Pushing the baby through the urethra as it degloves and petals out like a shotgun from a bugs bunny cartoon
Rentarō's sixteenth girlfriend and Kusuri's grandmother. She is eighty-nine years old, but due to having taken a prototype of Kusuri's immortality drug, she resembles an eight-year-old girl. Due to the strength of the prototype, her appearance is not reverted by the neutralization drug. Her age is shown through her knowledge and mature womanly charm, something completely different from the more perverse Hahari. She met her husband in a warzone when she was a medic but has since been widowed. She is technologically illiterate.
The LAPD is aware of possible first amendment activity in the Los Angeles area over the next few days. In coordination with the US Secret Service, additional uniformed personnel and other resources will be deployed to ensure the highest level of public safety
)Trying to bribe the gate guard smoothly) Do you have kids and/or a drinking habit?
Their conversation ends (like nearly every scene in the narrative) with an orgy
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a Dutchman and a Jew talking about money – forever.
This article is a work in progress so just cool your engines. The game is written in a dead language called "Russian" that only 12 people on earth actually speak.
One day, you picked up a wounded puppy.
Next day, the puppy became a sexy wolf girl !!
Wow, it's a miracle !!
Ecchi !! do tha ecchi !! come on !!
they think Corn In The Bible® donft real
the cursed knowledge that the Ponyfinder guy is also the Flexible Survival guy
Accidentally closed ALL my tabs on my phone
Seeking Empathy
the bittersweet knowledge that many hobbyist passion projects of the past 20 years are at least partially preserved due to some insane pirate's poorly organized hoarding tendencies
In 1935, when asked by a woman to cure her son's homosexuality, Freud famously rejected her request, saying: "Many highly respectable individuals of ancient and modern times have been homosexuals, several of the greatest men among them" and "It is a great injustice to persecute homosexuality as a crime."
You all have ignored your Third Amendment rights and it's time to do better.
a seminar on cannabis laws for about seven years at Boston University – always held in room 420
the greek myth of sissyphus who would pull the thong out of his bussy every day only for the thong to come back.
Love Live Weed Bracket - Final Round
Taking the winners of the previous polls, we come to the final round. The time has come to determine which idol is Tumblr's ultimate blaze-it buddy. Whose dankness reigns supreme?
So, Tumblr...
Who are you enjoying a weed product with?
Nozomi Tojo (µ's)36.7%
Mari Ohara (Aqours)
Rina Tennoji (Nijigasaki Idol Club)17.7%
Shiki Wakana (Liella)9.8%
Tsuzuri Yugiri (Hasunosora Idol Club)5.1%
215 votes • Remaining time: 1 hour 38 minutes
Fuck gundam seed #fuck720p #fuckreencode #fuckhevc #fuckseed
Nov. 6
Prepaid Insurance
Notes Payable
Purchased factory equipment
Islamic State joined the cute cat craze by spreading propaganda images of jihadists playing with kittens in Raqqah, captioned in cutesy internet slang (gMy Mewjahid protectz meh and gI Can Haz Islamic State Plzh). Or consider the ceramic collectibles
Curiously enough, an edition of the Encyclopedia Galactica that had the good fortune to fall through a time warp from a thousand years in the future defined the GNOME developers as ga bunch of mindless jerks who were the first against the wall when the revolution came.h
if having the government trying to assassinate you is part of your threat model, you should probably look for a safer hobby
being an e-tranny isnt for you
This thread is going too well, better derail about trannies for no reason.
Dec 9, 2023
i entirely get why people are like "actually knights were historically land-owning nobles waging war on people" and reminding people that idealised modern conceptions of knights are not historically accurate, it's just really really funny given that people have been idealising the institution of knighthood since like. the twelfth century or earlier, go take it up with fucking chrétien de troyes
2A föld puszta volt és üres, sötétség borította a mélységeket, és Isten lelke lebegett a vizek fölött. 3Isten szólt: „Legyen világosságh, és lett világosság. 4Isten látta, hogy a világosság jó. Isten elválasztotta a világosságot a sötétségtől.
