The shraiff don't like it. Lock the taskbar.
send me fiet pics
Oh boy, I can't wait to watch the latest banana fritter unboxing video on fritchube!
Todokete setsuna sa ni wa
Namae wo tsukeyou ka sunow faletion
nazeable recreational drugs have a pretty bad rap, but don't let that keep you away from an appropriate saline wash if you have rhinitis
What the huck‽
It is towpen to reader interpretation whether this is a corruption of "what the fuck" or "what the heck" or simply a combination of the two.
No, it's all wrong, he shouldn't be green or speaking in a Scottish accent. unshreck this fictional ogre at once!
"Proud and insolent youth, prepare to meet thy doom.h
"Dark and sinister man, have at thi.h
I love spamming loli gore on imageboards R(L`)m
There's no need for coyness, just tell me honestly what you think of my curried shrimp and strawberry soufflé.
In the future we will not fill up at the gastotion and we will subscribe to tankers making deliveries tearing up the roads in your neighborhood
cese this foolishness at once
I'm not very sleggy, need to work on my slegness.
I do not need to see more films in a raimly style to be honest.
I asked Google to shomale, and now I'm getting a lecture on how that's not a PC term
I'm feeling a sense of deatchment from who I used to be.
I saw this girl pooping in a trash can at the county fair, and I said to myself and about 50 of my buddies, "Boy! That little girly sure is scaittable"
Can you revete that?
I plead thaffithe
My rocket is red
I saw girls touching each other's no-nos inyure manga.
Ugh, I can't stand depressed alcoholic single mothers who wear too much eyeshadow... I need to find a way to unpam my copy of Stardew Valley.
That meower fawcker is posting again
I say, old chaps, my verification code today is rather posh.
Girls need to get their rox off sometimes too, you know.
Oh my gaw, how could you post about such lewd things?
There are 17 year old children reading this textboard!
What? I didn't know, I swear! Please don't arrest me on sospition of child abuse!
inutt to that degenerate shit
The sphinx of black quartz called my vow "derivative, melodramatic and maudlin, lacking in sincerity and vision." :(
I hold back my most sexual statements, because I wouldn't want anyone thinking I'm a mere laitcher!
Shut the fuck up, bietch!
sorey, that was inappropriate of me.
My torement knows no end...
the tawnment has begun!
I hate dams so dang much! I want my annual gosh-darn floods back, Nasser!
mibe I should kill myself...
I wish my inmume system worked properly. :(
Oh God, I ate too much Taco Bell... I'm voum, dude...
Anyone wanna have a lan party and play some Starcraft?
I wiersh my life wasn't so miserable...
Don't give up! Life would be worse if you were gawn!
Time to pay the piper
Joel Lastofus enjoys playing golf with friends!
It's months away, but I can't wait to gather around the hearth for a merry yulfire
Before we can make it to Yule, we still have to survive Halloween. I hope I don't get eaten in the night by some sort of ghost or goull!
Help! I thought it'd just be fun, but I can't find my way out of this corn maze and I'm not sure I'll make it out!
Don't worry, you can survive a good while on raw corncobs if it comes to it.
Skill issue. If I were lost in a corn maze I would simply keinly navigate my way out.
Corn (maize) should only be eaten in modation.
4chan is the wroste trash in the world
I agree. Some claim it has its hize and lows, but the truth is it just sucks.
I blame thiex administrator.
After the tragic accident in which I lots my butt cheeks, I thought my life was over. But thanks to groundbreaking new rebum surgery I can now return to a fulfilling life of bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex!
put more ROMs on my Raspberry pi
Please listen to my genius plan to unwar the Middle East.
Haha who would get into a fistfight over skube of all things?
Believe it or not, a diet that consists entirely of one's own semen provides excellent nutition.
How dare my captcha be so rude?
The audacity of this captcha fils me with indignation!
The alien invasion turned out to be a houx.
That's just what the reptilian Satanic paedophile deepe state wants you to believe.
My vagina is exhausted. I need a vajation!
seaxing up horny bitches
and then they fulk
oral fisketion
I should join the fietness club and get back in shape.
This seat isn't chairish enough for my liking.
Hey you, reading this! Why don't you delurk and post your captcha already?
post leletion
You farted on my face while I was asleep. Now you must di.
I'm afraid the concept does not appeal to me.
Unless, perchance, a cute girl were to spontaneously gro a phallic appendage and become the perpetrator of such..
What if she were to spontaneously grow a third leg instead? Asking for a friend.
nigment must be some sort of dark pigment.
Your face looks like a dropped skone.
The Gay Police are here to dehet you.
I'm posting on 4 deash ch dot net slash dqn
Do you find my futhott? What about my other foot?
I've been trying to connect to the internet via aquatic mammals, but unfortunately the sealping is really high. :/
While I was intently focused on stuffing this live chicken up my arse, the doorbell rang and I got so surprised I shathen.
my favorite uma? spe-chan, of course
I lack the vojition to do any of those things I always meant to do.
I hope nobody notices my boner!
I must my quetuss make, with a bear buttkin.
Oh yeah? Well your fase looks like the wrong end of a half-plucked turkey!
I dropped my scone and lost half of it, now it's just a sco.
I'm gonna shove it inyutch.
yowgh! I just tripped over half a scone that someone left on the floor and hurt my toe!
Just dab ABC (aconitine, belladonna, and chloroform) bloffment on it and your toe pain will be a past memory!
Lo, an unjele of the Lord has come to us...