>>809 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1554063409/97 I could never forget this cat, it's great to see an upscaled version!
>also known as Mao Gu, the Lady of the Latrine or the Third Daughter of the Latrine. She was believed to be the spirit of a concubine who had been physically abused by a vengeful wife and had died in the latrine. Her cult appears to have originated in the Shanxi region and spread across China by the Tang period.
The origins of Toire no Hanako-san?!
No one uses the imageboard anymore
Hello to everyone at 4-ch.net/dqn! It's me, your well-endowed Wikipedia-wienered wingman, Mr. Wikipedia Dick! I'm here to tell you that >>833–san just posted a Wikipedia link which has been posted several times before, in this very thread! See >>340,370,384,387,446,508,530,538,550,558,596,613,709,717
Some would say an article being posted repeatedly in these threads suggests it has a high level of cpm pt`khsx - others would just say >>833 is a DQN! Let's not be too hard on the little guy. Make a positive impact on the world by sharing more cpm pt`khsx Wikipedia links! Let's go!
That prison cell is nicer than some studio apartments I've had
> Due to handling issues, the Korea Explosives Group (later known as the Hanwha Group) acquired Daeil Dairy in 1973.
damn industry consolidation
Battle report:
10 enemy aircraft downed, No F-CKs given
Okay that was bad I should treat myself to a nice cold shot of bleach
Disappointing article. I should have read the full URL.
>>872 also of interest: https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1431720556/412
very british for a word to just occasionally mean the precise opposite of what it normally means
Contronyms are not so unusual in any language I know. Worse yet, it's often not noted in the dictionary and instead considered strictly rhetorical. For instance, ironical uses of the word "totally", which the least ambiguous sarcasm indicator in English I can think of.