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782 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11023 05:11

Fable 1 is a better game about "growing up" than Earthbound/Mother 2 is, at least in regards to men. Both are arguably about trauma affecting growth and maturity, although in Fable YOU the player are kind of the Pokey in the story as you ruin Whisper's coming of age story. They're both about maladaptive coping, with Mother arguably being about using relationships and faith to cope and Fable a strict adherence to a moral code or lack thereof (although it is dumb how many of the big moral choices are about killing a high profile figure, when you do not get penalized for killing hordes of thieves). Mother 2 is probably more well-liked by people without nostalgia for it probably because pixel art ages better than early 3D, and also that many zany very-Japanese games do not get translated, although I will admit it is weird to compare two extremely different games because they have a similar central theme.

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