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691 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9340 20:57

What's the word I'm looking for - say you read a food critic's review of a new restaurant; you wouldn't call the critic an "authority" on food, but you would expect them to have some higher level of understanding of the game than the people reading their column, of why good restaurants are good and vice versa, more than just "the food was tasty but the room was noisy". What do you call this quality, someone of a higher level of expertise which "gives them the right" to give a more insightful critique and allows the reader to trust their opinion more?

An ideal critic would have an inside-out knowledge of the medium and the context - a movie critic has more credibility if he studied cinematography and journalism, than someone unqualified who blogs about their favourite James Bond films. Their opinions are both valid opinions, but what's the word for being better-equipped to give a more valuable insight?

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