WTFux/IICHAN merger democratic forum (247, permasaged)

1 Name: Lain!YsrYiS7Bco 2005-09-24 05:12 ID:mtMDRl4J

Wanna know why I brang a shitstorm upon myself? Attention! The only fucking way I can get anyones attention these days is to make a scene.

WTFux and IICHAN will not merge until a proper democratic decision has been made by the majority of iichan and WTFux moderators, as well as VIP's and general users of both communities.

Discuss here, comrades.

2 Name: Mix!iunFgPzE5U 2005-09-24 05:15 ID:jX2jnNuk

i agree with this merger :o

3 Name: !0INoloLcP.!!AXlGGRjX 2005-09-24 05:16 ID:Heaven

i am against wtfux merging with iichan, but only because i'm fully of fear of loosing "the" wtfux i know. but since i see no other way, GO AHEAD AND DO IT.

4 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2005-09-24 05:16 ID:Heaven

  1. Why are we discussing this here and not on /wcd/?
  2. Thanks, but no, thanks.

5 Name: foto 2005-09-24 05:16 ID:dmdjtWMo

i'm for the merger plzzzz. i think this will be good for us. already things seem better. we can also weed people out this way. c'moooon.

6 Name: Dru!z3ZNK987RA 2005-09-24 05:17 ID:8OP2IHrf

I don't have a big preference one way or another, as long as the idiocy is kept to a minimum, preferably through technological means (I'm looking at you, BlackMage.)

Trolling via subterfuge is fine, though. It tickles me that most of those kids still haven't gotten the joke.

7 Name: cho0b!zSGCho0BnY 2005-09-24 05:17 ID:Heaven

WTFux has already had a democratic vote and we are for the merger.

There were some people that disagreed with the merger; You people feel free to share your opinions here. t('.'t)

8 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:18 ID:Heaven

as long as no wtfux dumbshits touch 4-ch, i'm fine with it.
Also, stay out of niche anime because I go to those boards sometimes too.
And dear god PLEASE drop the camwhore board - it encourages the highest forms of fucking idiocy possible.
God I hate wtfux.
idlechan has never been bad, but with wtfux around, you guys are sure to fail it pretty hard.

Don't do it.

9 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:19 ID:Heaven

and >>1-7 all have handles.
see, this is the problem with iichan and wtfux.

10 Name: moniker!1hQVBW3ets!!xceIemtd 2005-09-24 05:20 ID:Heaven

I like the idea of a wtfux and iichan (IIFUX) merge. It makes me cream my pants whenever I think of the idea.


11 Name: !0INoloLcP.!!AXlGGRjX 2005-09-24 05:20 ID:Heaven

/cams/ is a essential part of wtfux and is probably not going to be dropped.


12 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2005-09-24 05:21 ID:Heaven

I am sorry, Lain!YsrYiS7Bco has called for "VIP & moderator" opinions.

And I still don't get why this is discussed here and not on the iichan discussion board. isn't iichan.

13 Name: foto 2005-09-24 05:21 ID:dmdjtWMo

>>8 >>9 not all of us are idiots. thanks.

14 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:22 ID:Heaven



...Soviet Russia, that you?
Does this Soviet Russia will be around these parts?
I'm ready to throw my computer out the window.

15 Name: Nihilanthic!DzOOUEJPVw 2005-09-24 05:23 ID:iuqYWfLy

I for one think this could be a good thing, just as long as nobody panics or forgets to delegate power and organize with a way for ops/mods to talk amongst eachother, etc.

Oh and dont turn into greedy power hungry mofos like ahem some other chans do :)

16 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:23 ID:Heaven

AFAIK, that's just some fancy unicode gimmick of the wtfux crowd.
Dropping the handle now.

17 Name: Kent Fucking Brockman 2005-09-24 05:24 ID:4dvdeiPf

I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to remind them that, as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves.

18 Name: pizza!90DqOMAzzQ 2005-09-24 05:24 ID:2+kiW6nU

Hey, as long as the IRC environment is still COCKS COCKS LOL, I'm good.

19 Name: !0INoloLcP.!!AXlGGRjX 2005-09-24 05:24 ID:Heaven

no, SovietRussia probably would POST as SovietRussia#deadjew, like always. I'm ☭/A4A


20 Name: Evo-chan!NO1BcoZ41E 2005-09-24 05:25 ID:mxKWyOky

For the most part, I am not opposed to the merger. Except for the fact that it brings a sudden influx of somewhat baka users into the channel and the website, that will take some getting used to. And the name. I don't like how iifux sounds very much. Perhaps an all new website name shoud be thought up?

Oh yeah. >>6 mentioned it. I won't mind it too much as long as the new people behave (more or less ^^;) and everything doesn't degrade into one big cesspool of *chan idiocy. If this post made any sense. o.O

I made my point. Carry on, peoples~ Long live iichan!

21 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:25 ID:Heaven

who the hell are all of you?
the only one i've heard of is lolocaust.

Goddamnit. This is gay and i'm sad :(

22 Name: foto 2005-09-24 05:25 ID:dmdjtWMo

>>15 finally some optimism. and from a nihilist? lolz.

and >>14 soru was already pretty much exiled from wtfux. most of us are fed up with him.

23 Name: Lain!YsrYiS7Bco 2005-09-24 05:26 ID:mtMDRl4J


This is an open debate. I will take all opinions objectionally.

Also, is acting funky and I don't know why. WAHa needs to look at it.

