Whoops, I'm not sure why I marked the language teaching thread as "miscellaneous kusosure." That should be a discussion.
Threads on General are actually only 47.5% kusosure (unless you consider this thread more of a kusosure than "dust in the wind", in which case the balance is restored.)
>>1 I'm interested in hearing what defines a thread as kusosure in your opinion; the listed threads seem rather varied and I couldn't quite identify any common themes (though, perhaps thats due to the 'miscellaneous'. I would suggest the addition of a VIP category or similar. By the way, I don't thing #2 in the Hispachan list has anything to do with Hispachan. Otherwise, nice analysis.
Nice thread-thread. Maybe we should make a thread for tips and tricks of thread making in order to improve forum stats.
Made another goof, thread about 4-ch being dead #1 should be the "wrote a poem 4 u guyz" thread, not the story in 7 words (though only the recent necro reinterpreted the poem to be about 4-ch and it was probably just shitposting originally.)
I consider a kusosure as a thread whose opening post is making no visible attempt to solicit any specific kind of discussion or activity, not even a silly one, from its replies. Usually it's a contextless meme or something. Many of the threads I put in other categories are also kusosure in my book.
"Why are we here?" was kinda borderline, I guess if I credited "dust in the wind" as being a discussion I should have given that one the benefit of the doubt too.
As for the other thing, since KAKAROTTO appeared at the same time as the other Hispachan threads I assumed it was a meme from that board (and the mods probably assumed that too since they bothered to permasage it.) Either way it's shit.
I guess this thread is another one for the first category
How meta...
Type for an update?
I imagine it to be slightly worse.
Would also be interested in seeing the percentage of threads/posts are consisting of YouTube link spam/emojishit, since those seem to be the hot new trends as of the past year or so.
The best stat is 1 post/day. Hahaha.