[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 7] (999)

1 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10187 09:09

You just pissed your dream away!

355 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10372 08:26

cannot wrap my head around how after decades of rapidly accelerating technological advancement techbros chose to invent money laundering apes and cars that murder people instead of actually cool and practical things, like a fully functional duel disk

356 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10372 21:28

Chances of being porn a penguin. Hmmmmm.....

I dunno. 7?

357 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10372 22:27


358 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10373 13:10

Then we get into the most vocal fry show on the internet, Red Scare. These two dirtbag lefties are extremely popular. It's amazing how much money you can make telling millennials that communism is awesome.

359 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10374 00:00

Imagine being the nurse when a woman asks you to bring her the stillborn and photograph her while she poses with it. You uncomfortably snap a few photos, swap the camera for the infant corpse, and watch while she thumbs through them for the most piteous expression that still makes her look cute. She posts it on instagram and starts scrolling for replies. While she is distracted with her catharsis, you slip out with the corpse.

360 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10374 11:36

i think japanese here are interested if the transmission plays weeb song lmoa

361 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10374 17:57

I assure you that Tulkas looks exactly like one of those huge fat Maori dudes who do furniture removals, the ones that can carry a fridge under either arm while chatting about how nice the weather is.

362 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10375 19:52

In the video, Žižek talks about the connection between objects and ideology using, as examples, the different types of toilets he encountered while traveling through Europe.

363 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10376 01:22

January 26th, 2005
Went to work today.
Took a shit in the boss' file cabinet.
It had remnants of last night's chili.
Red clumps of bean.
Kinda runny, but felt great.

January 27th, 2005
I fucked my fist today.
Dad told me it would be like this.
It was hard pushing my dick in after rigormortis set in.

January 28th, 2005
Dad visited today.
He was my second.

January 29th, 2005
Took a shit in the toilet today.
It hurt a bit, looked like rocky road ice cream.
Noticed a wet hand print on the mirror.

January 30th, 2005
Mom visited today.
She's having sex with dad.
I caved her head in with a hammer.
Dad's beginning to stink.

February 1st, 2005
Ate Dad for lunch.
Mom was dinner.
Took another shit in the toilet.
Another handprint on the mirror.
January 26th, 2005
Went to work today.
Took a shit in the boss' file cabinet.
It had remnants of last night's chilli.
Red clumps of bean.
Kinda runny, but felt great.

January 27th, 2005
I fucked my fist today.
Dad told me it would be like this.
It was hard pushing my dick in after rigormortis set in.

January 28th, 2005
Dad visited today.
He was my second.

January 29th, 2005
Took a shit in the toilet today.
It hurt a bit, looked like rocky road ice cream.
Noticed a wet hand print on the mirror.

January 30th, 2005
Mom visited today.
She's having sex with dad.
I caved her head in with a hammer.
Dad's beginning to stink.

February 1st, 2005
Ate Dad for lunch.
Mom was dinner.
Took another shit in the toilet.

February 2nd
Fuck that toilet...it's scaring me now.
The hand prints are annoying.
Shitting hurts more now.

February 3rd
A man came out the shower and hit me with my own hammer.
He wanted to hold hands.
I wouldn't because they where too wet.

February 4th
The apartment it starting to stink.
I'm hungry.
Hope the neighbors don't notice.
Tried ejaculating into the ice cube tray.

February 5th
Shot pool with some guys after work.
Got home and played Monopoly with what was left of Mom.
No hand print.

February 6th, 2005
Didn't go to work today, felt sick.
Could be the smell of Mom and Dad.
Might also be because I never flush the toilet.
The wet hand print was on my computer screen

February 7th
Made breakfast out of what was in the toilet.
Looked like old milk, bacon and Pepsi.
Tasted like Sarah from work.

February 8th
Sarah came over today.
She didn't stay long.
Kept complaining about a strange smell.
I think she's fucking wet hand man.

February 9th, 2005
Kidnapped and raped Sarah from work.
Wet hand man watched.

February 10th, 2005
Nothing important happened today.

February 11th, 2005
Again, uneventful.

February 12th, 2005
Work called.
Asked why I haven't been coming in.
I told them I'm coming in all the time, they just don't see me.

February 13th
Put Sarah in the closet.
Wet hand man has begun reading me stories.
He likes to sleep under the bed now.