24 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:26 ID:Heaven

> who the hell are all of you?

Some people from iichan/wtfux

No idea why they sought to discuss all of this

25 Name: WTRoll!HfinAdTohw 2005-09-24 05:27 ID:RgNOOVq3

I'm not aware of iichan having a whole lot that wtfux doesn't except for a furry board, /gay and /cams. I've never heard a peep out of any wtfux furries; but I rarely left the random boards so I'm not the best one to ask.

As far as trolling goes, half of the time I post on (iichan)/b/ it's deleted; the mods don't let crap sit (and fester). I don't think that it's going to be a problem.

Hell, since there isn't a board on iichan which is going to tolerate anything remotely resembling loli, SoRu should be happy; and that ought to cut down on the chances of over-the-top flooding anyway.

In my opinion, you should treat this as a trial run for when 4chan dies 6 months from now, after moot burns through the 11k they are spending on servers. That's when the shit will really hit the fan!

26 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:28 ID:Heaven

Probably the /wcd/ board isn't updated to the latest Kareha version.

Older versions couldn't handle some special characters (which I assume are in the IRC logs somehow) and resulted in XML parsing errors.

Just update your board and you'll be fine.

27 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:29 ID:Heaven

just get the fuck off 4-ch and i'll be happy! We don't want morons here, we want SERIOUS posters who UNDERSTAND an ANONYMOUS BBS and it's culture, and how it differs from wtfux and iichan. Where's Squeeks? He'd save us.

28 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:30 ID:Heaven

Dude, just chill, okay? No use in getting all angry, although I understand.

And Squeeks is around. AFAIK, he's not too happy with the decision, either. But hey, DRAM, ATTENTION, LOLZ INTERNET!

oh geez.

29 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:31 ID:+E061E2K

squeeks is being squeeks sup squeeks oh hey did i mention im a wtfuxer? lol anon

30 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:32 ID:Heaven

I'm not actually worked up, just worried. my use of "!" and caps is just me panicing that 4-ch will be infested.
This has seriously risen to be my favorite site on all of the internet and I'd like to keep it the way it is. More users are great, but this isn't quite what I was hoping for. . .

31 Name: !0INoloLcP.!!AXlGGRjX 2005-09-24 05:32 ID:Heaven

erm... no. nobody was fed of with SovietRussia. I like you foto, but STOP THE FUCKING LYING. ok?
is a Anonymous-Nazi(Nazi as in Grammar Nazi.).


32 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:34 ID:+E061E2K

honestly..we wont invade 4-ch even when we had our own forum boards they wernt even used that much you got nothing to fear really

33 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:34 ID:Heaven

I feel this thread would have been better placed in the DQN board...

34 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:34 ID:+E061E2K

blame lain

35 Name: foto 2005-09-24 05:34 ID:dmdjtWMo

>>31 OH PLEASE. YES PEOPLE WERE. his spamming got fucking old. and always ruined it for everyone else.

36 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:35 ID:Heaven

oh okay cool.

37 Name: ☭Normal-chan!nqprlgUDj6!!j+bpGPO6 2005-09-24 05:36 ID:Heaven

I, ☭Normal-chan approve of this merger.

I'm already excited because as I stated, so far:

<normal-chan> coming to iichan is like moving into a really giant house with lots of legroom and there's already stuff to eat in the fridge and there's like some really good sushi bar only a block away :[
<normal-chan> Oh also
<normal-chan> I /r/ banner related to that
<normal-chan> 8)

Also, for those of you who are opposed to this merging, I would like to point out (quoted from foto-chan who quoted from the board meeting I missed earlier):

"I'll close WTFux until I feel I have the resourced needed to run it."
-Comrade Cho0b

So I mean... I guess that somewhat implies that it will come back... also as I believe Lain stated on the front page of iichan earlier "WTFux has a wide user base but far too few resources, while IICHAN's userbase is smaller and has far too many resources." So I mean... it's not like every member of 4chan is raiding on our smaller, more close, friendly community...

iichan's a nice place, most of the people I've talked with are nice people. So that's just one wtfuxor's opinion.


PS: We'll jarbl your harbl

38 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:39 ID:Heaven

I dislike wtfux.
you guys are too ":D~~" for life. From my experince there, you all seem pretty anti-4chan too. Why? or is wtfux REALLY almost 100% completly made up of banned 4chan rejects?

39 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:40 ID:RgNOOVq3

>>32 We need a random (discussion) and /gay board; other than that, most of the discussion boards weren't used that often, I agree.

40 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:41 ID:Heaven

How will this affect the boards not hosted directly on iichan, such as roexpose, humblefool, koichan, 1chan, etc etc etc?

41 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:42 ID:Heaven

> "I'll close WTFux until I feel I have the resourced needed to run it."

I don't really have a problem with that. I don't even understand why that's a problem at all. WHAT does cho0b lack exactly, anyways? The ressources for all of wtfux? Or even what little it takes to just cover /cams/ and the random board?

42 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:43 ID:+E061E2K

no idea i didnt even though half of them existed next question.

43 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:43 ID:RgNOOVq3

4chan is run by and caters to a fairly immature audience; what's to like? And the "100% banned" has a lot to do with the fact that snacks and crew tend to automatically ban people who they know post onto wtfux; regardless of their behavior on 4chan.

44 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:43 ID:Heaven

Influx of new and exciting users from the sidebar, I guess.

