ITT We talk about whatever game we feel like talkin about (251)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-05-14 15:46 ID:sbn6zXDe

Just talk about whatever game you're playin, want to play, want to buy, what you just bought - whatever.

Just a nice, lazy places to spout random crap about games.

2 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-05-14 15:51 ID:sbn6zXDe

I'll also start us off.

Lately, I've been trying to whittle down my games I've wrapped vs games I own ratio. Now, to fascilitate this, I'm picking ONE system, and I'll only play one game on that particular system until I finish it, while trying to play it as much as possible. Other systems are fair game, but I should mainly focus on this first system.

This, I hope, will make it so I don't fall under the "3 Day curse" where I want to play a game, drop the one I'm currently playing, and play it religiously for 3 days before I suddenly get a craving for the next game - leaving a trail of half-finished games in my wake I'll eventually have to restart (AGAIN) to get the full experience.

Currently, this has begun with Tales of Symphonia, a great game to start me off with. I've been tempted with Legends of Legaia, Baten Kaitos, FF Crytsal Chronicles, but This time, I've stood my ground. I'm a little intimidated that I haven't reached the second disc yet, though ^_^.

3 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-05-19 03:22 ID:3YhNkBMV

I have decided I am going to beat the entire Donkey Kong Country trilogy.

Fuck yeah.

4 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-05-19 17:38 ID:eLBy18ZF

I swear i can't take the music of super mario world 2 from my head U_U

5 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-05-19 22:22 ID:xNczAhgs

Fucking hell I've been playing Ravenshield for years now, and I still love it.

I can't wait for Merc 2 and Ordnance project to come out.

6 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-05-21 00:44 ID:5NYoH42R

I like

A hotdog

In my eye

from Super Mario

but merc 2 is poo

Wario has a Ps2

But like the poo

Mario likes you

but you try it up the poo

Mario Mario Mario oh mario you raped Tomb raider oh mario!

A cow for a cow my kingdons for a hoe

Ps2 oh you suck, but not as hard as Ps3.

>>4 WHAT!

7 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-05-21 04:15 ID:LJc9uphg

I still play battlefield 1942 and its mods

8 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-05-22 07:17 ID:K1EHNsQi

Hitman 2 is fucking hard as hell. It's easy to just run and gun in it, but the point, to me, is to be stealthy. I COULD run around shooting every guy I see in the face, and the missions would be relatively easy, but that's not fun. If I wanted to do that I would play doom or something. To be stealthy, and get the highest rating, you need a hell of a lot of skill.

I'm actually glad it's so hard, because I can play games like splinter cell with too much ease and get by without any alerts. But Hitman presents some challenge.

And Tenchu as well. I have Fatal Shadows for PS2, and it's so much fun, but also frustrating. I'm on that level were you have to fight Futaba, and every time I play it I can get by all the guards without a single alert, but when I have to battle the boss I always get fucked up.

I wish I could reinstall Far Cry, that was so much fun when you tried to be stealthy. Hard as fuck to be stealthy though, but I liked the flexibility. Shame that my gaming system got fried... Now I can hardly play anything made past 2003.

9 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-05-23 00:21 ID:24J6U4j6

I just got a PS3 and decided to start it off with FFXII. I'm enjoying it so far. Love the new battle system. Sazh makes up for the other characters and kind of crappy story. I guess I'm weird in that the linearity isn't really bothering me. Makes finding chests a lot easier at least.

I want to get Demon Souls soon.


Oh man, I have such a hard on for Baten Kaitos. It was my first rpg. Looking back it was probably stupid, but I loved that shit when I was 12, so I hope you enjoy it.

10 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-05-23 03:56 ID:5vMJzodT

I have like 20 games I'm in the middle of playing, but I can be assed to finish any one in particular...

11 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-06-02 10:36 ID:FbETA9zG

To begin this possible wall of text, here's some background - I've had a Dreamcast since sometime in 2000. the RF cable, however, has been broken since 2008, and I only -just- got around to using ebay to grab the SCART cable I need. Even so, that console is fucking awesome.

