[Contentless] Post your current thought [Thinking] [Personal] [Part ➅] (999)

839 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6856 21:43

        /( ´ω`)  My feet...I c-can't move my feet..
        || | |  | |  I was born in DQN... Everyone made me run.
         ( | |ノ| |  It was tough as nails...but everybody loved it. Just to see me run.
         ノ>U U But now people are thinking too much. They can't remember the simple joy of bu-n...
      ..........レレ     I knew that this day would come someday. Thank you everybody, but it's time to say goodbye...

   ⊂二二二( ´ω`)二⊃  Bu, bu-n...
        |    /
         ( ヽノ

    ..........  ( ´ω`)二⊃  W-what's happening? My body...
     ..........   /

        ..........´ω`)  Everybody...thank you...this is goodbye...
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