Google buys YouTube. (40)

1 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-10-10 03:35 ID:r8mZ5r6E This thread was merged from the former /net/ board. You can view the archive here.

Seems like a perfect match. Google is the best company they could've sold out to.

2 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-10-10 18:12 ID:Heaven

I really hope they don't fux it up (aka make it more like google video), and I really hope they have the balls to defend against all legal threats. Google is a much juiceier target for lawsuits, since they, unlike youtube, actually make money.

3 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-10-11 15:08 ID:Heaven

I do hope they make it more like Google Video, visually. Because YouTube sure got a beating from the ugly stick.

4 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-10-12 04:13 ID:gmycdelw

I was there when both youtube and google video were starting out. For a time you could find most videos in both sites. Then google video cracked down on copyright infringements and youtube's popularity took off. Later on it caught on with the video bloggers and myspace types. Now that google owns youtube, you can say goodbye to all the TV clips and fansubbed anime.

Youtube's interface is cluttered, but it functions to facilitate the multiple interlinking and cross-referencing tools.

5 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-10-12 04:33 ID:Heaven

>I was there when both youtube and google video were starting out.

Well, aren't you special. Next you'll tell me you had a gmail account more than a year ago.

6 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-10-12 04:45 ID:r8mZ5r6E

Google will probably remove a few of the more popular videos, but over all, they're not gonna do shit. Like Google, of all companies, gives a fuck about copyright.


7 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-10-15 03:55 ID:k5Tfs06S

Ah, I hope they don't crap up YouTube. I watch a lot of copyright infringing movies and cartoons on there. It saves me from downloading it on my computer which takes a day or two.

8 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-10-15 21:19 ID:Heaven

> It saves me from downloading it

Not really. You're just downloading a low-quality copy instead.

9 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-10-16 02:44 ID:bAq/3WHc

>>7 I personally abhor movies/episodes on there 'cause of the crap quality.

10 Post deleted by moderator.

11 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2013-08-27 09:50 ID:+8JQwDZB

7 years later and it's a shit hole.

12 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2013-09-29 18:18 ID:BkpGJUQ/

Top lel.

13 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2013-10-03 03:53 ID:N9FODuEJ

I feel like I'm in a wasteland. A desert. I see the threads have shifted position, but it's only a mirage. The oasis I thought I saw was only "Top lel."

I continue to roam this barren place. The survivor's colony at DQN shuns people such as myself, the "other-boarders." The creatures I come across are few and far between, and I can not call them posters. You are one of the better ones. Not spam.

This hell was created by idealists such as this:

This may be my last entry, or just another of many. If there are any others using this site, hello. I hope this finds you before the servers are no longer online.

14 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2013-10-04 05:28 ID:gk/iN43f

Are you ok?



>Google is the best company they could've sold out to.

Do you still agree?

15 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2013-10-07 19:00 ID:E+YKh8tq

Amazing. This is seriously the best post i've seen on here.

16 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2013-10-14 19:15 ID:39iy/cVg


17 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2014-02-11 10:16 ID:9KBBP36/

Google was still the best or only choice.

Unfortunately, Google chose to use Youtube to fight, and avoid really fighting, aggressive copyright enforcement.

The firewall is burning up.

Youtube was Poland, and as a buffer, it's disappearing.

18 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2022-03-20 00:18 ID:fjxyaiuV

Well its 16 years since this thread started and youtube is a fucking shithole.

The community together with the commercialism completly destroyed the whole platform. Not just that most of the content is literlly mass produced so it can generate literally hours woth of video material which can be forgeten in a few seconds after watching it,


every fucking video has to be "family friendly" and "monetizable" what are just some fucked up words for boring and commerciable.

But there is more,

the real problem is not youtube casually striking down generlly good content (content which doesent bring up the wish to paint your walls with your brain), or the retarded 12 year old logan paul watching and fortnite playing community.

The true cancer in the system is the brainfucked scum that calls itself "content creator". These mother fuckers are trying to tell you that a compilation of stream fails, fake pranks or some gameplay of a game literlly everyone plays right now with minldess commentary and a dead inside looking shadow of a human being in a small window at the top right corner is content. But all this wouldnt even be a problem, the problem is that everyone with more than 3 followers is acting like they have a "business" to lead and how the have to upload or their "community" wont watch them anymore.

What happened to people creating content for the sake of creating anything, what happened to people generally enjoying content creating. What happened to people which simply wanted to make others laugh, others smile or troll others or something.


19 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2022-03-20 03:50 ID:Heaven

working for free is for cucks.

youtube now marks some videos as 18+ rather than deleting them sometimes. But they still delete vids if they are too 18+. And the way they mark those is very random, like, what is 18+ about this video? And it requires you to provide your real id if you want to watch those, at least in some countries, which you shouldn't do, ever.

there are still not shit people on youtube, but they are kinda buried down, you need to know where to look.

videos are kinda expensive to store and transmit, we should go back to videogames and forums and such, those are more space efficient.