Shenmue is still fun to this day. Not as amazing as it looked back then, but it's immensely fun to just forget the plot and waste every penny you earned on arcade games and capsule figures (still looking for the Sonic figure). Sonic Adventure 2 aged pretty well, too, despite the writing reminding me of a generic Shonen anime (think Dragonball). The only problem I have with it is how Knuckles' stages seem like pointless filler.

Also, Jet Set Radio (or Jet Grind Radio in the US) and ChuChu Rocket are probably some of the most original games I've ever played.

12 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-06-02 17:41 ID:sbn6zXDe

Been playing Azure Dreams on the GBC. I already finished it on PSX, so I figured I'd give this one a try.

So much harder...

On the plus side, I have two barongs! MUAHAHAHAHA

13 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-06-02 17:45 ID:sbn6zXDe

>>12 cont.

To give you an idea of how much harder the game is, the retard who owned this game before I got it had a save where he'd been to the tower 67 times, and he still hasn't managed to get past the boss on level 20.

14 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-06-08 18:48 ID:sbn6zXDe

(Tales of Symphonia)

Sheena needs more screen time. And more fan art.

15 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-06-15 06:01 ID:IsRGNxZa

Currently playing LovePlus. My girlfriend is Manaka. I feel like now that the "chase" is over and I made her my girlfriend, I've lost all interest. Wow, just like real life.

16 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-06-17 08:43 ID:31D2dWGx

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. I'm still afraid of shooting at people, even if it's just a game.

17 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-06-17 19:14 ID:sbn6zXDe

I'm really lookin' forward to Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light.

18 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-06-22 02:49 ID:5vMJzodT

I hope once Dragon Quest 9 comes out, we'll finally get a release date for Dragon Quest 6...

19 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-07-27 18:10 ID:Heaven

I've been playing Jump! Ultimate Stars for years now and I can't stop playing it since it has alot of weeaboo animu characters that I like. So far, I'm playing as Muhyo and I'm beating the shit out of a ton of people on Wi-fi. Feels good, man.

20 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-12-22 20:23 ID:K8QcZVgX

The splinter cell games really went downhill. Damn Ubi. Honestly, the first two sc's were good, but had lots of room for improvement. The third one was really good, but still had TONS of room for improvement.

So what does Ubi do with the next splinter cell? They clone the 3rd, and make the story 10x cheesier and the gear 10x less tactical.

For the fifth: rinse, wash, and repeat.

This seems to be a habit amongst major game makers today...

I'm glad there are so many old games out there, that I haven't tried, that have a lot of good gameplay.

21 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-12-23 01:56 ID:csQWG3ZQ


It finally has a release date! Its Valentine's Day, which arguably would have fit better with DQ5, what with getting married in the game. Unless DQ6 also has a marriage part.

22 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-01-18 22:52 ID:kSccKrpJ

I have immersed myself in the universe of FF7.

I have finished Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII.

I watched Advent Children Complete last night. I have yet to watch the Last Order OVA or On the way to a Smile OVA. I am currently playing Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.

I only wish Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII was released in a playable English format. Sadly thats the game I want to play the most. The Turks are awesome.

23 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-02-02 08:54 ID:p9A4MqiR

On the subject of Final Fantasy, I just beat the last boss in FFIV Advance. Trying to stick with it and explore the Lunar Ruins but I keep looking over at FFV. After I've beaten the final boss and watch the credit roll, I feel kinda done with a game and lose all motivation to check out any post game extras.

24 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-02-02 17:15 ID:g9kxrvnK


If I remember right, the Lunar Ruins were impossibly hard. Then again I rushed the final boss at a low level and barely won, so...

I hate grinding so I never finished the Lunar Ruins.

25 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-02-03 10:09 ID:p9A4MqiR

All my characters are around level 70, is that high? I had a bit of a wander around there and Rydia turned back into a loli to my delight. I think I'll carry on exploring for now.

