[Wikipedia] ITT DQN QUALITY Wikipedia Links [Part IV] (999)

1 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10067 14:18

Previously: The Original[1], Part II[2], and Part III[3]


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471 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10371 22:10

472 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10373 22:31

473 Name: Mr. Wikipedia Dick : 1993-09-10374 00:12

What is UP y'all it's ya boy Mr. Wikipedia Dick here, that's right, the mighty Dickipedia Dong'd Dude, here to drop a nugget: >>472 just said what „„245 once said. Alrighty then, let's continue kickin' it with more –‚c‚p‚m ‚p‚t‚`‚k‚h‚s‚x– Wikipedia links!

474 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10374 07:00

475 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10375 08:04

477 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10377 04:30

478 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10377 04:31

479 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10378 15:41

480 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10378 16:11

481 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10380 09:06

482 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10380 10:57

Interesting non-Wikipedia wiki(?) link, 8/10

Probably interesting, a bit TL;DR. "it takes light 1.26 seconds to travel from the Earth to the Moon". Reminds me of interplanetary filesystem:
^You call it a reupload and duplicate. I call it decentralization. Puts on sunglasses like a badass.

Interesting, 8/10. Reminds me of blood pudding, if that is a thing. I would eat a goat fetus if I was hungry. What is the big deal? I would especially eat it if its bones were removed.

Interesting, 6/10. Imagine that you can walk through a large building and never have your WiFi connection reconnect at the next access point.

483 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10380 12:56


>Reminds me of blood pudding, if that is a thing.

Fried black pudding with bacon and eggs is amazing, especially the morning after a night of heavy drinking!

484 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10381 00:19

485 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10381 01:14

not interesting, 2/10

486 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10381 04:18


Yes, great, really spread the positive energy. What didn't you like about it? The reviews? The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)-focused Wikipedia link? Or something else?

I don't think ipfs.io controls all IPFS nodes, but I am not sure. https://ipfs.io/ links to https://github.com/ipfs/community/blob/master/code-of-conduct.md which has the text:

  • Harassment includes, but is not limited to: any behavior that threatens or demeans another person or group, or produces an unsafe environment; harmful or prejudicial verbal or written comments related to gender, gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, religion, age, physical appearance, body size, race, or similar personal characteristics; inappropriate use of nudity, sexual images, and/or sexually explicit language in public spaces; threats of physical or non-physical harm; deliberate intimidation, stalking or following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of talks or other events; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention.

I find these parts to be especially retarded:

  • "any behavior that [demeans] another [group is not allowed]"
  • "prejudicial verbal or written comments related to gender, gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, religion, age, physical appearance, body size, race, or similar personal characteristics [is not allowed]"

What If I write a text document which includes personal stories and whatnot. Said text document also includes paragraphs about how, for example, Asian people suck. Then I upload that somewhat anti-Asian .txt file to https://ipfs.io; I guess they will just delete it if it comes to attention. That is pretty lame. Hopefully I am mistaken. maybe a plain text file upload does not count as a "comment"; maybe there is a commenting feature, so you can comment on uploaded files.

487 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10381 10:11

>>486 "Asian people suck" would be a useless, ignorant thing to say

488 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10381 12:21


>body size


I also like how country of origin is never in these things.
"Asian people suck" is harassment but "People from East Asia suck" is A-OK. You just gotta word it better, schizo-san

489 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10382 00:01

>>488 Leave people from East Asia alone, you don't know them like I do

490 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10384 07:53

491 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10384 09:54

Asian people suck

492 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10384 10:28

>>491 retard

493 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10384 10:51

>>492 asian

494 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10384 12:58

>>493 I WISH

496 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10384 14:47

Hello everyone, it's Mr. Wikipedia Dick here, with the big hard online encylopædia cock. >>495 just shared a couple of Wikipedia links which have already been shared a while ago, see https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1279243535/654,655 Has it really been 2871 days‽ Anyways, let's continue posting –‚c‚p‚m ‚p‚t‚`‚k‚h‚s‚x– Wikipedia links!

497 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10385 09:14

498 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10385 16:02

499 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10385 18:58

500 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10385 23:34

501 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10386 00:22

502 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10386 01:31

503 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10386 02:58


504 Name: Mr. Wikipedia Dick : 1993-09-10386 03:03

Ding dong! It's only me, Mr. Wikipedia Dick! I have read all of /dqn/ and Wikipedia (which is my dick) and I can tell you >>502's link was posted before by its other name, gSea Snoth! Check it out: https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1554063409/679

Now let's keep posting –‚c‚p‚m ‚p‚t‚`‚k‚h‚s‚x– Wikipedia links!