February 14th
Sarah watched me fuck Mom and Dad.
Haven't shit in a few days.
Bought some Febreeze.
Toilet smells better now.

February 15th, 2005
Mom pointed out that I left out the year on my last two entries.
Wet hand man didn't read me a story.

February 16th, 2005
Sarah is starting to like the closet.
Wet hand man read "The big bad wolf".

February 17th, 2005
Wet hand man and I went to Home Depot today.
Only thing interesting there was an old lady wearing tight spandex pants.
Her camel toe looked like it had 3 humps.
3 humps.

January 18th, 2005
Found a poem outside my apartment door today:

"Daddy, daddy where did you go?
Inside of me so evil will grow.
Mommy, mommy where are you?
Inside of me, now there are two.

Little box, little box
At the edge of my bed
Little box, little box
Keeper of my mommy's head

Little man, little man
Hiding under the bed
Little man, little man
Keeper of my daddy's head

Nobody is in the closet you say?
The little boy wants to play
Nobody is in the closet you say?
Mommy, daddy, can I play?"

364 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10380 00:55

cocaine: more widely accepted as currency than any crypto scam. also way more likely to help you make friends

365 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10381 19:16

was peeking into some switch game with disassembler.
Found Android's Stagefright library inside O_o

366 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10381 22:16

Personality-wise, she seems to be level-headed and mature. Some might call that bland, but I call it Hag Love.

367 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10382 01:28

For someone who says, and I quote, "black ppl aren’t looking to call everybody racist," you sure do bring up white supremacy an awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwful lot.
I am a student of history. White supremacy is as American as apple pie or… football. We’re even seeing it here.

Don’t take it personally, Just be upfront. If you think progressives, white or black, cry wolf about racism then say that.

Because when you do it can be called out as a fallacious tactic which it is. Has nothing to do with what’s at hand.

Pats are the most racist team? Curious on this take besides the tired as hell Boston is the most racist place in the world stuff.
I wouldn’t say it’s tired actually.

It’s still a problem. There are several current accounts of folks saying bostons racist.

They hide behind the immigrant stuff, the John Kerry stuff, the colleges, their juxtaposition against the south in general.

That’s why it’s such an enigma. It’s not tired at all.

In fact, European immigrants were some of the most racist towards blacks because socioeconomically, psychologically… they needed someone under them and a common enemy/scapegoat. They could put their respective differences aside and say “at least I ain’t no _, this is my job/neighborhood/school, not yours”.

They wasted what could’ve been a political alliance against white supremacy for the sake of passing. Look at the Cubans in Florida today.

Cornell west points out “**** whatever you were. You’re off the boat - you’re white now”. That was the olive branch handed to Irish/eastern euro/fair skinned Latino folk from the ruling white elite.

You wanna roll your eyes at that scene in GF2 when the Senator looks down on Italians like ok boo hoo dude.

In the south replace that immigrant/poor while demographic with poor descendants of English ppl (in the Midwest you got Germanic ppl), paddy rollers, overseers who couldn’t afford to own land and slaves… you New Englanders tend to look down on them as rednecks but it’s all the same from the AA perspective.

If anything blue state, neoliberal racism has become more sinister and less dealt with in the post-trump era because they can have a black sheep to poke fun at but then vote against voting rights, or generally speaking the antebellum constructs that prevent blacks (and poor whit ppl) from reforming society.

It’s a family business…

368 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10383 09:25

This anime is literally perfect in the sense that everyone can watch it. It's almost like Spongebob, just pure fun.

369 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10383 10:04

His sister is sleeping on top of him

370 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10384 02:53

a post-apocalyptic novel where the main tribe of surviving humans lives in fear of the "refundians" a mysterious hostile human tribe. No one remembers the origin of the refundians or their name, all that is known is that they were once part of the main tribe, but abandoned it and renounced the True Faith. As the book progresses, the MC (a spunky teenage girl with two hunky love interests; one is her best friend from childhood, who adores her and is really hot; the other is mysterious and brooding and even hotter), discovers the origin of the refundians and the war that brought about the end of civilization, spearheaded by the Star Citizens of Cloud Imperium and their killer Squadron 42

In the end, its revealed the MC's tribe is the one who summoned the Star Citizens (who are the true deities of the True Faith) after decades of devotion, and they are actually trying to do it again (the MC was actually raised with that belief and has held it most her life). The refundians are merely trying to stop them. Now the MC must choose between the tribe she calls home and the one doing the right thing. To make matters worse, one of the love interests sides with the refundians and the other, with the main tribe (the Beckers)

371 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10385 02:36

1989/10/05 — yip >;r:; program to start ... This fall,—we-can-help-yo.ur-provide up to 12 additional hours ... samples of Meaty Bone dog biscuits.