I don't see why this area can't be entered before the boss and still be optional? To stop you from getting broken gear for the final boss?

Maybe I'm worrying too much about this and being a bit of a completionist (should be a word), I feel like it would be wrong to ignore a huge dungeon they went to the trouble of adding.

How do other people feel about post game content?

One other thing that bugged me - I wish Parom and Palom had their personalities swapped. The cocky, arrogant boy and the sweet, polite, mature girl is over done.

26 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-02-05 17:59 ID:9NleC0KN

I love "Ore no shikabane wo koete yuke".
This is an unusual style RPG that the characters' lives are very short so that you see them die many times.
When they die their descendants continue the adventure. Descendants are sometimes stronger than their parents. You should strengthen their DNA. I feel the game is really fun because the characters' lives are limited so that if you got a strong one you should take action until he die. Finally the great-(around 30x or more?)-great-grandson beats the final boss. The story is touching and the game itself is absolutely outstanding.

27 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-02-24 04:17 ID:Xk+XXL63

well you gotta remember the time when this game was released, stuff like Parom and Palom was unheard of at the time so of course they were going to follow the tropes of other media

28 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-02-27 02:56 ID:2aI5tmD0

In the After Years (which I personally like), Palom became alot cooler, while Porom became a bit more emotional.

I thought this growth in them was well done, especially since they now have things of great concern to them.

Hell, I personally think a lot of After Years was done well, even if a good chunk of it was just rehash. There's more of it that's remixed well and also original to make me over look that fact. Fuck year, Edge.

29 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-03-02 06:20 ID:A5YcRGew

DVD of "THE COVE" is being distributed free of charge in Sea Shepherd now.

Please contact the application method each mail address described in following URL.

Sea Shepherd has already begun serving in Japan and each country.
You also must apply.

30 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-03-02 06:20 ID:A5YcRGew

DVD of "THE COVE" is being distributed free of charge in Sea Shepherd now.

Please contact the application method each mail address described in following URL.

Sea Shepherd has already begun serving in Japan and each country.
You also must apply.

31 Post deleted.

32 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-03-21 07:16 ID:hvi5uwl/

So I finally got around to completing fallout New Vegas. I went the Yes Man route which was a pretty disappointing ending in my opinion. I might replay it and go with Caesar or the NCR.

33 Name: Ya fancy Snivy? : 2011-03-26 20:33 ID:2UgCH5/p

Alright, check safebooru's comments list. A lot of pictures with Snivy are getting comments lately. I wonder if the Snivy meme isn't dead after all...

34 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-03-29 01:20 ID:zB2Xi4ov

Every week I eagerly check the import section on PSN to see if they've brought I Am The Chef to the US shores. Every week I am dsappointed. Does anyone know if a translated version has been dropped anywhere on the net?

35 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-04-03 17:53 ID:/BwCIqfM

Sengoku Gensokyo is probably the highest concentration of pure awesomeness I have experienced in quite a while.

I mean, you lead Touhou characters in an all-out war with each other. What more could ANYONE possibly want?

36 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-04-05 10:59 ID:0P8yXeiR

Why is Vagrant Story always so compelling to start but so tedious at the midpoint? Why are there several magnitudes more games in the final fantasy style than games in the Brave Fencer Musashi/Castlevania III style?

37 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-04-07 06:11 ID:b7lmTfFF

There is rarely a Japanese who eats the whale.

38 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-04-08 10:10 ID:Xk+XXL63

I couldn't finish Pokemon Black. I got to the 3rd badge and just lost all interest. It looks like after 13 years of Pokemon, my love for the series has finally come to a close.

39 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-04-13 20:48 ID:h1TBnXjR

I feel like talking about Umihara Kawase. I just got to field 35 and couldn't beat it, grrrrr! I've played this game a lot but there's still places I can't reach. And I still haven't beaten that crab...

Maybe because you realized you're just playing more or less the same game over and over again with some graphical updates?