505 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10387 08:57

506 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10387 09:11

507 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10387 22:06

509 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10387 22:34

510 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10390 05:53

511 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10390 10:37

512 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10390 11:12

513 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10391 00:34

514 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10391 01:12

515 Name: Mr. Wikipedia Dick : 1993-09-10391 10:29

Greetings friends, it's me, Mr. Wikipedia Dick! I have read every post on this web sight and every Wikipedia article contained in my penis (which is all of them). For anyone who isn't already aware, those last two links posted have been shared before!

>>513 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1279243535/209

>>514 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1431720556/233

OK! Let's carry on with the –‚c‚p‚m ‚p‚t‚`‚k‚h‚s‚x– Wikipedia links!

516 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10391 23:59

519 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10393 21:56

520 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10394 06:14

521 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10394 09:53

522 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10398 13:46

523 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10398 14:34

524 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10401 08:58

526 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10402 02:53

hey i already posted that!!

527 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10402 11:14

528 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10402 14:06

530 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10402 22:18

531 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10403 00:26

532 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10403 13:54

Warlock burned at the stake


Gilles Garnier [man, d. 1573]; France; Serial child murderer; convicted of witchcraft and lycanthropy [being a werewolf;] burned to death.

Stedelen [man, d. c. 1400]; Switzerland; Confessed under torture to summoning demons; burned to death.

Matteuccia de Francesco [d. 1428, woman]; Papal States; Confessed to having flown on the back of a demon; burned to death.

533 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10403 14:13

534 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10404 00:18

535 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10404 11:49

536 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10404 14:16

How's it hanging /dqn/, it's Mr. Wikipedia Dick here. Mine is standing erect and full of the world's knowledge. I've come to tell you that >>535 shared the Lolicon article again, when obviously the local lolicons have posted it before, with a bit more flavour here: https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1279243535/285

No problem! Let's keep posting –‚c‚p‚m ‚p‚t‚`‚k‚h‚s‚x– Wikipedia links!

537 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10405 00:02

539 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10405 04:26

540 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10405 06:33

Maybe make a pastebin with all the links in the previous threads and all links in this thread from >>1-539

541 Name: Mr. Wikipedia Dick : 1993-09-10405 10:15

>>540 Why? No

>>539 here's the last time we looked at pig toilet: https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1279243535/699

542 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10405 13:52

544 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10405 15:12

545 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10405 18:35

546 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10405 20:19

547 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10407 14:26

548 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10408 12:53

549 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10408 13:41



You are pointing out that users are posting duplicate links. If there was a pastebin with all the links and no duplicates then for those who care they could check it before posting to see if their link is a duplicate.

550 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10408 15:10

What's next? Replace him with an AI? Let the poor man keep his job

551 Name: Mr. Wikipedia Dick : 1993-09-10408 21:13

>>549 Anyone who cares can just check the threads here in less than 5 seconds, without visiting an external site. (Without moving my arms, I can find a previously-posted link in about 9 keystrokes)

552 Name: Mr. Wikipedia Dick : 1993-09-10408 21:22

Maybe 10 seconds...

553 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10408 23:17

just grep the threads, you weird guy. they're automatically ``updated'', too, unlike a pastebin

554 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10411 04:19

555 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10412 04:57

556 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10412 14:35

557 Name: Mr. Wikipedia Dick : 1993-09-10412 18:40

Hello everyone, Mr. Wikipedia Dick here. Fish in my underwear and you'll find my Wikipedia dick. I'm here to tell you that >>556 posted a link to the hZero Rupee Noteh and guess what? This was posted before! Check it out: https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1554063409/79

Okay, let's continue posting –‚c‚p‚m ‚p‚t‚`‚k‚h‚s‚x– Wikipedia links!

558 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10413 00:38

559 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10413 08:33

560 Name: :DDDDD : 1993-09-10413 11:12

561 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10413 11:24

562 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10413 17:43

563 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10414 06:38

564 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10416 12:57

565 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10416 14:52

568 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10420 08:35

569 Name: Mr. Wikipedia Dick : 1993-09-10420 10:05

570 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10420 12:42

>>567 That Lawsuits section is interesting, but the bit that blew my mind is that Shibuya-kei was invented by a one-eyed Scotsman!

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