When I look back on all the money I spent on Wonder Bread and Deforestation art which has lasted about 2 decades now it likely doesnt even compare to like a drop in the bucket to what this dude spent on this animation
That is a level of committed manic behavior only i'd know
in: Combat spacecraft of the Culture
Psychopath-class Offensive Unit
Sign in to edit
The Psychopath-class was a type of Culture Offensive Unit.
Psychopaths resembled dildos.[2] Based on a 1500 year old example built in the c. 14th century CE, Psychopaths were nearly 300 m. long and relatively slim. The forward section was roughly conical and contained weapons. The central section resembled a spindle; it contained general systems and sensors and a crew section in the rear resembling a thick band. The rear three-fifths of the ship was a cylinder containing the engine.[3]
The normal crew size was 30.[3]
Psychopaths were considered able to "fuck solar systems" when fully armed
yGlobal Launch Noticez
We are excited to break the news to you that the global version of Love Live! School idol festival 2 MIRACLE LIVE! is launching soon in February 2024.
However, we also want to inform you that, the Global Version will close its doors on May 31, 2024, and cease in-app purchases accordingly.
We appreciate the love and support you've shown, and we're committed to making these last few months an unforgettable moment.
The Houthi spokesperson wearing a red beret packs a punch, and
every time I see him say something big, I'm like, "Kitaa!"
Joe Biden desperately seeking endorsement from Taylor Swift to boost polls
The plot features a silent pre-adolescent boy (called only "cocksucker") sold into sexual slavery to a rapist named "Hogg" Hargus, who exposes him to the most extreme acts of deviancy imaginable.
0w0 King Chawwes diagnused with cancew and wiww postpone pubwic-facing duties whiwe undewgoing tweatment, Buckingham Pawace seziOOj
Your Toilet Paper Could Be Causing You Serious Harm. Herefs What To Do About It
In Russia, Liszt meets Carolyn at her court. She begins to seduce him, offering him the ability to compose brilliant music in exchange for total control of his life. In an ostentatious scene, Liszt then hallucinates that the women of Carolyn's court assail him but then become seduced by his music, which strokes his libido and gives him a 10-foot erection. Carolyn sinisterly observes from afar as the women celebrate his giant erection with a chorus line. The women then drag Liszt and erection to a guillotin
The more older I become the more I understand just how strong is my urge to murder other communists. Almost every one of them is some kind of a sperg, an idealist, a dogmoid automaton, a lib, a nationalist, a culture warrior, a grifter, a socialite, I could go on and on. I can't fucking stand you. Every time I talk to one I imagine him choking on his blood, and this image gives me a relief.
First thing that triggers me immensely is the obsession with philosophy. Every time some idealist sperg mentions dialectics to me it takes me titanic effort to not pick up a chair and bash their head into the nearest wall with it. Seriously, it got so bad that I sometimes daydream about choking Engels and Hegel with a stupid smile on my face.
Who's Hotter?
Kikuri Hiroi (Bocchi the Rock!)
Senshi (Dungeon Meshi)
4,398 votes • Remaining time: 5 days 19 hours
give yourself the gift of VIP quality this holiday season by reading the yoshinoya rant again. just as christmas comes every year, what's old can always be DQN again. also I would like to take this opportunity to legally rescind my previous comment that ringo mogire beam isn't the best zetsubou opening because I remembered it includes the yoshinoya rant as clears throat flavor text. unassailable proof that oishi has the juice when it comes to telop and intertitles. but that's a post for next year!
for the last three or so months I've been hikki-maxing, which is an easy habit to fall into if you work from home and live somewhere where the sun doesn't shine for most of the year. most of my family is no longer around to spend a holiday with. my groceries get delivered. while it is nothing but self-destructive, and I can only endorse the hikki lifestyle to the extent that it means posting the classic mona warm under his futon or joking about the amagami challenge, there's a comforting twang to be found in retreating to solitude around this time of the year. truthfully, the winter breaks of my high school twilight years were not much different, between the shared idling on gikopoi and the flurried posting frenzies on forums as the calendar rolled over. even as a mogra countdown has now probably become my favorite way to ring in the new year, getting drunk in the underground akiba den has never been quite as cozy as getting drunk watching it at home on ustream. still, I feel a pinch of regret whenever I don't make the effort to show up in person. for every pull of internet saikou, there is a internet yamero tugging back.
sorry to bounce so suddenly, but my chicken's getting cold and pekora's showing up on the holo christmas relay soon. however you're choosing to unwind this year, though, may the tea be warm and the chicken piping hot when you get there.