Pokemon is a huge cash cow, so I can't blame Nintendo for pumping out sequels, but I find it hard to give two flaming shits about anything past yellow. Maybe replaying red or blue will rekindle your poké-love?

40 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-04-14 07:29 ID:p9A4MqiR

I was done with Pokémon at Emerald - I lost interest and never even finished all the gyms let alone the Elite 4 or whatever. I gave Diamond a go after seeing Gundam Penguin and getting caught up in the hype but it sucked hard and I didn't bother to pick it up again.

41 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-04-14 16:40 ID:sbn6zXDe

Finally, Xenogears is on the PSN. I can't believe it took so damn long.

In other news, I now understand why everyone hates Xenosaga EP II. everything is designed to WASTE YOUR DAMNED TIME.

Xenosaga III is fantastic so far.

42 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-04-16 20:54 ID:zUH3Uy8E

I've been playing Jump Ultimate Stars for 5 years.

Holy shit...I love this game despite the assholes and cheaters on it.

43 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-04-19 13:10 ID:mYuUmQRo

I am Japanese

The force required to protect the lives of the world world
Please help! There is little time remaining

Nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan is highly toxic plutonium around the world, strontium, iodine, threatened the health of people scattered cesium

Despite the radioactive material is scattered around the globe with just a single point of meltdown in the region of Japan

Japan, now lets spread radioactive material world of dark debris caked all over again in all 47 locations across the country!

Thank you, the government and the press

44 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-06-05 18:08 ID:d4TZAIiH

Downloaded Armored Brigade a few days ago and am really loving the realistic way the entire thing is put together. My only real complaints are the limited OOB collection and the lack of a decent scenario editor. Assuming it had these things, I'd probably even buy it.

45 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-06-18 03:11 ID:iJZN3/SF

I'm playing FF4 on the DS right now. I like it, but I didn't realize it was so short...

46 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-10-10 15:36 ID:OIyTxW0p

I've been playing Ys Seven. Before now I had only played Ys: The Ark of Napishtim on the PSP. So far I'm liking Ys Seven a lot more than Napishtim. Thats not to say Napishtim was bad. It just wasn't exactly that memorable in my opinion.

I'm currently at the Wind Precincts, which I gauge to be about maybe about half way done with the game. I really have no basis for this assumption.

47 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-10-29 08:36 ID:2D5+ZMpY

Dungeon Defenders is really awesome, but it needs a LOT of work to make it easy

I can tell just from one day of playing that the class I picked, the squire, has overpowered towers

We didn't even need to fight ourselves on one map, I'd just make a bowling ball turret at the head of each staircase and crossbow turrets to kill any air units, nothing would pass.It was on medium, maybe on harder modes you dont feel it, but compared to what others were doing I got that impression.Also people are retarded and making public online games where they want to solo and kick anyone that joins, instead of just making a lan game or a private game so they are not listed at all.

The game also suffers from being a console port to pc, at first I thought I was doing something wrong but you need to let your character autoaim every time then atack, shit sucks and makes you not want to fight at all especially when you can't target the more dangerous ones in the horde of hundreds that are coming to beat you down into nothing.

48 Name: hashitaru : 2011-11-15 00:42 ID:5yMCartI

I'm still playing Persona 2 IS on the PSP.
I have one question though,
are the Monster Hunter games any good?

49 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-11-15 22:30 ID:mMnzMqqL

Yeah, but you only need one depending on who you play with.

If you prefer being online, go with tri for wii or possibly freedom Unite with adhoc party, Xlink, or something else.

If you play alone and/or with local pals, consider freedom unite as well, but don't count Tri G for 3DS out either.

That said, I've been replaying Donkey Kong '94 like a goddamn madman. It's hilarious to break the stage like a motherfucker and get through stages that should only take 20 to 30(-35) seconds "normally" in like 5 to 10. It's like "see this shit to climb? Yeah, you can backflip and spring flip through that shit in like 5 seconds flat AND beat the stage). It's incredible.

