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81 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9286 10:35

>Consistent accounts are given that Jeannefs hair was short and black, that she had brown eyes and her complexion was dark and sun-burnt. As Jeanne arrived in Chinon, Philip of Bergamo said, eshe was short as to her stature.f
>The people of Domremy testified that Jeanne [...] had brown eyes and her complexion was dark and sun-burnt. As Jeanne arrived in Chinon, Philip of Bergamo said, eshe was short as to her stature.f
>According to Jean DfAulon, Jeannefs steward, who often helped her to get in and out of her suit of armor and slept many times in the same room as Jeanne, described her as being beautiful, strong, and well-formed (shapely).
>Every description of Jeannefs hair was that it was short and black. Her eyes were described as glarge, dark, and graveh.

Why is she so consistently portrayed in fiction as almost the exact opposite (tall, pale, long blonde hair, thin and delicate) of how she actually looked? Looking especially hard at you, Nasuverse.

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