372 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10385 03:08


Yeah, not bad. This is strange though. The important thing is is that that doughnut will be chewed, digested, etc, and then craped out and flushed. Funny. Happy Channukah to you too.

373 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10387 12:50

it’s a cartoon starring a talking kitchen sponge who is allegedly a white passing black man and yall drawing the line at a krab with a k (very kardashian teas) having a biological whale dorter????

374 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10387 22:08


>is allegedly a white passing black man

thats a new one

375 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10387 23:25

/wikhwema was “not very bright”. Silberbauer described him as a vain and inflexible man, prone to petulant outbursts, whose opinions were often wrong. He was apparently considered something of a standing joke within the band. Unsurprisingly, his wife N!anoag//ei was described as a morose and chronically dissatisfied woman, and one day she left /wikhwema for his best friend, a recently widowed man named /amg//ao.

/amg//ao was well-regarded within the band. He was “a virtuoso dancer, a consistently successful hunter and was rumoured to be a bit of a demon as a lover.”

/amg//ao was also a dwarf.

/wikhwema mourned the loss of his wife and best friend for over a year, and many in the band considered him quite the nuisance, including his daughter and mother-in-law, who still lived in the band. Every time /wikhwema was despondent or threw a tantrum, the rest of the band would convene to discuss the problem. Eventually, word got around to where N!anoag//ei and /amg//ao were living, and intervening parties tried to convince her to return to /wikhwema, but she wouldn’t budge.

376 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10388 07:59

Is it weird if I'm okay with the moon being a TERF? In Sandman, gods are petty, fallible, and most of the time just plain wrong.

377 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10389 00:13

[2022-02-08 16:12:13] killsushi: I had a dream the other night that 12 year old tokiko had been kidnapped by fat gingers and I was on a quest to retrieve him from their van, but then they broke my fingers after I refused to be their getaway driver so I jumped up and flew away while everyone clapped

378 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10389 11:25

i don't know what's worse:

  • that it was Fox that bought the Gumby franchise
  • that they're gonna make Gumby NFTs
  • or that they announced the deal in goDDAMN COMIC SANS THIS IS ACTUALLY REAL https://t.co/E1R37T722N

379 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10389 15:04

I think we are all dying before our times. I think we were meant to live much longer, which is why we
develop mentally so slowly. We are a species with a very long adolescence, and we never get out of it
because we die too young.

380 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10390 21:19

my otaku gf buyed and readed hxh first volume, then told me it was pretty cute. i showed her this

381 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10391 00:03

Help me! I'm an artist. I'm in trouble. I discovered a Cannibalism Restaurant here in Brazil. Now, there's an agency of espionage torturing me. My parents were kidnapped.
Can you save me? Please, I'm suffering.

382 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10391 13:31

I’m going with my wife and two daughters for cover.

You will easily recognize me as I’m overweight, have a beard and glasses and I talk in this over-enunciated and enthusiastic voice when it comes to games, Star Wars or Rick and Morty.

383 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10391 13:33

on the surface it seems like he is just saying "have an amico day", but pete is speaking in codes to devotees of a fanatical cult named Amico Dei.

he ritualistically chants the phrase as a closing to almost all of his videos, sometimes even intoning it with a seemingly cheery melody. however, the truth appears to be much darker. the use of a homophone, day, obscures the sinister reality that he wants you to have, ie experience, an Amico Dei.