50 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-11-15 22:40 ID:mMnzMqqL

>>49 here
the funny thing about this that I forgot to mention is that it is very easy to die while doing this shit without great reactions, ideal planning and results, and perfect understanding of mechanics and how X behaves in Y way as a result of Z and so on.

Again, it makes you feel like a champ if you do, especially after fucking up a few times.

51 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-12-19 15:32 ID:ZNWZswnm


sounds interesting. can you show a video demonstration of this technique?

52 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2011-12-19 17:05 ID:Xpm1rzG5


Let me tell you the story of Ascian. We started back in march this year. Back then I didn't really have anything in particular to do, and I felt like getting involved in something. So I started what we at first referred to as a "Neckbeard Gaming Community" by creating a thread on /v/. It was actually quite successful and we came up with the name Ascian (which means shadowless, it's a bit hipster-ish, I know) and I bought the domain "". We were, and still are, using Skype as our main method of communication. Slowly people started dropping off and getting "dropped off" (kicked). We still had some core members, though, most of which are still left. Then in august, I think it was, we did another mass recruitment. We got a lot of new members, and of those the majority got kicked within the first few days or dropped off after a while, but we still got a few more core members.
We recently started a blog ( for gaming news. It actually did get quite some success and we earned some money from it that will be used to buy servers.
Now we are about 10 core members. By “core member” I mean a member that is active and online mostly every day. Most of us live in Europe (I actually purchased the domain, it might be useful), but we welcome people from nearly anywhere as long as they aren't faggots (unwanted scum, we'll know when we talk to them) and can speak decent English.
Now, we come to the point of this thread. We still have our core member base, but the community has stagnated a little bit. Well, not stagnated, but it would be nice to have some fresh people come in. As we are a little bit picky with the type of people we allow in (we don't just pick random teenagers off the streets because they like Halo), getting new members is a bit troublesome. That is why I am posting here.

What do we have to offer?
Well, we like to discuss all kinds of things, preferably vidya-related, and then play some bro-op. We don't really have the numbers to regularly play anything but bro-op. Of course, if our member-count was to increase, things could change.
We have Skype-calls most evenings, so it would be a bonus if you are comfortable with talking to other human beings using your voice, but it is not required.

Are you interested? Fill in the form at

(we won't be too picky with the invites right now, we'll just kick the trash if needed)

53 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2012-02-08 13:15 ID:ZNWZswnm

i've been playing this 1999 playstation game called ちっぽけラルフの大冒険. anybody that likes 2d platformers and unforgiving difficulty should definitely find a copy. one hit sends you back to a checkpoint, and you get a game over after 3 lives, generally sending you back to a checkpoint further back. lots of precise jumps are necessary and level memorisation helps. it's not unbeatable or anything (as long as you continue), but expect to be doing certain parts and boss battles over and over again and using tons of continues. good music and great graphics, too. one of the best platformers i've played.

54 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2012-06-22 22:18 ID:5yDsUKxy

I've been playing the Japanese version of Final Fantasy VI. This game has such a touching story, and I love the characters.

55 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2018-06-10 00:04 ID:Heaven

<A>what if new fzero
<B>is this a bet
<A>a prayer

56 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-06-02 11:07 ID:iOclirgI

Street Fighter 2: New Legacy ~ a fan-mod to make Super SF2 Turbo more balanced.

For example:

57 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-10-03 15:24 ID:yZd8lC6s

>>11 Is Shenmue still fun to this day? I got it on PS4 in the sale recently cos I'd heard it was good, but I also heard it can get a bit tedious.

