CTRL+V THREAD! [part 9] (999)

590 Name: Minister of The Meaning of Life : 1993-09-7126 13:09

Who cares? I just want to be a little girl in rural japan. I'd play with my friends and go to festivals, I'd put up fish for boys day and I'd fish. I would be underfoot and cute to the grocers and I would run around the farmers when they return. I want to see the Sakura trees bloom and the ground covered in leaves and q cool autumn breeze while I play with the other little girls and eat good food from the village. Somewhere far nough away that there are no computers so I never see one of those wretched things and I can stay there forever as the seasons change and make food and play until I become old and sit around and fish and talk to my other old girl friends and eat good food and go to festivals.

There's a proverb about two sisters, one of whom wants to be a boy. So she was ostracized growing up and eventually died. A long time later the othe one is driving through the rural mountains and sees a little boy who looks exactly like her sister running through a deer trail along the road. That's what I want.
That and people aren't buying enough hats

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