Wattpad as a resource for literary studies
Federico Pianzola, Simone Rebora, and Gerhard Lauer
The end of deep reading is a commonplace in public debates, whenever societies talk about youth, books, and the digital age. In contrast to this, we show for the first time and in detail, how intensively young readers write and comment literary texts at an unprecedented scale. We present several analyses of how fiction is transmitted through the social reading platform Wattpad, one of the largest platforms for user-generated stories, including novels, fanfiction, humour, classics, and poetry. By mixed quantitative and qualitative methods and scalable reading we scrutinise texts and comments on Wattpad, what themes are preferred in 13 languages, what role does genre play for readers behaviour, and what kind of emotional engagement is prevalent when young readers share stories. Our results point out the rise of a global reading culture in youth reading besides national preferences for certain topics and genres, patterns of reading engagement, aesthetic values and social interaction. When reading Teen Fiction social-bonding (affective interaction) is prevalent, when reading Classics social-cognitive interaction (collective intelligence) is prevalent. An educational outcome suggests that readers who engage in Teen Fiction learn to read Classics and to judge books not only indirect emotional response toc haracterfs behaviour, but focusing more on contextualised interpretation of the text.
Pianzola, F., Rebora, S., & Lauer, G. (2020). Wattpad as a resource for literary studies. Quantitative and qualitative examples of the importance of digital social reading and readersf comments in the margins. PLoS ONE, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0226708
Data and code: https://osf.io/5gxmn/
The witness say I'm wicked but that's how I kick it
Look at a typical portfolio of a professional 3D sculptor and you will often find the ugliest images the human mind has ever been able to mass produce in history. I donft know what is going on with the 3D industry, but there is some kind of unholy consensus that being able to add more detail means an obligation to make it more disgusting.
a conversation about how cool and impressive Tsukino Mito-san's comment about shitting her pants was
Gay Animes
KevinBenko is a self described atheist anarchist surrounded by Mormons in Utah who has only been on YouTube for 1 month but insists that YouTube atheists false flag and false DMCA the YouTube Christians who he believes are doing it back to the atheists even though there is no proof to the contrary and he acts like he has been on YouTube forever getting harrassed by Christians and being false flagged and false DMCAd and votebotted which none of those things has happened to him but this atheist anarchist does not realize that if YouTube atheists start or have started to false flag YouTube Christians then the wrath of hell will shower upon them from all YouTube Christians and the beginning of Armageddon will have started creating a self-fulfilling prophesy.
It is the year 2023, hurrying for a scoop, Eunjoo, a very active girl reporter, meets Gokdari and his super kids, who specialize in arresting space criminals. The Gokdari's group consists of the best space warriors.
Their job is to do good by getting rid of any space rascal. At the right moment they arrest a space monster names Wangdochi and another criminal by locking them in a mysterious golden stick, which is widely reported by Eunjoo.
One month later, a police chief and an inspector visit Gokdari and his super kids and asks them to arrest Judogwi, the most violent criminal in space. Judogwi, a 90-foot tall monster, resembling an elephant. This monster is a very violent offender. Carrying a strong energizer bead and equipped with super natural powers.
The police offer a reward on this offender's head. Gokdari and his super kids leave for the skull planet where Judogwi lives. They face a lot of danger and difficulties in fighting this monster because of his supernatural powers. They are joined by another warrior, Mio, he takes the energizer bead out of Judogwi and lets it explode by itself.
As Judogwi has no power with the bead, all our heroes finally defeat the monster and lock him in the mysterious golden stick. Gokdari and his super kids return to earth and donate their reward to an orphanage.
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ضربة بها مؤخرتك
As a young TokTik influencer, I have no idea who Debian is or what a 32-bit x86 might be, but I applaud its dropping (or 'release for sale', as the old fogies might call it).