58 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-10-03 19:07 ID:yZd8lC6s

I got Britney's Dance Beat on PS2 for £1 the other day. I'm thinking I'll plug my TV into my guitar FX pedals and play it with heavy distortion and delay

59 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-10-04 05:56 ID:mdFNO1eB

>>58 that sounds fun as **** anon. i wonder how it will sound. delay makes everything so atmospheric. also that cost is a dealmaker. i played batman today

60 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-10-08 11:38 ID:yZd8lC6s

I want to tell you all about a funny bug I found in Olympic Soccer on PS1. I was playing against the computer, and they lobbed the ball towards my goal. While the ball was in the air, I was mashing X to header the ball, when the half-time whistle blew. At half-time, all the players immediately rush towards the dugout, but since I was mashing X, it skipped the whole halftime ceremony and the players reappeared on the pitch at opposite ends. However, the ball was still in the air flying towards the goal, and after swapping sides that was now the computer's goal. The ball went into the net and I was awarded a goal before the half had started! Isn't that interesting?

61 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-10-09 07:12 ID:uFwiAFjN

yep it sure is. i liked playing crash,spyro,tekken, and final fantasy

62 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-10-09 11:02 ID:yZd8lC6s

>>61 Me too, happy days! I liked FF7 but I was too young to understand the concept of RPGs, levelling up to beat bosses etc. Got stuck at Materia Keeper for ages, then one day managed to fluke a win, but went the wrong way afterwards and got stuck in the sidequest where Yuffie steals all your materia. Had no chance to beat the boss, so was completely stuck there.

The PlayStation Magazine did a thing for a while on the demo discs where you could download save data for various games (all characters unlocked, all weapons, stuff like that) and they had a FFVII save just before heading in to fight Sephiroth. I played it a lot from that point, doing lots of sidequests and things, but I've never actually seen most of the game properly...

63 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-10-09 11:03 ID:yZd8lC6s

Crash and Spyro were great, but Ape Escape was the best platformer on PS1

64 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-10-09 11:05 ID:yZd8lC6s

>>61 Who did you play most in Tekken? I liked Yoshimitsu when I was young but now I like Asuka and Jun

65 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-10-09 20:26 ID:e2yUJ2fg

>>64 i own tekken and tekken 3 of which i played more. i never stuck to one character and i played kazuya and law i absolutely loved his sound effects and extreme acrobatic kicks. his parry was fucking amazin when he put his knee up and backflipped off the opponents leg. furthermore i agree yoshimitsu had an indefinate appeal.
>>63 i own ape escape as well. it is truly fun however the gem collection in crash 2 had its replay value and the adorable polar bear levels in snow are super fun.

66 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-10-09 20:28 ID:e2yUJ2fg


67 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-10-09 20:33 ID:fuDDhV8/

>>62 this sounds like a precise replica of my ff7 experience. i was at gamestop with my dad and the clerk recommended ff7 it had quite the reputation at that time only once i played ff7 in adulthood had i came to appreciate its artform and battles . i played it many times getting stuck and not knowing where to go and coming back to it. i even once got stuck ok angel sephiroth ad gave in then restarted the game many many months later. i recently completed it a few years ago.

68 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-10-28 09:40 ID:Huu5wP2D

Golazo! Football League is a pretty fun arcade football game, but my country isn't in it so I gave it a 2-star review. It's fun to play but I'm just like, I guess I'll go Holland or Japan or something

69 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-10-28 16:24 ID:Heaven

Things you build in factorio have an uncanny resemblance to living creatures, with conveyor belts being the blood flow.

70 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-01 14:28 ID:pJcJAyfV

playing outer wilds made me feel like a little kid again

71 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-01 21:00 ID:Huu5wP2D

I felt like shooting some baddies today so I played some Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on PS3. It was fun but so annoying when you sneak around a corner and came face to face with a terrorist, but when you try to step back behind cover your teammates are right there blocking you and you get shot

72 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-12 03:30 ID:SrApV7W4

I prefer the spyro games overall but ape escape has really unique, endearing charm to it. I love that each monkey has a name and a little personality. What a great game.

73 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-12 17:10 ID:Heaven

I want more games that can be played with one hand

74 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-13 15:19 ID:NBluN0hr

I want a new Armored Core title...
FROMSOFTWARE needs to think back to their old fans and push AC again :/

75 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-13 18:22 ID:Heaven


76 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-19 11:31 ID:Y6yarOwn

I love Rocket League but I'm not that great at it, but it's even more fun when teammates get mad at me when I make a mistake!

