CTRL+V THREAD! [part XVII] (704)

195 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10897 16:21

Ayashii World star HajiAya star
A star so famous it has become If you bring your questions II star
legend. While it has already here, the kind people here will The ruler is famous for his
gone extinct, a great number of answer them. Many stars have eloquence. Terrorist attacks
people came from this star, and Honten star direct flights to here. are frequent.
its unique culture has had a Blue star
great influence on other star The main inhabitants are old NG star

systems. joke-loving men and young The inhabitants were wiped out
qwerty star promiscuous men. It's said that with its extinction. At one
After the disappearance of there's also a relatively high time, many refugees gathered
Mirai, the star received many number of female residents. here. It was a very mixed yet
immigrants. It seems that a proudly prosperous place.
small number of former Fashion star
inhabitants of Mirai, whose Inhabited by people who spend most of their income
planet's atmosphere is lethally on fashion. There are many nice people, but the
poisonous, are having trouble political situation is a little unstable.

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