20 Name: 408 - Name Request Timeout : 2022-07-29 21:24 ID:FLY5AOha

Until a year or two ago you could bypass the age restriction by changing the link to embedded (or just use yt-dlp, mpvā€¦). Now it's a hard wall requiring log in. In many countries this requires phone numbers, credit cards, documents. Fuck that. Getting your video age restricted nowadays means the video is fucking dead. (Not even because people care about privacy, but simply because a huge chunk of users are kids)

I if ever do a YouTube channel it won't be on YouTube at all. I would unironically do this these days:

  • Put the list of released videos on a Tor or Lokinet website. (Subscribing done with RSS)
  • Host the video files on IPFS or BitTorrent. (Both are video-streamable BTW. No need to wait for a download to complete)
  • Monetize with Monero (all other cryptocurrencies are actually not private or anonymous) donations and by having a Patreon type section on the site, not to mention sponsorships just like already on YT. (Patreon has been banning a lot of people too over all sorts of really dumb bullshit, and I'm still in awe of how these people insist on not getting into a self hosted cryptocurrency solution and instead insist on staying victimized by chasing an alternative platform which is exact same as Patreon and will end up doing the exact same thing to them all over again)

21 Name: 405 - Name Not Allowed : 2022-07-31 22:14 ID:Heaven


>Google is the best company they could've sold out to.

Goddamn, this might be the most poorly-aged post I've ever seen. Ouch.

22 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2022-08-07 13:02 ID:Ly9O7Fbn

you can bypass it with scripts

23 Name: 401 - Unauthorized Name : 2022-09-12 20:22 ID:UVrez6eA

remember that in the ancient past, google was pretty well regarded as a company that cared about transparency and the internet as a whole
kinda like valve is now for gaming

24 Name: 401 - Unauthorized Name : 2023-02-22 11:20 ID:EwjKkskC

They ditched the "don't be evil" motto after not too many years.

25 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2023-02-23 10:43 ID:3/A7TOSS

I clearly understood the path that Google was taking after they decided to implement fuckery on YouTube in 2007. That was when I started to "break away" from that bullshit company.

26 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2023-03-05 20:34 ID:3FhBQgKV

No one really could predict that the internet would turn into the way it is with social media giants consuming everything.

27 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2023-03-17 15:18 ID:UYbXTOX0

I vaguely remember around 2009-2010 or so, YouTube wanted to institute a no swearing policy on all uploaded videos, needless to say, this didn't go over well, and they ended up dialing that back after so many complained about it. Yeah, it started going bad not too long after Google bought them.

I had my reservations about how the (then-new) trends and developments were where the web as a whole was "centralizing" and most traffic was feeding into just a few giant sites. Most people didn't care since things became a lot more convenient from the much more fragmented days of the 90s when you needed three different media players installed in order to view any videos and audio files you might have come across. I wish things would become fragmented like that again, although I don't miss all the extra software and plugins that were needed.

28 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2023-03-18 08:34 ID:sOyPfPUO

Worst timeline ever.

29 Name: 422 - Unprocessable Name : 2024-02-13 16:46 ID:dPzgOq2A


30 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2024-02-15 00:57 ID:ssacQTIn

I wish it weren't so saturated with endless content. it's like when you walk into a restaurant with three tvs blaring. you walk outside and there's flashing advertisements and music in the town square. you buy a loaf of bread and it's filled with sugar. the grocery stores have rotten produce but plenty of candy.

I think after all these years, I've come to realize that I actually am very addicted to the Internet. To endless stimulus. I knew better, but I succumbed to it anyways. And so did everyone else.

31 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2024-02-15 02:01 ID:wTTH5A/a

I can't take it anymore. There's just too much stuff hitting you all at once whenever you use a large enough site. Its frying my brain.

32 Name: 401 - Unauthorized Name : 2024-02-15 03:04 ID:abVsfjaQ


Stop using them less and less, then. If you go out of your way to engage, then you're going to see it. I understand it's hard not to - it's an impulse we've wired into our brains - but you can slowly taper away.

If possible, spend more and more time away from the computer. There is so much in the world for you to do that you could almost never even need one. Just learn to use it less, do more in real life that will keep you occupied so you don't open up Twitter or 4chan just because you're bored and eventually you just stop giving a shit for the most part.

33 Name: 422 - Unprocessable Name : 2024-08-07 17:53 ID:r2qCX459

things really went to shit in the 18 years since this post was made

34 Name: 406 - Name Not Acceptable : 2024-09-29 23:10 ID:ssacQTIn

agreed. my invidious instance doesn't even work anymore because of "community safety". ffs, I'm using an invidious instance [i]because[/i] I'm concerned about my safety. I don't mind advertisements per se, but the logical conclusion of the advertiser model is drm, insane amounts of data harvesting, and forced accounts.

35 Name: 422 - Unprocessable Name : 2024-10-03 19:51 ID:Pt12/ZG0

Google must burn

36 Name: 401 - Unauthorized Name : 2024-10-06 23:05 ID:Pt12/ZG0

Is there a working way to download the videos to a local file in [CURRENTMONTH]? The VLC trick and ssyoutube worked earlier this year but it seems both of them have been killed recently.

37 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2024-10-06 23:19 ID:XQ91+jwp

How do you not know about yt-dlp?

38 Name: 406 - Name Not Acceptable : 2024-10-13 17:18 ID:ga14v5L9

I just downloaded something two hours ago and it worked just fine. If it doesn't work, you can try circumventing blockage by using Tor with torsocks or a VPN. Try multiple times with a different proxy. J-Downloader 2 should still work too, if you prefer GUI, but I haven't tried it lately, so it might as well be kill in regards to Youtube.

39 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2024-11-06 14:11 ID:n7ENR+Y4

>>1 fucking hell, i miss when this was a good thing

40 Name: 401 - Unauthorized Name : 2025-02-06 04:31 ID:s7uebyXb

haven't watched a YouTube video since 2018.

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