> eunuch
> He and his son Wang Meng (G) died under torture, while another son, Wang Ji (g), died in prison
also I'd like to point out for those as unobservant as me that the name of this 2nd century imperial eunuch's son literally translates to "King 𝓜𝓸𝓮~"
Zheng He adopted a son, so maybe that?
Lao Ai's penis size if true!
(srs answer: most likely both were adopted; it was an established custom that adopted sons could inherit.
Anyway, his downfall came when a different kind of bastard named Yang Qiu caught wind that he and his disciples had been 榷ing--uh, in modern terms, winning themselves an awful lot of "no-bid contracts". Yang would die later the same year because his anti-eunuch crusade wasn't popular with the eunuchs.)
also according to reconstructed Middle Chinese, Wang Ji sounded a little bit like like "hwankit", if not at the time, then at least for the next few centuries
something's missing....
there's a good chance this has been posted before but it seems relevant to recent posts