4-ch General Thread Statistics (12)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2019-07-04 21:57 ID:Rh8Nb5Mk

I was bored so I decided to tally and categorize the threads currently visible on the front page of the General board. Sometimes the lines were blurry, such as whether "dust in the wind" counts as an attempt at discussion (but when I create this thread it'll bump that one off to hopefully be forgotten forever anyway.)

Still, I've successfully established that only 25% of threads are about 4-ch being dead (it felt higher) and 50% of threads by volume are kusosure (seems about right.)

Threads about 4-ch being dead: 123456789A
Other threads about 4-ch or the General board: 12345678
Threads about other image/textboards: 123
Forum games: 1234
Miscellaneous discussion: 123456
Miscellaneous kusosure: 123456
Hispachan spam: 123
Actual spam: 1

2 Name: 2GET : 2019-07-04 22:02 ID:Rh8Nb5Mk

Whoops, I'm not sure why I marked the language teaching thread as "miscellaneous kusosure." That should be a discussion.

Threads on General are actually only 47.5% kusosure (unless you consider this thread more of a kusosure than "dust in the wind", in which case the balance is restored.)

3 Name: Anonymous : 2019-07-05 12:50 ID:Heaven

>>1 I'm interested in hearing what defines a thread as kusosure in your opinion; the listed threads seem rather varied and I couldn't quite identify any common themes (though, perhaps thats due to the 'miscellaneous'. I would suggest the addition of a VIP category or similar. By the way, I don't thing #2 in the Hispachan list has anything to do with Hispachan. Otherwise, nice analysis.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2019-07-05 16:24 ID:YhVJ9O/P

Nice thread-thread. Maybe we should make a thread for tips and tricks of thread making in order to improve forum stats.

5 Name: 5GET : 2019-07-05 22:09 ID:Rh8Nb5Mk

Made another goof, thread about 4-ch being dead #1 should be the "wrote a poem 4 u guyz" thread, not the story in 7 words (though only the recent necro reinterpreted the poem to be about 4-ch and it was probably just shitposting originally.)

I consider a kusosure as a thread whose opening post is making no visible attempt to solicit any specific kind of discussion or activity, not even a silly one, from its replies. Usually it's a contextless meme or something. Many of the threads I put in other categories are also kusosure in my book.

"Why are we here?" was kinda borderline, I guess if I credited "dust in the wind" as being a discussion I should have given that one the benefit of the doubt too.

As for the other thing, since KAKAROTTO appeared at the same time as the other Hispachan threads I assumed it was a meme from that board (and the mods probably assumed that too since they bothered to permasage it.) Either way it's shit.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2019-08-08 10:41 ID:6858P0rm

I guess this thread is another one for the first category

7 Name: Anonymous : 2021-03-05 08:29 ID:5m37pMPf

How meta...

8 Name: Anonymous : 2021-07-18 01:21 ID:7bEA7KOz

Type for an update?

9 Name: Anonymous : 2021-07-18 11:44 ID:Heaven

Can't be much better, can it?

10 Name: Anonymous : 2021-07-18 22:31 ID:Heaven

I imagine it to be slightly worse.

Would also be interested in seeing the percentage of threads/posts are consisting of YouTube link spam/emojishit, since those seem to be the hot new trends as of the past year or so.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2021-07-31 05:02 ID:GYAE/2p5

The best stat is 1 post/day. Hahaha.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2021-07-31 22:07 ID:Heaven

Somebody's feeling optimistic. lol

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