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580 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9977 05:35

My YouTube recommendations have been a warzone to the point i'm thinking of disabling them all together or finding another way to watch the channels I like.
Hits include:
"Video Essays" that are just some contrarian complaining about video games for 2 fucking hours
culture war stuff about Christmas
ended streams with 11 views
and the fucking Nostalgia Critic.
I just might move back to TV. At least Doug Walker isnft on the telly.

582 Name: (ijĪij) : 1993-09-9977 05:45

Mine have been atrocious the last month too.
Lots of 1M+ sub wealth flaunt vlogs
Popular rap/pop of today
NBA/NFL/MLB/FIFA/UEFA/other sports orgs' official channels
News and politics
YouTube fad of the week shit

None of this is remotely close to anything I watch.

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