77 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-19 19:18 ID:Heaven

Found some cheats for touhou. I can't die without seeing all endings.


78 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-21 16:39 ID:Heaven

Finished touhou 15 on very very easy. Burger fairy's hip movements are delightful. That one winged girl gave me some yandere vibes, she was super serious during introduction but was smiling during the fight itself.

79 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-21 17:00 ID:Heaven

Touhou 15 on one hand is a noticeable spike in difficulty, on other hand it actually lowers it much lower than in most games. It adds savestates pretty much. But to compensate, ZUN made patterns harder overall. It's good, I don't have to restart the game and replay those boring first 3 stages again and again to have another chance on stage 5.

80 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-22 08:21 ID:Heaven

There is no touhou thread here, huh. Maybe I should create one? Need to post links to wikis and such.

81 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-22 09:47 ID:oeWIsJqe

>>80 Go for it dude!

As for me, I've been playing Borderlands 1 for the first time

82 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-23 17:22 ID:P35zieyM

After a decade or more of being recommended it I finally played and beat Ghost Trick.

It's crazy how nostalgic it feels now, definitely some of the best feelings I've gotten playing a video game recently.

83 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-28 11:18 ID:Heaven

84 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-12-05 16:27 ID:SrApV7W4

I played B1 for the first time not too long ago after having played B2 and Pre-Sequel first.
Combat and Skills feels unpolished in comparison (especially the way elements are handled) but it's fine otherwise.
I can see why some fans of 1 hate what happened going on, I think the aesthetic and tone really did go downhill even though 2 is my first game in the series. 1 did have a problem with areas being VERY same-y and hard to remember due to being overly brown.

85 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-12-06 10:45 ID:pJcJAyfV

BPM: Bullets Per Minute (2020) is way too fun for what looks like an unironic unity store asset flip. Who knew clicking heads to the beat was so satisfying?

86 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-12-07 10:41 ID:oeWIsJqe

My friend gave me FF7 remake for PS4, what a pal <3

87 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-12-14 11:12 ID:xTnrurNq

I'm playing the Borderlands Handsome Collection and on the Pre-Sequel, one of the missions you have to find this lady, and the mission's called "Wherefore Art Thou?" Oh the stupidity. Those IDIOTS.


88 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-12-25 21:53 ID:xTnrurNq

Would I maybe be the only person in the whole world to play RC Stunt Copter on the PS1 this crisp Christmas day? Me and my brother also played:

  • Total Drivin' (PS1)
  • Euro 2000 (PS1)
  • Porsche Challenge (PS1)
  • Colin McRae Rally (PS1)
  • Moto Racer (PS1)
  • Need For Speed Underground 2 (PS2)
  • SSX3 (PS2)
  • Super Bomberman R (PS4)
  • Rocket League (PS4)
  • Tekken 7 (PS4)

Nostalgic fun...

89 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-12-31 17:57 ID:xTnrurNq

Now the key to controlling Ogre is this pendant...

90 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-01-04 16:29 ID:pJcJAyfV

Recently got into Lobotomy Corporation. My journey went something like this:

  • Ooh, this game "Library of Ruina" looks cool. Very stylish UI.
  • Huh, it's a Korean deckbuilding rpg-battler, but also a sequel to another game... "Lobotomy Corporation"
  • After some research, the previous game (LC) looks like a flash game (ew) and seems to take hours and hours to finish, not to mention that it's (apparently) stupidly grindy. Pass for now, but it looks like the sequel can be played standalone.

Plays some LoR

  • wow this game rules. but definitely seems like I'm missing some lore. let's watch the cutscenes from LC
  • ok, I watched all the cutscenes from LC (that took, like, 5 hours?)... back to LoR
  • OK... this game is still great but now I'm intrigued about how the original game plays. The steam sale is still on, so let's purchase LC.
  • before playing LC, I'm going to mod it and make it less punishing. No big deal since there's no achievements...

