not that quick). I was making fun of it, but when I finally agreed to check it out, he snapped out of hypnosis and didn't know what we were talking about.

404 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9216 14:50

According to my map, Dresden was the second-largest city of Switzerland and there was a small town in Germany called "Dresdn".

405 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9217 23:37

I was in an empty parking lot at a superstore in the middle of the night, behind the wheel of a car. Bright floodlights mounted high overhead on tall steel poles shone down cones of illumination that cut through the inky darkness that otherwise consumed the field of white lines and concrete. The silence was deafening. I drove slowly despite mashing the accelerator down and watching the tachometer's needle spin, feeling as though the vehicle were caught in slow motion while I continued to move at full speed. An unfamiliar, unclothed person abruptly phased into reality, standing a few yards away from the from the front of the car with an indistinguishable expression that only vaguely represented that of a human's face, appearing smeared and swirled like a smudged oil painting. I blinked, and as I opened my eyes, everything seemed to accelerate. Gravity tossed me back into my seat as the wheels spun soundlessly, the strange figure staring from the opposite side of the glass remaining motionless as the distance between him and I closed. The bumper of the sedan connected with the creature, his form folding and contorting across the hood with a sickening crunching sound before rolling over and slamming against the windshield, crimson blood splattered as spiderweb cracks exploded across the surface in every direction. Bouncing, the broken body twisted through the air, clearing the roof before collapsing to the ground in a crumpled heap. I locked the brakes and held the steering wheel with a white knuckle grip, inhaling sharply and screwing my eyelids shut as the car skidded across the tarmac. It felt like I'd slid to a stop, but when I opened up my eyes again I found myself holding onto the handlebars of a motorbike, jetting down a familiar highway at a ludicrous pace. Strip malls, gas stations, and eateries sped by in a blistering blur as I weaved through traffic and blew past stoplights, the warm glow of the setting sun casting a tint of orange light over top of my surroundings and painting the world with long, dark shadows. I glanced down at the speedometer, but the digital display was just a garbled mess that I couldn't make any sense of. Though I felt I was crossing an enormous distance with the speed I was travelling, I noticed the road repeating itself, the same sets of shopping centers and street signs looping on either side of the pavement. I wrap my fingers around the brake and clutch it tight, and the moment that I do, the bike disappears entirely, leaving me flying through the air and gliding over the ground. I stick my arms out and flail in the air as I sail towards the tarmac, panicking as I fall. When I made contact, I woke up.

406 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9220 10:55

I had 2 cause I slept for like 14 hours:

I was in my hometown, walking to a drugstore that I often visited to buy soda and sweets at as a kid. A guy with a shaved head and a blond goatee came up and asked if I had any spare change. I fished around in my pockets, didn't find anything, so I told him sorry I don't have anything. Then he reached in his jacket pocket, pulled out a knife, and threw it right at my FUCKING COCK and it missed by like a quarter inch and lodged in my pelvic bone, the shock woke me up and I ran to the bathroom to pee.

I finally fell back asleep after the first one:

I was on some hookup app looking for men but every time I'd arrange something with someone they'd flake at the last second, saying something like "sry my gf found out lol" "I just fapped and now I'm straight again""I forgot I have to go to church that day". I went for a walk in the snow to relieve some of the frustration and then the guy with the blond goatee and the shaved head jumped out from behind a tree and stabbed me in the dick.

407 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9222 12:59

I was in my hometown (a theme appears) with my mother on some business of some kind. I left her and wandered off to go see the apartments where we used to live. My key still worked (in reality we lived there like 15 years ago and I don't even have my key anymore) and no one seemed to be at home so I just let myself in, thinking to have a look around and see how the new tenants had changed the place. I was inspecting some knickknack off a shelf when the "new tenant" appeared behind me, a rather pretty young woman, slender with dark hair and dark eyes and clad in an ankle length black dress that at once seemed old-fashioned and very stylish. She was naturally a bit concerned at there being a strange man in her apartment so I set down the object I was looking at and put both my hands up to show that I was unarmed, then began to speak(I remember the conversation clearly):

-"Please don't be alarmed, miss, I don't mean any harm to you or your possessions."
-"Then what do you want?"
At this point I returned my hands to my sides.
-"You see, this was my boyhood home. I was in the area on some other business and thought I'd visit the complex here and see the little wooded area where I used to play as a kid. Out of curiosity I thought I'd see if my old key worked, and that if it did I'd of course return it to whoever was living here. The landlords here really are quite lazy you know, to not even change the locks after 15 years."

I produced the key from a pocket and handed it to her, to prove both my intentions and my story as to why I was in her apartment. To prove it even further, I intended to open the door and lock the handle and show her how the key worked in the lock, but when I opened the door it was actually the window. I fiddled with it for a second anyway, trying to find the keyhole, but she told me to please shut the window, it's cold outside and I'm letting out all the heat.

She invited me to sit down and made coffee for us both. I told her about my childhood, this part I don't remember the dialogue as clearly, and about how we had our television in such and such corner just like she does, only up here were some shelves, over there were some different decorations, we had pictures on this wall instead of that one, and so on. I was collecting my things, getting ready to leave, thanking her for the coffee and for indulging me in my childhood nostalgia, when I got a phonecall from my mother, frantically wanting to know where I'd gone off to.

408 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9230 15:19

I dreamt that half of the dirty dishes in my sink had been washed, which was mysterious because I always wash them completely.

I dreamt that someone made a typo on IRC and highlighted me unintentionally, then apologized for it.