I am hoping it is a new kind of tattoo, piercing or gender.
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ 𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴 ✦ 𝓑𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓷 𝓲𝓷 𝓐𝓷𝓲𝓶𝓮 ⟨⟨ 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔡 𝔈𝔡𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 ⟩⟩ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
Elijah Wood has been cast as Green among us guy in the animated eAMONG USf series.
With flintlock muzzleloaders, the igniting spark is the result of the flint, held by the
cock, hitting the frizzen.
Makes sense. A fatigued unit should be more susceptible to damage.
So a two column shift to the left on the armor type table?
The CIA Once Built a Catfish Robot Spy Named Charlie
He was probably useless.
Wei entered the mountains to prepare the elixir of immortality, accompanied by three disciples, two of whom were skeptical. When the alchemy was completed he said, "Although the gold elixir is now accomplished we ought first to test it by feeding it to a white dog. If the dog can fly after taking it then it is edible for man; if the dog dies then it is not." The dog fell over and died, but Wei and his disciple Yu took the medicine and immediately died
I am Heron of Alexandria. I have a large beard and I create mathematical formulas. If you don't repost this comment on 10 other pages, I will use my primitive steam engine to induce mold in your walls.
an odd moment when the former president insisted that gyou canft have an election in the middle of a political season.h
The former president added: gWe just had Super Tuesday, and we had a Tuesday after Tuesday already.h
Trump also vowed to gbring crime back to law and order.h
Submitting to your wife sexually does not mean you cannot lead an army
Shaylee Atary's husband Yahav was murdered by Hamas terrorists.
She did everything in her power to retrieve his sperm so that their dream of having more children would live on even without Yahav.
Unfortunately she was unsuccessful.
There are still so many families that we can save.
Every minute counts.
trans female clone trooper who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.
gThe topic of going commando under the sheets is not routinely discussed in academic conferences, and a literature review will not turn up any erudite studies on the topic,h Spitz, author of The Penis Book: A Doctorfs Complete Guide to the Penis, told HuffPost.
Well you see, Johnny, if any CEO in the U.S. burps, farts, and sneezes at the same time, some of the booths at the NYSE retract into the floor and 'multiball' is declared immediately.
For summary punishment of Royal Navy boys, a lighter model was made, known as boy's cat or boy's pussy, that had only five tails of smooth whip cord.[7] If formally convicted by a court martial, however, even boys would suffer the punishment of the adult cat. While adult sailors received their lashes on the back, they were administered to boys on the bare posterior, usually while "kissing the gunner's daughter" (publicly bending over a gun barrel), just as boys' lighter "daily" chastisement was usually over their (often naked) rear-end
Experience the thrill of playing on the PAL region code and indulge in the exciting gameplay of this Sony PlayStation 1 video game.
Warp means "that across which the woof is thrown". (Old English wearp, from weorpan, to throw, cf. German werfen, Dutch werpen).
This article is part of the gCelebrating the Prequelsh series, a two-weeklong series of articles about the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy leading up to the 25th anniversary of The Phantom Menace.
In one of the original scripts for Freddy vs. Jason he was supposed to shove a shotgun up someone's ass and pull the trigger... a scene that, for some reason, didn't make it into the later drafts
Taken together, all of this material can be nicely summarized in one word: Aarrgghh!!
donnie: i made exponential growth
psychiatrist: exponential or sigmoid?
donnie: sigmoid :(
Wondering why feels is 925647183 syllables? Contact Us! We'll explain.
margin-left: 1px;
What Is Smellmaxxing—And Why Are Tween and Teen Boys Into It?
TAWS Pull Up!
TAWS Pull Up!
TAWS Pull Up!
TAWS Pull Up!
Crash Sounds sound of aircraft hitting trees
First Officer Fucking Hell
TAWS Pull Up!
Unknown Fuck!!!
End of recording
So many of the issues we face with modern leftism were traditionally penned up by state asylums: hysteria, deviants, crime, antisocials, degenerates, drug addicts, etc. were all largely contained for a long time. All were set loose upon society and sunk their fangs deep to feed.
also, 400GET