45 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:44 ID:+E061E2K

they use over 120gb a month and and the number is still going up considering wtfux just barely started a few months back chances are it wont last much longer with its rate of growth and the constant drama

46 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:45 ID:Heaven

So the idea is what, that iichan is going to host the boards that caused the 120gb a month + constant drama?

47 Name: ☭Normal-chan!nqprlgUDj6!!j+bpGPO6 2005-09-24 05:45 ID:Heaven

Oh yes, and on the note of SovietRussia#deadjew...

Sources tell me that he has been eaten by the giant online monster that is World of Warcraft. And from my personal experience, he's a very infamous troll, but he's really not that bad. It's not like he's going to individually hunt you down and lay eggs in your anus via sodomy (but ya nevar know amirite?).

Soru is kinda like a cheeky schoolboy, only he occassionally floods gore pics and gay porn. Mostly on 4chan though, so meh meh lol

48 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:47 ID:+E061E2K

yeah pretty much, please be gentle its our first time

49 Name: Mix!iunFgPzE5U 2005-09-24 05:52 ID:jX2jnNuk

>>46 sounds about right.

50 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:53 ID:Heaven

It's like we're being forced to marry some uberbitch because of tribal laws or something lol

51 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:55 ID:Heaven

hahaha, yeah you got it.

52 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:57 ID:+E061E2K

yeep welcome to the internet

53 Name: Dru!z3ZNK987RA 2005-09-24 05:58 ID:8OP2IHrf

Please give the wtfux kids their own official IRC channel.

I mean, shit.

54 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:58 ID:Heaven

they have one, but i don't know where it is.

55 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 05:59 ID:Heaven

<h1 align="center"><blink><font size="7" color="#555500">The IRC Server is - #wtfux</font></blink></h1>

56 Name: cho0b!zSGCho0BnY 2005-09-24 05:59 ID:Heaven

We have or own server, but you already knew that Dru.

The IRCD is also something I'm willing to share with iichan.

57 Name: Dru!z3ZNK987RA 2005-09-24 06:01 ID:8OP2IHrf


if the ircd is still up, then why the invasion? I thought that meant you'd taken it down and they didn't have anywhere else to go.

58 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 06:10 ID:Heaven

Well, if it's just about the hosting, then I don't really see why wtfux would have to be integrated into the sidebar and all.
As I have seen in the past, the regulars there didn't like being linked from the iichan sidebar anyway.
So why not just donate the bandwidth/subdomain to them and be done with it?

59 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 06:14 ID:Heaven

Definatly the best idea.

60 Name: Dawbis 2005-09-24 06:15 ID:rgqEgKx2

>>8 "dear god PLEASE drop the camwhore board- it encourages the highest forms of fucking idiocy possible."

Worst idea ever. keep cam whores on cams and you contain this "idiocy" you speak of.
Same goes for all the boards. If everyone stays respectful there should be no problems glares at direspectfuls

>>9 ">>1-7 all have handles.
see, this is the problem with iichan and wtfux."

This is not a problem at all. This is just a contained discussion on some internet communities, whose memebers have identities. Dont be a disrespectful phantom please. Cheell

>>20 The name shouldn't change much. It could be like bijin or cosplay couldn't it? or something like that

>>22 "soru was already pretty much exiled from wtfux" When did this happen?

I approve: Link to a WTFUX front page with /cams/ /cats/ /sci-fi/ /movies/ /and whatever else isn't a board double/

61 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 06:23 ID:Heaven

> This is just a contained discussion on some internet communities, whose memebers have identities

"Identities" are mostly not needed. Having a handle doesn't make you automatically respectful or worth to be respected. If wanted "identities" for everyone, this would have been another phbb board or something which it is not. Please respect this.
Also, adress opinions and posts with >>##, that suffices most of the time.

62 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 06:34 ID:gTtZ/MCj

>>new and exciting users


63 Name: 44 2005-09-24 06:36 ID:Heaven

Irony doesn't really have a license to be debated.

64 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 06:39 ID:WJwtxftV

Why call this a merger? Just have the wtfux boards on the sidebar. No big deal. Is there something more special about them than any other Wakachan type entity?

65 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 06:40 ID:Qhco8vpy

If the merge will be mutually beneficial, as you say it will be, I say do it. I don't care about whether or not either iichan or WTFux stays "pure," just so long as I can download porn, kittens, and Flash movies at a reasonable speed.

66 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 06:46 ID:Heaven

Well, so far wtfux has been a haven for those banned from all other places (considerably changed over the last few months, though)& self-admitted trolls with a strong sense for "We have tripcodes & are community yargh!" which went as far as lashing out against wakachan for linking their camboard.

I just feel that this won't play out and I think it's totally dumb to discuss this first on IRC only in a matter of a few minutes, then announce a final move decision, then incite a "VIP" discussion with the ultimatum of wtfux dying otherwise in the back.

67 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 06:57 ID:Heaven

Do we have to change our name?

Seriously, what do they have to offer that we can't do already? We're just taking their board links and adding to our own.

68 Name: short-and-concise-anonymous 2005-09-24 07:01 ID:w4nFIfgd


69 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 07:02 ID:WJwtxftV

Eh. This can be a prelude to eventual popularity. Just scatter their unique boards in the sidebar, or even under a WTFUX tab, and hope they bring some life into the place. Several of the boards could use it.

70 Name: Pi!qYjHCsvvvY 2005-09-24 07:04 ID:CkoSz4nf

I agree with >>65

I'd like to have a /furi to moderate over with an iron fist. (And I don't even care too much about that.)