I dreamt that I was an orphan in an ever-shifting dockside city, where the streets were formed out of spare shipping containers and crates, tens of stories high (the ships were several times larger than even the largest we have). We climbed onto a pile of convenience store crackers and watched some vagrants put on a circus, although instead of a circus it was a lecture series on Algebraic Geometry.

The owner of the crackers chased us away, suspecting us of stealing, and we found ourselves in The Place Where You Look For A Job, a massive wall with dozens of small, circular doorways, each belonging to a company looking for dock workers, or sailors, or something. There were thousands of vagrants in line, and only a fraction of them were accepted before the doors shut. Those who were taken in were never seen again, and I vaguely knew that it meant death to try to sneak through, or look beyond that wall. The sky darkened, which I knew meant a ship was coming in.

Then I woke up. I'll leave the analysis to you.

409 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9238 09:02

Start of Family Guy episode:

Peter Griffin is unsure of an obscure pop culture thing at the Drunken Clam, the answer to which could only be known past the end of his natural lifespan (dunno what, let's say it may have been the fate of a child actor or whether there would be a ridiculously high-numbered movie sequel).

The rest of the episode he dedicates his life to scientific discovery when tragedy takes away the rest of his family. His obsession makes it difficult to maintain human relationships, but his advances in robotics, time travel, and biology make society better as Quahog citizens use his inventions and they become agents of good, long-lived, good-looking. There are no cutaway gags or drama, this is kind of a biopic that lacks a conflict other than Peter's isolation due to his grief and actually being above it all.

After following the citizens' sort of time-cop problem solving for a while, Agent Joe walks in to the bar that day and gives the answer to the original question: "Yes." and immediately collapses as the chip in his spine shorts while he pops out of existence in about .2 seconds as the buzzed crew watches without reacting. CREDIT ROLL

410 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9238 11:02

I dreampted that my romantic interest told me they wanted to do the sex, so we both went to a bathroom to prepare, but as I presumably actually needed a pee in real life my dream self was completely unable to pee. I sat in a car trying to make the urine when I spotted someone I knew walking down the street towards me, so I ducked down.
Then my cat woke me up trying to dig a tunnel inside my legs for warmth.

411 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9238 21:40

My mom and I were looking for a cottage, and we found one that was being sold by a bunch of homosexuals in their "gay colony". It turns out they also kept corrupt politicians there, and would regularly sodomize their anuses. And whenever an anus was getting too dry, they had a sort of dildo on a hand drill, where the first couple inches was just caked in blood and shit, and the final 2/3rds were just barbs that tore up the flesh. When applied to a politician's anus this would effectively result in lubricating it, at the cost of excruciating pain to the anus owner.

412 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9252 20:10

I was in the passenger seat of a car and we were being chased by the police driving really fast down a small two lane road with trees on either side. The guy driving was firing a gun out the window at the police and I decided I didn't want any more to do with this, so I pulled out my own gun and shot him in the head and steered the car til it came to a stop. I got out of the car with my hands up to surrender to the police and tell them I wasn't involved when I hear "LET'S SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT MOTHERFUCKER!" from behind me and the driver wakes up and shoots me in the back of the head. I fall over and the dream ends, I wake up.

413 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9256 19:05

It was the 60s, and I went to go see Martin Luther King jr give a speech. Before it started he noticed me and took me aside and used magic to make me black so I wouldn't stand out in the crowd. He told me to come see him afterward and he'd reverse the spell but I woke up first.

414 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9257 01:08

Are you black now?

415 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9265 07:47

>>414 yeah, even got my N-word pass straight from Michelle Obama my nigga

I also dreamed tonight that a longtime net friend from Europe(I'm American, won't go more specific for either of us) came to visit me and we went to a baseball game. He kept asking me in his adorable accent to explain what was happening so I'd tell him about the rules or the finer points of the game strategy while we were watching. We got some hotdogs and beers, snuck down into better seats, all that classic ballpark stuff. It was the nicest dream I've had in a long time, I woke up in a really good mood even though I didn't get much sleep.

416 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9279 18:36

I was on an island of pure white sand, with shining white stone buildings in an achingly beautiful blue sea with blue cloudless skies overhead. Perfect place to have some profound experience, right? Nope. A bunch of drunken idiots came out of nowhere and trashed the whole place.

417 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9279 18:48

I made a very nice racing road winding downhill. Didn't get to try it though.

418 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9280 16:13

I keep having dreams where my dick is big enough or I'm flexible enough that I can suck it quite comfortably. So I spend most of my dream time with my dick in my mouth. Half the time I don't cum, but when I do it's stringy and weird.

419 Name: Tilda : 1993-09-9280 16:49

Hi! I want you to rate my site. I created it recently. I want you to evaluate the interface of the site and tell me about your impression of the site https://mr.bet/casino. It's important. I found my life's work. I want it to flourish. My website. You help me?

420 Name: Tilda : 1993-09-9281 00:37

Hi! Yes. That's good. I also have many dreams. The biggest dream is to have a big house where my whole family lives. I'm working on it now. I have two jobs. I work at an official job and here remotely https://mr.bet/casino/new. I think that soon I will be able to fulfill my dream, because with the advent of remote work, I began to earn more money. I like that!

421 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9281 17:02

I didn't write my dream down because it's been a while since I last did so, but here is what I remember:
I was doing something work related for my company, and it comes to my attention that a different bigshot company needs one of our applications. Not too different from my actual work. The difference starts when they say they need a paper application (instead of a PDF) so that was a big "what the fuck". So I print it because it's my job, but I've never mailed anything at work before so I didn't know how to print labels (labels for their address) or even where the envelopes were so I end up going outside into a forest (I live in the desert). My boss was also in the forest, but that's about it.

Dreams about work are the most common dreams that I have... Kinda of sad.

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