ODB Peat is encouraging you to experience a life of total service and devotion to amico, including:

• self-flagellation via playing amico

• Definitely Voluntary celibacy

• giving all your money to amico

• only communicating to family/friends thru amico

• participating in aggressive shilling

the last one is the most obvious, as the others are concealed by the secretive nature of the cult. their inner machinations are hidden to all but the most connected individuals, put another way, those with "all access".

madness and pain await the brave soul who attempts to pierce Amico Dei's veil of lies and deception, as any attempt to expose them w/ reason is seen as a "sign of contradiction". ie, attempts at challenging them are seen as a vindication of the sect's views and evidence to support their continued zealotry. a brutal loop that can leave any logical human suffering from extreme incurable amiconesia, where you forget about anything not amico related, unspeakably tragic.

tread carefully, just because their views are baffling and incoherent doesn't mean they aren't a threat to the public. they are willing to sacrifice anything, their family, friends, wealth, & dignity for the amico. warn your communities about this vicious sect.

and most importantly, under no circumstance should you "have an amico day/Amico Dei".

384 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10391 14:06

I mean, I married my best friend on Mabinogi in the dark ages and we aren't fucking each other.

Well, maybe we are... but I must be sleeping through it.

385 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10392 07:40

おっぱい触らせて。 - シンジ (男性)

2022/02/11 (Fri) 13:07:34


386 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10392 13:46

If you put it like that, I guess I'd rather be a manchild than a zoomer

387 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10392 13:50

Im sick of redditors telling me we live in a dystopia

388 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10392 17:59

is this undertale reffrance

389 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10393 18:18

Hello! Any interest in Twink Fattening?

390 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10394 05:20

my ex gf injected into my ear for her male friends who do hear and see everything from me. and this year 2021 i just learned that these agents or contractor tapped into the signal also.there are alot of people like me all over the united states so what someone did is station a group of agenents or contractors inside a PD building and the watch us preventing us getting help. they have been intercepting and impersonationg people i try to call they dress up as PD butnot PD the are not officer but the have meet me face to face and try to make me look like a mental person, it is a psycologicl tactic they they all like to use they input false info. of me in system of me. i was married 13yr 2 kid now 25 24. i work for post office 9yrs this has happen to me 2015 became aware.

391 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10394 23:49

These headphones are incredible. NFTs sound fuller, warmer, more alive.

I can hear the blockchain's quivering movements, whispering into the digital aether.

392 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10395 03:30

I have been at Kroger for 7 years. Iam not allowed to change positions. I have asked so many times. I am told I am to stupid to do another job. I am called the deli retard. I hate Kroger so much. I have young children . I can not find another job. I would rather be dead than work for Kroger. I have to feed my children.

393 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10395 03:59

At 2/20/05 07:27 PM, Deathsaw wrote:
OMG I" M TRAINER DEATHSAW OF UR MOMS hOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I SHALL PWN U WITH MY MONSTER DILDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11245268765i9865
5784557583835895 PRON BAGE POWERS UNITE!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

394 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10395 12:17

People translating literal porn games where you rape underage girls have no right to arbitrate other peoples tastes imo. Only I do, as the person who plays those games.

395 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10395 18:32

try guessing where this one's from! TickleChgo

Sep 26, 1998, 12:00:00 AM
to alt.multimedia.tk

Here is a repost of some tickled to death stories I posted a long, long time
ago (that may have been my first ever post!):


In the 1884 book, Vie Sahara, Jacques de Beaunay wrote of the treatment
sheiks accorded unfaithful wives: "Sheep were slaughtered and a great feast
was laid. ... The wretched creature [the unfaithful wife], who was
surprisingly pretty, had been stripped well nigh naked. The attendants
seated her in a high place, bound her, and then proceeded to tickle the soles
of her feet with feathers. At first she laughed, a fearful, frightened laugh
tinged with hysteria.

"The sheik and his guests, gorging themselves the while on rich foods, laid
wagers on how long the doomed woman should survive the inhuman ordeal.

"As hour after hour passed, the tickling of the woman's feet continued
unabated. Gradually her uncontrollable laughter changed. It was a
demoniacal thing! She writhed and squirmed in attempts to free herself, but
her bonds held her fast. She screamed through her laughter, until, toward
the end, she was seized with convulsions, and died shortly after. It was
almost dawn."

An article entitled "Ticklishness is No Laughing Matter", Popular Science,
April, 1961, states that a Dr. Sandor S. Feldman of the University of
Rochester Medical Center, NY, "speaks of people being tortured by tickling
during religious persecutions in Cevennes, in Southern France, in 1760. Some
of these may have been tickled to death--by being thrown into fatal
convulsions or suffering a heart attack from the strain of the ordeal." It
states that another authority "notes that many Roman gladiators died
laughing--a reflex action from wounds in the abdomen, a touchy part of the

An article in Esquire entitled "All Right What is a Laugh, Anyway" by
Richard Selzer (July, 19??) states: "If he does not stop [tickling], you may
die of it. In medieval Germany, in Rotenburg an der Fulda, people did.
There, in that place, prisoners were trussed in metal or leather to restrict
expansion of the chest. Salt was rubbed on feet; goats were invited to lick
it off."