71 Name: Ghost Freeman!AvT/zSkROU 2005-09-24 07:06 ID:Wm++nTor

The way this was handled, from the suprise IRC announcement, to the inital discussion and disgust, to this very thread shows not much planning went into this.

Still, this is the best idea I can think of right now to actually decide where we go from here while letting everyone express their views against iiFUX since IRC goes at 100 lines a minute.

TBH, I want to know more about what the proposed merger means to me -- the immigrant. I'd like to hear what boards will stay and what gets bahleeted as of now, and who gets mod status, etc.

72 Name: Lucky-7!AHfolaHfqg 2005-09-24 08:07 ID:C0Klj8W+

Whatever's not ruled by Snacks is fine.

73 Name: DashBillions!uj/koSf.Zc 2005-09-24 08:08 ID:Heaven

I'm getting my own board out of this so I'm cool with it 8)

74 Name: nobuyuki!GfMr2LTKW. 2005-09-24 08:19 ID:SlixXTvd

Here's what I think. I was all for this push, and I guess the minute Lain hopped on board was the minute it was "official". I didn't think cho0b would go for it, but now that I believe most of WTFux is all for it, I think it's a good thing for iichan. WTFux has a community which is active and contains users who are fun to post with. IIChan mostly contains rabid people with a hankering for niche boards, and pseudojapanese anons. The "funloving" community had mostly migrated to WTFux, and there are several ex-iichan members who would like to join up with their comrades again, and vice versa.

I approve of this merger. Furthermore, IIChan + WTFux > 4chan AM I RITE?????????

75 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 08:24 ID:Heaven

> The "funloving" community had mostly migrated to WTFux

lol no

76 Name: nobuyuki!GfMr2LTKW. 2005-09-24 08:33 ID:Heaven

it's true, those guys have a community spirit which is easy to participate in. IIChan's random board feels like reprocessed 2chan in a cup

77 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 08:40 ID:Heaven

To be honest, all of western imgboards' random boards have been failures when compared to Futaba Channel. Even 4chan's /b/ doesn't "get" it but hey, it's fun to post gore, make nigger & jew jokes and behave like huge faggots all the time. That's community spirit alright!

If that's the kind of fun you're looking for, 4chan is the place to go, really. But do we really want to go into this here?

78 Name: Eric!upWm/KiLZA 2005-09-24 08:41 ID:2LhZjMXC

I'm not a fan of the merger, but if it has to be, then it has to be. And for all the faggots out there insulting WTFux:

You will be trolled. Hard and long with a huge cock.

79 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 08:42 ID:Heaven

Yeah, you're the kind of user I was wary of when I opposed this.

80 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 08:44 ID:WJwtxftV

Gee, I can just feel the love between the two communities here.

81 Name: !0INoloLcP.!!AXlGGRjX 2005-09-24 08:46 ID:Heaven

ur rite.


4chan is ruled by nazis. 8( also, SO WHAT, WESTERN IMAGE BOARDS ARE NOT JAPANESE IMAGEBOARDS. SO? THAT DOESN'T MAKE THEM BAD, DOES IT?</cruisecontroltocool>


82 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-09-24 08:47 ID:Heaven

> is acting funky and I don't know why

Less funky than world4ch is at the moment. rimshot

83 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 08:48 ID:Heaven

I don't think anyone can speak for a whole community. It'd be impossible to do something like this without at least a little bitching going on.

84 Name: Eric!upWm/KiLZA 2005-09-24 08:49 ID:2LhZjMXC


We all have names because we're all friends. We know each other, it grows a tight-knit sense of community, totally unlike this "let's stay anonymous" faggotry. I'll enjoy posting here with a name all the time just because it pisses you off.

85 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 08:51 ID:Heaven

So stop using anonymous board software.

86 Name: 77 2005-09-24 08:51 ID:Heaven

No, it doesn't make them bad. That wasn't my point, either.
But I think the majority of the happy-go-lucky-troll crowd of wtfux would be happier at some register-only forum like SomethingAwful or whatever.
It doesn't really matter, though. This thread isn't about japanisu imgboards.

87 Name: cho0b!zSGCho0BnY 2005-09-24 08:57 ID:Heaven


That's craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think most of you need a more open mind and perhaps the stick up your collective asses needs to be removed.

88 Name: Eric!upWm/KiLZA 2005-09-24 08:57 ID:2LhZjMXC

There's a choice to be anonymous. No one is forcing it. Notice, I'm typing my name into the NAME BOX. DENOTING ONE SHOULD TYPE A NAME IN.

89 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 09:03 ID:Heaven


Though all I've seen on your board was constant bashing of Anonymous people.



So stop it, please. <3

You were the one who started the bashing of chosing to post as Anonymous. Stop being a hypocrite.

90 Name: !0INoloLcP.!!AXlGGRjX 2005-09-24 09:03 ID:Heaven

no, we wouldn't be. in other news, SA sucks cock. but i guess you have STAIR IN YOUR HOUSE.
<3 cho0b


91 Name: cho0b!zSGCho0BnY 2005-09-24 09:10 ID:Heaven

Wait you haven't been bashing "tripcoded faggots?"


Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. I hope you're not like this all the time. Censorship is lame.

>Though all I've seen on your board was constant bashing of Anonymous people.

It's more like anonymous come and bash people with names and then those people get angry at anonymous and think everyone is the same person. Maybe that's why some anonymous should be thoughtful and put some time into their posts instead of saying whatever the hell they want.

