[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 2!] (999)

836 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8352 07:33

The existence of homosexuality as a public phenomenon affects the ability of men to form natural male bonds between one another because there is always suspicion of faggotry. Men will even begin suspecting themselves of being faggots, even when they're not.

In the anglosphere, it is no longer appropriate for men to be naked together. Just even writing that sentence, people will be like "oh dude are you a faggot why do you want men to be naked together are u gay brah??" But the reality is that in countries without a faggot problem - such as Slavic countries or China - men are naked together at the gym or the sauna or wherever and no one thinks anything of it. And, in America, boomers had naked locker rooms just 30-40 years ago.

Now, men are scared to be naked together in the locker room, which is extremely bizarre by any standard at all. There is really no other example of this ever in history.

This is deeply symbolic of the way the sick filth of faggotism has infected the very most basic fabric of society.

And we can't touch each other anymore. Nor can I write that sentence without being accused of being a faggot for wanting to touch other men.

See how this works?

We used to touch each other. We used to feel close to each other. But now, there is an underlying paranoia that any connections with other men beyond broism is either faggotry or will be interpreted by other men as faggotry. This has broken down basic male bonding processes.

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