In an article entitled "The Biology of Laughter" printed in Psychoanalytic
Review (Summer, 1966), Joost A. M. Meerloo states: "The Romans used tickling
as a cruel punishment. On the scaffold the soles of a victim's feet were
covered with a salt solution so that a goat, attracted by the salt, would
lick it off with his rough tongue and continually tickle the skin. By so
doing, the salty skin was gradually rasped away. Then, the wounded skin
would again be covered with the biting salt solution--ad infinitum, till the
victim died from the torture." This article also provides further details on
the physiological reasons why some people can die from prolonged fits of

In "Psychology of Sex," Havelock Ellis quotes Prof. A. Allin "On Laughter,"
Psychology Review (May, 1903): "A number of instances have been recorded of
death resulting from tickling, and there is no reason to doubt the truth of
the statement that Simon de Montfort, during the persecution of the
Albigenses, put some of them to death by tickling the soles of their feet
with a feather."

396 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10395 18:33

was too long for one post, here's the rest

"The Little Book of Horrors," edited by Sebastian Wolfe and still published
Barricade Books, contains a supposed reprint of an old newspaper article, the
The text is as follows: "On Thursday, last week, a very serious charge was
preferred against a man named Michael Puckridge... The circumstances ... are
of a harrowing nature. It appears that Puckridge who has lived very
unhappily with his wife, whose life he has threatened on more than one
occasion. ... Mrs Puckridge, who is an interesting looking young woman, has
for a long time suffered from varicose veins in the legs, her husband told
her that he possessed an infallible remedy for this ailment. She was
induced by her tormentor to allow herself to be tied to a plank, which he
placed across two chairs. When the poor woman was bound and helpless,
Puckridge deliberately and persistently tickled the soles of her feet with
a feather. For a long time he continued to operate upon his unhappy victim,
who was rendered frantic by the process. Eventually she swooned, whereupon her
husband released her. It soon became too manifest that her light of reason has
fled. Mrs Puckridge was taken to the workhouse where she was placed with the
other insane persons. ... An inquiry was instituted and there is every reason
to believe that Mrs Puckridge had been driven out of her mind in the way
described but the result of the investigation is not yet known." The article
is accompanied by an Victorian style drawing illustrating this scene!

397 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10397 21:27

Study: People Find Sex as Disgusting as Infectious Wounds

398 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10397 22:17

While not completely relevant to the timeline of events...

It was mentioned a few days ago that we know Xeviax is alive because he bought the Sex with Hitler game on Steam and it flagged up on the timeline. Assuming this wasn't a joke with image edit, etc, it shows he's still around and able to access the Internet.

The screenshot of when he bought the game doesn't have a date, but it's only been out since the 22nd Jan 2022.

399 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10397 23:46

Since everybody seems to love the picture so much here's the link. To the FULL picture!: http://i.neoseeker.com/mgv/454947-The...

Fap happy.


400 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10398 17:46

glitchtrauma June 12, 2021
referencing No Woman Allowed, 12", ROT 008

great record for two lads with rock hard boycocks to shag.
They should make a 'no queers allowed (homo boys room mix)'
for the 21st century people ashamed of nasty sex.
A gay club masterpiece, for sure. 5/5.

Reply Notify me Helpful

401 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10398 18:00

Earthbound isn't just a game...it's more like a gift, from the Universe...much like how Cowboy Bebop was for anime....

402 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10398 20:36

I'm surprised there are still firm believers in "science" after the beating the non-mathematical sciences have taken in the last 5 years.
If I was a conspiratorial man they kinda remind of what some of you call an "op", shaming those who dont trust/question authority

403 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10398 20:38

fills my house with useless plastic crap instead of saving for the future

404 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10399 01:44

These self proclaimed leftists sure are happy to bootlick the government if they agree with then

405 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10399 22:03

I'm sick of it. I'm tired of being bullied into believing things I don't understand or yelled at for preferring one thing over the other.