Eric, stop being such an ass. I love you but you're being very asinine.

92 Name: Eric!upWm/KiLZA 2005-09-24 09:10 ID:2LhZjMXC

How the fuck am I being a hypocrite? Maybe one could read my words backward there. My point is:


93 Name: Eric!upWm/KiLZA 2005-09-24 09:11 ID:2LhZjMXC


I'm only trolling in retaliation.

94 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 09:16 ID:Heaven

> How the fuck am I being a hypocrite?

You gave out heat and then couldn't take it when it was returned.

> Censorship is lame.

I agree but there is no easy way to move threads (DQN would really be more appropriate for this thread). I might just permasage it, though.

I would also think it's wonderful if we could give this names/anonymous issue a rest now. One last remark though:


No, you're wrong. But if you wish to further discuss this, please go here, read the thread and then enlighten us there:

This thread is now about wtfux/iichan merge again.

95 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 09:25 ID:SlixXTvd

from this thread we have learned the nature of anonymous is that of a whining crybaby

96 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 09:27 ID:Heaven


> This thread is now about wtfux/iichan merge again.

97 Post deleted by moderator.

98 Name: ☭Normal-chan!nqprlgUDj6!!j+bpGPO6 2005-09-24 09:40 ID:Heaven

Ah, the neverending battle between the anonymous internet tough guys and the elitist tripcode faggots.

Well, have fun with that.

99 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 09:44 ID:Heaven

While I agreed with >>97, I wish this thread to keep on track now and keep the silly shit >>98 is so poetically refering to OUT.

Please, keep discussion civil and actually on-topic in here.

100 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 09:45 ID:WJwtxftV

State of the thread:


Both have been pretty reasonable, although cho0b couldn't resist the dig at the Anonymous troll.

Winner: Lain.


Pretty lame. You have a minor crisis here, with heightened emotions on both sides, and the best both sides can do are the blunt insults and obvious digs? Come on.

Winner: No one.

Reasonable people:

I think most people are just afraid their happy, known culture will be uprooted. Based on what I've seen so far, I doubt a full merge is going to work. A separate presence is possible, but a little sad. If Lain or someone else could give some good reasons or methods for a fuller merge?

101 Post deleted by moderator.

102 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 09:47 ID:Heaven

That's nice, you can repost that in the other thread I linked.

Congratulations on 100GET!

103 Name: Eric!upWm/KiLZA 2005-09-24 09:50 ID:2LhZjMXC

Your trolls started it by bashing WTFux. This "merger" simply won't work, IMO.

104 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 10:01 ID:Heaven

Yeah well, if you have a point to make about which statement was wrong or insulting or whatever you were and still are free and welcome to do so objectively by simply adressing the statement made.
Blanket threats of "YOU ARE GOING TO GET TROLLED! HARD!" or lashing out against a certain type of poster which is accepted on here (whether you like that or not) is not helping anyone in this issue.

105 Name: Colin!tmGs7bPDwg 2005-09-24 10:09 ID:bmahW+t9

I don't see a problem with iichan and wtfux merging.

If wtfux doesn't have the resources to run the place any longer, and we have spare resources, why not take wtfux boards on and save them. After all, distributing spare resources is what WAKAchan was all about.

I agree with the merge of wtfux into iichan.

106 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 10:12 ID:Heaven

> After all, distributing spare resources is what WAKAchan was all about.

True, however, there have always been boards that were ruled out by the admins, most notably some burichan boards (R.I.P.).
I also remember a little fight/misunderstanding between Lain & BlackMage about whether pics of underage women were allowed to be posted on the Sexy Women board.
Just saying this to point out that it's not always just been a matter of "okay hay let's host everybody here, cool". As funny as that would be.

107 Name: Anonymous 2005-09-24 10:27 ID:Heaven

WTFUX = cool guys
IICHAN = introverted geeks
discussion is over

108 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 10:28 ID:YCBnsuIO

Perhaps this discussion could be moved to iichan, it dosn't seem like a suitable topic here. has nothing to do with either parties, people, tripcodes and trolls.

I like how 4-ch is slowly moving away from all this Wapanese bullshit, the last thing we need is to be bombarded with the scourge of wtfux.

109 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 10:32 ID:Heaven

Agreed on the move to the actual iichan discussion boards.
However, Lain seems to regard this as the "official" place to talk about the whole shebang.

Lain should fix his boards and make a new thread there IMHO.

110 Name: Gilliam!F73v.WtXdM 2005-09-24 10:53 ID:dH5sK5Ku

i guess i dont mind as long as it doesnt negatively impact /neko/.

111 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 12:56 ID:+fUR4WH0

NO MERGER. Rate of retarded posts would go through the roof because of WTFux.

WTFUX = Retarded SA goons wannabes

112 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 13:04 ID:Hq/Sfu/A

merge would be quite could bring more ppl to post on the boards

113 Name: nobuyuki!GfMr2LTKW. 2005-09-24 13:10 ID:SlixXTvd

I seriously believe that most people who think that wtfux users are just gonna invade all the iichan boards and post unrelated crap would see that if they took ONE visit to wtfux, they'd see that they don't even do that on their own boards. It really does imply that the average anonymous iichan user is an introverted geek.

114 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 13:13 ID:+fUR4WH0

It's fine the way it is already, so why change anything? Don't merge.

115 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 13:16 ID:Heaven

> they'd see that they don't even do that on their own boards.

