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192 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9298 21:18

it was frowned upon for women to talk about sexuality openly so women talking about dildos and shit is somewhat of a novelty, relatively speaking, so there must be a liberating feeling when discussing their sexuality on the public sphere, I guess. Wouldn't know I'm not a girl.

Also, men not getting laid = abominable loser is still ingrained on the public subconscious and it'll be that way for a bit, until gender roles change or everybody accepts polyamorous relationships as socially acceptable or whatever hellish post-capital deathscape changes the way relationships work

And there's something to be said of fleshlight's own marketing, which makes the product feel a bit sketchy. Dildo marketing is more lowkey.

My advice to you >>189 is that you should stick with Tenga eggs.

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