20 hours later

  • Very glad I decided to give this a go - not only is it a great game in and of itself, but it makes LoR that much better. However, I really wish I had played it from the get go instead of taking this roundabout route. However, I still have a lot of playtime to go...

Someone on steam describes this game as "Korean Autism Management Simulation" which is v accurate & should probably indicate if it's for you or not. My recommendation is (1) unless you're a serious masochist, I would grab some mods that make grinding for stats easier, make it so deaths are not permanent, and make gifts more common, and (2) name your employees after either people you know or characters in media you enjoy. Feels like it would be a lot more fun to do that than sticking with the random names like I did.

91 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-01-05 12:08 ID:xTnrurNq


>looks like a flash game (ew)

What's the problem??

92 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-01-06 10:36 ID:Heaven


nothing really, I'm just unreasonably picky and associate flash with shallow game mechanics and poor code optimisation (whereas only the latter is true in this case)

93 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-01-23 07:27 ID:Heaven

Megaman would be so much better if you could switch weapons without pausing the game and opening the menu. And aiming with your mouse. And being 3d. Basically, megaman would be much better if it was quake.

Quake would be so much better if it had catchy music and cute girls.

94 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-02-10 08:05 ID:S+Vf9T+K

With Live a live getting a remake, I felt an urge to replay the game so I tried getting the roms from emuparadise using the workaround but firefox is blocking my download. I was wondering if anyone here knows if the site is still safe to use?

95 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-02-11 15:05 ID:ilhw+J+F

>>94 Is that a SNES game? I went to emuparadise and it wouldn't let me (not sure of the workaround you mentioned) but I can confirm I downloaded Live A Live for the SNES from RomHustler no problem

96 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-02-11 15:34 ID:Heaven

I disabled all firefox "warnings" long ago after they started marking one site I used as unsafe. Malware usually only exists in exe and dll files, it is technically possible to be infected through just roms (if emulator developer was very clumsy and allowed stack overflows or buffer overflows or something like that), but it's very very unlikely. Download emulators from well known sites, download roms from wherever you want.

I'm surprised emuparadise is still a thing, I though it was forced to not exist.

To disable Malware Protection in Firefox,
Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Uncheck Block dangerous and deceptive content.
type about:config in the address bar, and change those to false
maybe browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.enabled and rest

97 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-02-13 01:21 ID:Heaven

Thanks very much for the help.

98 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-02-24 23:47 ID:ilhw+J+F

Final Fantasy VII Remake is making me happy, it's so nice seeing all these people and places again come to life! I wish there was a first-person view, I just want to look at everything. Also there should be a hug button so Cloud can give Tifa and Aerith a nice cuddle

99 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-02-25 14:00 ID:ilhw+J+F

Got a weird urge to play FIFA '97 today... pretty clunky, but it was the first fully-3D FIFA game. Played an indoor 5-a-side tournament, as far as I know only FIFA 97 and 98 had this indoor mode, and none of the later ones did. The computer was beating me due to the clunky controls, so I swapped to the other team and hacked the goalie to get them all sent off! However, once a certain number of players have been sent off, you no longer get red cards - in FIFA 98, after I think 4 or 5 get sent off the match is abandoned and the other team automatically wins 3-0.

100 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-02-25 14:06 ID:ilhw+J+F

I got FIFA 98 when it came out but got 96 and 97 a few years later... the guy in Electronic Boutique seemed confused why I'd want to buy these old ones

Looking up cheats for FIFA 97 just now I came across this:

>Play track six of the game disk in a CD player to hear singing by John Motson, a member of the EA development team.

I already knew about the John Motson song, because any time we got a new PS1 game we'd always put it in a CD player to see if there was any music, but it's pretty funny seeing him described as “a member of the EA development team”. (He's maybe Britain's most well-known football commentator for like 40 years)

101 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-02-25 14:15 ID:ilhw+J+F

The PS1 version of FIFA '96 had a 3D pitch but 2D sprites, as did Jonah Lomu Rugby

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