[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 2!] (999)

630 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8259 10:16

I am 25, and for the last seven or so years I've believed that Gensokyo exists and that somehow it's possible to go there (without dying). I don't know what it says about me that I still cling to this belief, even though deep down I understand that it's impossible. I just can't let go of it, because I find the idea of it to be beautiful, and my life is completely empty and directionless. So after such a long time my belief has expanded to the point where I have a physical location for Gensokyo, where it used to be when it was still part of this world, and I've developed a rudimentary understanding of the boundaries. The key to everything lies "between". Between life and death, waking and sleeping, night and day, fantasy and reality. And the colours are connected to this idea. The red and the blue. I've started to believe that it is possible to learn Yukari's power. I have fallen in love with the colour purple, I believe it is the way out of this world. I think that if other people knew about this they would diagnose me with something.

I've been yearning for a way out of this existence ever since I can remember, definitely at least from age 5, probably longer, since I was shunned by humans even at age 3 when first placed among them. I still kind of believe that I wasn't supposed to exist in the first place.

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