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409 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9317 00:52

DS9 first impressions after finishing most of S1:

-Excellent cinematography kind of hides the low budget and the fact that they had about 3 sets that they just moved back and forth between. High quality shot framing gives scenes a feeling of liveliness and spontaneity that you just wouldn't expect from a TV series produced today.

-I like the setting, it's neat to see how the "real" people live. TNG felt Tolstoy-esque at times, when it showed nothing but the intellectual upper echelon of society and their endless chess games and poetry readings and classical music recitals and all that boring shit.

-Every episode that focuses mainly on Bajor and Bajoran problems is infuriating, how did such a stupid and obnoxious people discover the warp drive?

-Sisko is pretty cool and has the "commanding presence" to be actually believable as a captain, unlike Janeway. Like Picard he takes no shit, but he lacks Picard's indulgent streak. An omniscient demigod appears and starts messing everything up and Picard's first reaction is to debate philosophy with him; Sisko's first reaction is to PUNCH HIM RIGHT IN THE FUCKING FACE.

-I expected to dislike Kira a lot more than I actually do, if I didn't know better I'd say they gave the viewer a bad first impression of her on purpose.

-Bashir is kind of cute but also extremely punchable, what is it about twinks that think they're alphas that makes you want to just grab them by the scruff of the neck and rough them up?

-Some of my favorite scenes so far have been the ones that are just Odo and Quark sitting at the bar bantering back and forth, I love them both so much.

-Dax is just kind of there, I'm still not entirely sure what her rank is or what she even does.

-O'Brian is an absolute madlad and I'm glad he got more screentime.

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