I'm tired of second-guessing if I'm doing the right thing or being a good person all the time.

I used to be really, really susceptible to it in college but a few years ago I stopped. I took a break from all social media for a few months and started making decisions based on what made sense to me and what made me feel good.

Turns out, I didn't actually believe half the shit I thought I did, and I carried out a healthier lifestyle because I didn't have people in my ear telling me there's no point in trying to become better.

Twitter and Tiktok are ruled by a bunch of antisocial malcontents trying to make your life as miserable as theirs. Don't fall for it!

Go outside, talk to strangers, eat a healthy diet, get a run in, read books, trust experts, and don't forget how to be a person in the real world. Don't let freaks online take that away from you.

406 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10400 18:21

You didn’t have a childhood if you didn’t go over your friends’ house to take off your clothes and play gorilla tag

408 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10400 23:52

>>407 getting some real iiChan vibes from this pic

409 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10401 04:53

Yeah yeah debunking Christian creationism seen it before
Have some balls and review the satanic verses or pick apart hadiths or talk about Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. Stop being chickenshit about other religions

410 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10401 08:55

alexa, order more anal lube for buttsex in my ass
shipping speed same day

411 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10401 22:42

Does it fuck anyone up that fictional characters will never experience the modern stuff you do? Like Kujo Sara will never get to eat a mcnugget and it hurts me emotionally

412 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10402 08:56

I was in a tiny school. Think, 200 students, tops. We really didn't have the general cliches. Everybody commuted from at least 20 minutes away by bus, so no demographic was particularly skewed.

Highlights include:

Sophmore year, I, with two of my other friends nominate Foamy The Squirrel for Student Council president. For whatever reason I miss the election, but they actually made us re-run the whole thing because apparently the entire thing got derailed, and some stupid freshmen actually voted for the squirrel. That being said, most kids running for student government were huge pricks.

When my friends and I were doing all the techie work for the school musical we would get out of class to do shit. Due to working in a tiny room under the stairs, we got unintentionally high off of paint and glue fumes. After the play was over, we kept coming back to that room for lunch for about two months to throw our bags, eat food, etc. We got kicked out eventually. The administration didn't take kindly to us having our own private lunch room.

Other than that, we were deemed to be the most apathetic class in the history of the school. We literally drove off a "Philosophy Teacher" who'd do those combined classes with our history teacher. Meaning she'd randomly burst in, and spout various religious bullshit. We got tired of this after about two weeks, and then set out to prove that we know more about Christianity than she does. In the end she got accused of forcing dogma down our throats, and after that stopped interrupting our classes.

All in all, pretty uneventful, yet it was a fun experience in a demure and peaceful sort of way.

413 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10403 06:56

The NBC special Law & Order of Rittenhouse will turn him into 6'2 blond Dolph Lundgren type, quoting Heidegger, Carl Schmitt, and Evola. Event will be shown as black SUV with Kyle using gatling gun driveby on crowd doing circle drum dance. Nazi billionaire orchestrates...

414 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10403 08:53

JSYK, the pictured fanfics are actually in isiZulu, an African language, and mistagged as Chinuk Wawa. Only anout 4 fics in the Chinuk Wawa tag are actually in Chinuk Wawa, and none of them are for Game of Thrones.

415 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10403 18:19

I prefer pigs. They have spiral penises and 2 types of semen, with second being sticky and sealing the rest of the semen inside. This is really erotic.

416 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10403 21:05

Because there are a lot of sad and lonely people on this site, it's tough to find love in this world.

417 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10404 05:38

Find where putin live

Put missle up ass

418 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10404 10:29

I feel like the unnecessary deaths of many, many people is not even remotely comparable to an anime girl not streaming anymore

419 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10404 10:33

It was all her fault

420 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10404 10:42

not that many people are even dying, i don't buy the CIA glownigger lie that putin wants to level ukraine and massacre all the ukrainians. so the rushia thing is definitely worse than the russia thing.

421 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10404 10:46


>CIA glownigger

Everytime this is said it makes me sad, Terry deserved better

422 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10404 20:55

dont worry those people only reside on the sharty

423 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10407 11:53

If I am going to die fighting for my country, you can bet your biscuits I’ll do it wearing whatever I feel like wearing. Full makeup, pearl earrings, perfume. All out. Girl power 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻

424 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10409 15:49

Hey there! Nice Unboxing!! So, what's is the Godfrey's Poster dimmension's? Thank's Bro, Praise the Sun!

