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502 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10467 21:30

>>501 i want to say people don't do that and you made that up but......

i have a personal favorite one-- it's dawn dishsoap. they sell these bottles with penguins on them claiming they are saving the wildlife (presumably by washing oil off of penguins that got oily in an oil spill?) 10% of every purchase goes to this cause. great. if you read the fine print they capped the total donation at like $100,000. they've been running the same campaign since since at least 365*12 days ago (or so). which means they haven't had to throw a cent to that charity since 365*12 - 1 days ago.

you kinda gotta admire it

i have a dumb aunt who mentioned at christmas that she buys dawn specifically because they're saving the animals and the other brands of dishsoap aren't doing that. it works........

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