[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought [Brains][Thinking][Shark tits][#32] (999)

257 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9304 20:27

(part 2/2)
3) Piotr Wozniak (ttps://supermemo.guru/) has valuable things to say about memory. Don't be intimidated by how his writings are both voluminous and info-dense, I just find a lot of it "good to know" and I have a(n unwanted) reputation of being "smart" in real life (N.B. that includes the company of several legitimate geniuses that have gone on to do brilliant things; but I have done nothing with my life). The major point is, you will forget things eventually, so just embrace it and focus on being an expert on your interests, and you can become an expert by using computers to remind you of things you don't want to forget.

Now, Spaced Repetition Software is not for everyone, but I've found it to be nearly miraculous for me to be able to remember a massive number of things. I've been trying to combine Anki with the methodology of the book Getting Things Done lately; it automatically brings up my "maybe somedays", and sometimes putting things off feels great just because you did it intentionally instead of failing to fulfill an obligation. The self-assurance that everything you "have to do" is in one place is pretty great.

4) Trying to fit all that diet/exercise/meditation/hygiene/good sleep/study/etc. in is worth it, but god damn, it takes a serious chunk of time out of every day. So if you want more of that kind of thing, that is time that needs to be expressly set aside.

5) Avoidant personality is probably one of the biggest undiagnosed mental issues out there that nobody's heard of. In part, it's "terminal" procrastination. That's so normal that nobody considers it a "disorder" unless it's causing a serious lack of function. I have had to reflect lately on how all this self-improvement study is a way to avoid job-hunting. Getting a job would be an easy mode escape from my narcissistic parents. But it means facing rejection, and my abusive upbringing seems to have helped me take rejection much more hard than most people seem to (which is saying something; most people do not seem to take it very well at all). Even now I fear rejection for posting all this drivel, but because you asked nicely, >>253, that makes a huge difference. Thank you.

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