That wouldn't make any sense anyway, now would it? The GNAA doesn't shitflood their own sites either...


116 Name: nobuyuki!GfMr2LTKW. 2005-09-24 13:19 ID:SlixXTvd

The way things are probably going forward is that iichan is going to host the jist of wtfux's boards, and -maybe- link to them off the sidebar.

The way I personally would have liked for it to have gone was to eliminate redundant boards, and relegate half that obscure shit you -2 people out there who have suddenly become 2000 anonymouses with similar IP's like to a place similar to the adult section, an area where nobody really goes to unless they are specifically looking for it. But I should note I have no official sway in the descisions of either iichan admins or wtfux admins.

117 Name: Olde Fortran!ROu0jjYgS6 2005-09-24 13:32 ID:LeM2GZck

This is like Playboy and The Watchtower merging. One has fewer resources and lots of readers and the other has resources and is thrown away as soon you find it stuffed between your screen door and your regular door.
Um, OK, so that's not a flattering comparison, but the point is that the two "communities" are too disimilar to merge. It's like Dick Cheney asking everyone at the White House to go to his lesbian daughter's gay wedding. Very, very uncomfortable for everyone involved.

If this ungodly union should take place, can those in charge please make it appear as if it didn't? Keep the domain names separate and don't merge the side bars!

118 Name: Z the Mutt!0S8oG2BHjw 2005-09-24 13:35 ID:eTL6pW/r

As long as you don't touch the furi/ board, I'm fine with it.
The board itself only attracts a few retards, and the only ones that detract from what I enjoy from the board are those that go "you jack off to animal penises! lolz!!!1!one" aka teh furry h8terz. I can't even start to mention any furry that visit other boards to make mischief because I stay where I belong, though I wish that the few that do detract from other board viewers' peace and calm on their boards don't negatively reflect the entire "furry" community. Okay- I've said my piece. Sup cho0by-dooby-do?

119 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 14:20 ID:eFyGOjBp

120 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-09-24 14:23 ID:eFyGOjBp

Also: Trying to re-create someone else's site is probably a bad idea, as is just trying to bash two sites together, but providing some sort of refugee shelter for those who lost their site isn't too bad an idea, and for all us waps I could note that it is something that Futaba's done in the past, too.

121 Name: Corbet!Ir/.C0rBzc 2005-09-24 15:13 ID:R8rZh6aN

well look. i'd rather not see a merger because i don't want to lose wtfux. i mean i think a merger would be a decent idea (less work on both sides). BUT< i think this merger ould have to be an equal merger to work effectively.

122 Post deleted by moderator.

123 Post deleted by moderator.

124 Post deleted by moderator.

125 Post deleted by moderator.

126 Post deleted by moderator.

127 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 15:44 ID:Heaven

128 Name: Corbet!Ir/.C0rBzc 2005-09-24 15:45 ID:R8rZh6aN

shit, dave.

129 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 15:50 ID:Heaven

I suppose the thread is over.
Feel free to continue all discussion about wtfux and iichan on or

130 Name: Corbet!Ir/.C0rBzc 2005-09-24 15:51 ID:R8rZh6aN


131 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 15:53 ID:Heaven

Finally, it will fade away!

132 Name: BludClot!7feSKxfzSM!!HzNGLIqh 2005-09-24 15:55 ID:3BnnbfQ5

Merger sounds good to me. Just don't delete the hccp boards.

133 Name: Dave!kEDur3zMEk 2005-09-24 16:10 ID:QdO7+Ov4


It's okay, I still love you.

134 Name: Shadowpillar!lpPHsXMf7M 2005-09-24 18:46 ID:XXydWD0W

All of you need to STFU.
This is gonna happen, but I hope that we dont get fucking restricted to what we can do and start getting an influx of teenybopper drama that has plagued iichan since thock left.
Which is why I left. Two people I can name, but I wont are who I wanted to get away from.
If I start seeing threads getting deleted from /cams/ for no real good reason other than some asshole mod trying to keep the wtfux people "in line" for some stupid ass reason. there is going to be hell.
My thing is, keep the parts that wtfux has different separate from
like /cams/ leave all moderation to wtfux mods and admins so we end up not getting kicked off and iichan controlling everything.

135 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 18:59 ID:Heaven

> teenybopper drama that has plagued iichan since thock left.

lol oldskool myths

136 Name: washermachine!kxrJVlZ8OE 2005-09-24 19:15 ID:JRiWeVoH

personally... i respect cho0b and his decisions. i'm a big mooch, and i do a lot of anonymous trolling. i'm from 5chan, and migrated to iichan when 5chan died... and from there i became a 4chan /b/tard [and still am today.] i hold a personal record of being banned and unbanned 10+ times from 4chan. when cho0b started #/b/ i was behind him in support... when he started wtfux i was behind him in support... and with the merger i'm still behind him in support... and anal sex.

i agree with shadowpillar, wtfux is a sacred banned [intentional] camp from other image boards, a refuge for the confused, and a place to go to just to waste time. i liked it because it was laid back and i didn't have to worry about mods fucking with any of the stuff i did.

the merger worrys me because iichan has always been elitist... and i fear the elitism will continue or even fester and grow worse if iifucks happens.

so uh,
that's my two cents

i hope things work out for the best
and i'll contribute to my best ability

<3 washermachine#hahaha

p.s. the camwhore board is the heart and soul of wtfux.
don't mess with it.