425 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10409 20:45

Other similarities, according to Storr, include Jesus' faith in receiving a special revelation from God and a tendency to elitism

426 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10410 06:48

Coming soon to an internet near you: NOTHING! NOTHING AT ALL! President Bush has made it his duty to rid of world of the internet because of all the filth that little children can access. Pay no attention to the fact that at first none of the websites he shut down forced porn on anyone and that they made you have to state yourself as being 18 because he is the president, and what he says goes! Pay no attention to the fact that he got rid of drawings that hurt no one while not doing his job of stopping people in the real world who actually killed people. All hail George Bush, fucking up the world one step at a time.

427 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10410 08:25

Here's a tip to women: Getting married is a MUCH better financial move compared to OnlyFans.

Your husband will make, let's say 100K/year, and he's basically giving you his entire paycheck every month. Really. You get to spend his money. Wow!

After 40 years that's 4 million dollars. Free money. All you have to do is have sex with him, and maybe you even enjoy that! Plus, people will actually RESPECT you! Isn't that amazing?

428 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10410 12:08

Imagine being a sad Russian conscript in the Black Sea. Your ship has run out of fuel and supplies are low. You hear house music thumping in in distance. You squint towards the water only to see a flotilla of mega yachts filled with Gucci wearing Ukranians speeding towards you. The sun reflects off of their gaudy jewelry making them seem like shining golden gods. They begin poping bottles of Dom in-between volleys of deck mounted howitzer fire. There is only despair.

429 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10410 13:58

Lately I have asked myself the same question, why? Why do you want this so badly. Why do you think that he is the one. Why do you want to educate yourself. Why do you let your emotions rein over you like a tyrant? Why oh Why can you not answer you whys? I feel like a person being ripped apart. In every aspect of my life there is a dichotomy between my heart and mind. I feel like Attila has set up shop in my body and wont rest until I am torn from the inside out.

430 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10411 21:37


431 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10412 13:40

>Is this his wife?

Irrelevant. He is gentlemanly to every woman. His butt gets wet, a minor sacrifice that he is willing to make for her. His hat happens to stay dry, but that's only because he is keeping his head under the umbrella to make conversation. The hat, like Luka himself, is waterproof and eternal. That's what I've heard.

432 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10413 14:25

God has given you autism because you would be too powerful without it.

433 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10413 18:58

Let me be clear. I have NOTHING against the Russian leaders. My fight is against the Russian people.

434 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10413 19:16

okay sorry i just found out the lore that the 'transphobic discord server' is them having a channel for astolfo porn

435 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10414 00:05

All around us, from all sides, this entire democratic world community has finally come to its senses, thrown off its mask and pounced on us like the Nazis on the Jews.

436 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10414 00:41

Roses are lame
Love are fake
Marriage are basically funeral and cakes.

437 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10414 07:53


If you liked that, you'll love the awesome website Pissing On The Homeless: http://www.disflux.net/pissing /

438 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10414 10:47

Look at it this way: you have 3 drones you use offensively to see Clyde’s mom’s huge bush through a window while she is changing at her house.

Her husband knocks one down. You still want to see her naked so you send another drone out.

You keep one drone at home as defense. In case someone wants to peep your windows at your house.

Her husband knocks your second one down and kills it.

Now you can’t offensively peep through Clyde’s house, and you only have one drone for defense.

You would have to replenish the other two in order to continue your offensive AND remain defensive from attacks at your home.

A strong military is important to keep your homeland safe too so you need to backfill it. SU35s (their new 5th Gen fighter) are behind schedule, have engine problems, and not realistic to replace when an older aircraft goes down. They need that budget for the SU35 but they can USE it in this war. It’s too expensive to lose

439 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10414 15:47

Naomi Osaka talking about melanin and refusing to speak in Japanese will bring world peace

440 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10414 22:18

stop talking like you're a supervillain lmao, you're a jew posting tranny porn on an estonian cotton farming forum.

441 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10415 11:21

I feel bad for Dragon Maid fans tbh, they just wanna enjoy their garbage in peace and they get discourse every 5 seconds from Twitter from every direction because of lame fans.

