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102 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9289 06:58

also sampling granblue (i don't care for these mobile-ish games i swear, but i have to keep up with the times, and the last time i did these was when zynga was shitting them out by the dozen). way more up my alley in certain respects i usually like (like the way the setting is presented, and not being translated in a way where i could tell which Japanese verb was used half the time), but the crazy web interface has given me a pretty bad first impression.

like, the tutorial blitzes all this info past you that few people could hope to learn in one sitting, but then sleeping on it, I realized it's just spelling out every little thing about a simplified bog standard JRPG battle system and it was all the latency that made me assume it was not sticking to my brain and therefore difficult.

still, katalina, dayum

something about all this inspired me to change how i approached designing a certain character, but then i forgot what. what a loser i am!

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