137 Name: Man_of_Mystery!FEZKlA6o6g 2005-09-24 19:16 ID:ZDD+IBh3

don't worry about it.... iichan eats wtfux, end of story, it's over, wtfux is gone iichan kills us, end of story. cho0b was an idiot for trusting lain with us, like lain said himself, it's nothing more then a PR ploy, he want to stir up contraversy, he did it, he also killed a site in the process, I hope you are fucking happy lain!

138 Name: Canuck!5la.hIIyNg 2005-09-24 19:23 ID:FaqaacOi

W/e give me the new url so I can start spamming again. I AM FOR THIS DONT DIE LIKE MOOT

139 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 19:28 ID:v0yzJabY


but seriously, it's not like this unification thing is permanent or anything, the minority that doesn't like it will just move on to somewhere else which seems to be what usually happens under these circumstances (hint hint nudge wink)

140 Name: Colin!tmGs7bPDwg 2005-09-24 19:37 ID:bmahW+t9

>>106 I know it's not that simple... I am the admin for five of the iichan boards and when it was WAKAchan, there were discussions about whether my boards should be part of WAKAchan or not...

But I do think WTFux has some decent boards. The cam board is the mainstay of WTFux and we here at iichan have nothing like it. So, why not let it live here? (This is coming from someone who doesnt even use the cam board, but does think the idea is good).

There are a lot of board themes that both parties have in common currently. Therefore, some of the change-over would be pain free.

141 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 21:52 ID:+OTAmNzy

wtfux is a retarded real-life pedophile den

142 Name: Lucky-7!AHfolaHfqg 2005-09-24 22:05 ID:C0Klj8W+

I'm loving this merger already!

Finally /a/ is about anime and not a pedololifapping wannabe /c/

143 Name: mia!EgtNxqjWtA 2005-09-25 00:00 ID:7u/6aEi3

my vote would be for no merger mostly because I am British and thus fear change. Also because I came back to iichan today after a week long leave of absence and the changes pizzed me off some. It seemd to have gone from "random" to just plain "retarded" plus I didn't recognise ANY names, except for about one post by Dawbis. Plus I don't want to run the risk of logging on and seeing any cp/loli posted by attention seeking trolls.

and that was my two cents.

144 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 00:12 ID:MWtifYN4

I'm not too sure about this. While I would normally welcome more traffic (and thus postings) to iichan, I don't think that WTFux is the place to draw said traffic from. It seems to me that WTFux is more along the 'funny comment' side of the spectrum, while iichan is on the other.

Really? Take a look at the Anime section of the WTFux boards. On the first page alone there are the following threads:

All three of those threads are choked full of this "unrelated crap".

145 Name: Topato!t2KGxiRsVc 2005-09-25 00:55 ID:WEIDGf1g

8( I'm like the last wtfuxer to post here.

146 Name: Topato!t2KGxiRsVc 2005-09-25 00:55 ID:WEIDGf1g

8( I'm like the last wtfuxer to post here.

147 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 00:56 ID:t0liN0hk

If the Real Fetish and Niche Anime boards get more posts, then a merger would be great. 's all I care about.

Still don't think we should have Furry or Camwhore boards, though. At the very least, put them under a DQN tab or something so I can forget they're there.

148 Name: JoeBarborak!zT8CLv1HqE 2005-09-25 01:02 ID:BMFy9f+t

Hey, I've seen wtfux since the first day it started - shit I even have my own board on the page and mod a few others. I have 0% problem with this merger, because the other option is death. I don't feel like reading every post on this page right now (need to go pick up takeout chinese in five minutes) so I'll just say

149 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 01:39 ID:ziGZMFzE


150 Name: Fiyerstorm!VrblQV4FqA 2005-09-25 01:45 ID:HFnaWuRt

I don't approve because as I can already see in this thread, there's some tension. Yes, there's a lot of mature and easy going people but they're easily overshadowed by the fact that there's people out there who are going to say and do bad things.

wtfux introduced me to imageboards so for it to merge is like something disappearing because it's not going to be the same. Billy's made his choice and though I'm not for it but he and I are friends and not just lol internet buddies so I see no use in trying to start a big fight about it. (DRAAAAMAAAA)

Though I did have fun trolling in #iichan last night.

OH SHI- <3

151 Name: liljenny!PvHEudHNso 2005-09-25 03:24 ID:kLG82eyx



152 Name: liljenny!PvHEudHNso 2005-09-25 03:24 ID:kLG82eyx


153 Name: KJI!XDpPLAUYlQ 2005-09-25 05:53 ID:ASx7AXRb


Cams was pretty part of iichan already (or at least a part of wakachan, since it's listed as one of the boards. )

I've never really posted at wtfux much since, much like their site name, it was just sort of not my taste.


154 Name: Patware!dPPKej8poo 2005-09-25 06:29 ID:Heaven

Hello, I'm Patrick Benware. You might know me from such films as 'Camwhoring on /b/!' and 'Camwhoring on wtfux!' and also 'Moderating the /gaming/ board!' I'm here to officially support this merger and to say that I don't really know liljenny, they just showed up the other day and started eating my chips and I was all "Hey, those are my chips." and then they took out a very big knife and kinda gave me a look so I decided I was just going to let liljenny do whatever liljenny wanted to do.

Further, I don't like trolling. And yeah, rock on with this sweet merget music.

155 Post deleted by moderator.

156 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-09-25 07:24 ID:Heaven

> 120gb a month and and the number is still going up

WTFux is supposed to bring more posters, yet the entire site only uses 120GB a month? That's a pittance...