Admitting to being a Dragon Maid fan is probably more embarassing than being a furry at this point

442 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10415 12:02

>>441 What kind of discourse? I can just imagine the kind of schmucks on Twitter having serious debates about a cartoon

443 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10415 17:39

Goddammit now im hooked on this shit. What does it
mean when a 50 year old man gets hooked on
lolicore? Im confused by anime but love AMENS!!!!
BREAKS!! and BASS!! 14 min in OMG!! 33 min in shed
a tear 3 38min in bandcamp budget maxed for
month and next 60 min in pure disco vibes time to
start drinking )I wish i could like each track
individually some one make that shit happen I
demand it. (fe 1hr 27min I hope mothtek is related to
GODZILLA i love god zilla 140min oh shit....
yesyesyeysyeysyeysyeysyyes158 min wtf i didnt thnk
this was possible hold up its the contrast! 2hr in i
get it now 2hr7min FUCK YEAH 2HR13 FUYUUUUUCK
STAdby stand by stand by stand by st and by
2hr26min worth th wait...loli in the earlt 2k what does
that mean? LOL its all agriculture 2hr35min fun fun fun
fun isnt that ghat its supposed to be…nd then stab
go fuckthemselves DRUNK2hr44min makes me wnat
to learn how to twerkohhh bully brigade is funwhat
does napkinterrorizermea n\HAVNT HAD THIS MUCH

444 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10415 18:31

Twitterites claim that it sexualizes minors and promotes pedophilia. There is not much 'debate' going on, just people telling about Riko and Shota's ages.

445 Name: Not 442 : 1993-09-10415 19:19

That's about what I expected from Twitter, but I get what >>441 is saying aside from Twitter's crusade against lolishota, even in places where lolishota isn't disliked maiddragon kind of has a stigma around it with the "ironic weeb" thing although Ilulu's gigantic titties kind of made it a little more liked.

Although the person who wrote this sounds like a self-hating furry

446 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10415 19:33

It's simple, they can't say something like "I want to fuck a hot teen" on a platform as anal as twitter, so they do sneaky things like "this specific anime is for pedos don't watch it its for pedos ew ew ew I didn't watch it yet I know enough about it to know that it's for pedos anyone knows what over animes I should never ever watch because I'm so scared of pedo shit bros help beware don't ever watch this list of those 20 animes that are disgustingly pedo I didn't get hard in the slightest please like and subscribe to the fellow not pedo guys fuck pedos"..

447 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10418 00:42

My girl started watching One Piece on her own time ❤️! As an anime weeb this not only excites me but broke my heart to pull her from watching the current Wano arc. And since I’m caught up on the manga I couldn’t allow her to eventually learn things I waited so long to find out 😄

448 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10418 02:02

I've grown significantly more radicalized (in Minecraft) since I first started watching chuubas in 2020, though.

449 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10418 19:16

The saying is “Let he who is without sin cast the FIRST stone”. After that, anybody can cast stones, it’s a free for all

450 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10419 18:26

My daughter is an non-verbal autistic and it is really hard for me to find things that she really enjoys... I stumbled upon ur five nights at Freddy's videos and when the jump scares happened she has never laughed so hard... Ur videos and crazy random noises u make gives us something we both can really enjoy together.. Thank u so much for everything u do cause u have brought more happiness in our lives... I cannot thank u enough for these special moments u have given me with my daughter... So again thank u so much and please never stop doing what you love

Much love❤️,
Cassandra (Reoloky) and my daughter Bailee

451 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10420 08:10

"Hyperborean tummy-pilled Aryan breeding pens. German women literally made for big finnish dick, think about it! Faustian homo-eroticism must be countered by big cummies in tradwives"

"Please Himmler, I need more artillery shells, my frontline is collapsing"

452 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10420 08:49

was jojo making a touhou reference?

453 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10420 13:21

When it's hard, you can get well by seeing the picture of "Gregor Samsa, who is a positive insect and is full of energy to go to work" that Google put out in commemoration of Kafka's birth.

454 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10421 06:31

I know the thread is mostly female focused, but take a bisexual male’s word for it when I say that there are a lot of very talented male stuffers out there. In fact, outside of some Nikocado-tier travesties, male stuffers seem to not suffer from the same problems as a lot of 3D female stuffers that we often complain about. The male stuffers seem more willing to push their capacity on average. Which is a real shame, since girls who can out-eat guys are the hottest shit imaginable.

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