I don't care one way or the other if WTFux and IIchan merge.However, up until now most of the posters in the niche boards I run have behaved in a mature manner. I hope this won't change.

157 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 07:27 ID:NGvN8TPB

This is what happens when a handful of IRC visitors think they're the majority. They get friendly and close, bond with one another, then think they're everything, forgetting the many people who don't care to idle in an Internet room and chat, chat, chat. Seriously, I'm betting most lurkers and others who actually make up most of the traffic have no idea who most of the tripcoders in this thread are.

Pushing unnecessary concepts such as "community" and "camaraderie" only leads to everything getting torn apart by those close people, ruining it for the majority who are outside of the clique.

>>You will be trolled. Hard and long with a huge cock.
>>I'm only trolling in retaliation.

This sort of... garbage sullies the good name of "Internet troll." Try again, kids.

158 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 07:50 ID:Heaven

Look at this shitstorm that all the tripfags are posting. Just shows the quality of WTFUX. Please, for the sake of everyone move to for this discussion!

159 Name: Krull !p7zeV5aXsI 2005-09-25 08:26 ID:Smkwxphq

Well if it be needed to keep things going then fine,I just hope it don't change things too much...other then that-might be fun.

160 Name: ☭Normal-chan!nqprlgUDj6!!j+bpGPO6 2005-09-25 09:41 ID:Heaven

Protips for future people picking mods:

-Don't be intoxicated when picking mods.
-Chances are if you're just making someone a mod because they're your friend, they're gonna be a shitty mod.
-If chosen mods decide to censor (delete) people's posts or unjustly ban people, thats a good time to take away their moderator privilages.

Don't make the same mistakes that 4chan made. Don't make the same mistakes that wtfux recently proved to have made.

161 Name: Lucky-7!AHfolaHfqg 2005-09-25 10:45 ID:C0Klj8W+


Of course! Instead of taking advice from people who have contributed for a long period of time let's listen to some newbie lurkers that only deign to post to complain!

Your misplaced democratic ideals dont mean shit in here, only the higher ups get a say. If you're not part of the clique it's because you're not interesting enough to be in there in the first place.

Omg I so should have gone to wtfux after snacks's fagottry, iichan is so freaking emo.

162 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 11:03 ID:Heaven

> Your misplaced democratic ideals dont mean shit in here
> WTFux/IICHAN merger democratic forum

PS: This thread is not about dissing posting with names/tripcodes nor dissing anonymous posting.

163 Name: dunkinbean!vZIEseS8Jk 2005-09-25 13:07 ID:gtkGz3Gw

The problem i've always seen with IIChan since it's rebirthen is the lack of an awesome community like that it had back before it died last year. As nobo put it /b is just processed 2ch garbage now, where in the past it was actually really comparable and sometimes better than 4chan's /b. The rest of IIChan is mostly just Sling posting on the anime boards (suck it), and those who are dedicated to the niche boards. The IIFux idea can only bring good things in making IIChan cooler than 4chan again.

I, Dunkinbean, pledge allegiance to this merger.

164 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 13:50 ID:Heaven

I've been on 4chan /b/ and since December 2003 and iichan /b/ since forever and I can say the latter was NEVER better than the former. It always lacked the same activity, the only thing that made and makes 4chan /b/ an entertaining place.

Anyhow - none of the wtfuxers really care about any of the stuff that is present on iichan. None of them care about "animu" or any of the niche stuff present on iichan. I don't see what any of them could bring to iichan but I don't see how it matters, either, because as I see it we are not talking about a single portal for both sites anymore and apart from that, both sides of the internet are free places, both parties can already post at both sites so why bother forcing them together anyway?

165 Name: iichan oldtimer 2005-09-25 15:11 ID:weS0nYEy

key word my friends COMPROMISE, no merger should be without it. For us who lurk it dont matter if iichan merges w/ wtfux, the important thing is we get what we want, can mods handle that? I mean imagine how many troll (on moderated boards) supposedly your going to ban. Believe me get real tiring fast. Even in this thread alone i could see few mod deletes

166 Name: zimmy!0BbUttseX. 2005-09-25 15:58 ID:K7UdHrL9

zimmy approves.

167 Name: Corbet!Ir/.C0rBzc 2005-09-25 16:04 ID:Uup5X9LG

i love you too, dave

168 Name: Loli!foZ.1XrglQ 2005-09-25 16:09 ID:fVr7F/Xn

i fully approve of the merger

just try not to hate on us pedos, iichan

169 Name: Sahnidi 2005-09-25 16:11 ID:2dME5Ion

I dont know what WTF...thing is. But I love IdleChan, and as long as it doesn' change negatively, I'll go with the merger.

170 Name: Tradition!7aXgcysgq2 2005-09-25 18:30 ID:/1wJNJEG

"internet culture" lmao this shit sux i'll play FFXI 24/7 then see ya

171 Name: Man_of_Mystery!FEZKlA6o6g 2005-09-25 19:02 ID:ZDD+IBh3


I aprove of this merger, we can help each other out here. we need more band width and you guys need a spark to get things going again. so lets try to comprimise here rather then unreasonably bickering. also I am sorry to both comunitys for being a complete ass last night I am not usualy that muxh of an idiot

172 Name: Man_of_Mystery!FEZKlA6o6g 2005-09-25 19:04 ID:ZDD+IBh3

sorry, the >>144 was an accident, I was not replying to that post at all

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