[Spam] Moderation requests [Cleanup] (1000)

1 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2006-06-15 12:32 ID:4tY/FN8M

If you spot something that needs moderator attention, post about it here.

Specify the exact thread and post number(s) if possible.

465 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-11-20 11:15 ID:+hj0M5So

466 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-11-21 08:31 ID:zoSnx3ec

467 Name: ID:YnfSzfrm from linked thread : 2015-11-21 09:42 ID:KpT0vHeH

469 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-11-21 10:02 ID:Heaven

>>465 I don't think we should delete post's for their opinion but I wouldn't mind if it was edited to be more polite but still say the same thing. Do so unbiasedly

471 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-11-25 06:01 ID:zoSnx3ec

473 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-12-04 08:36 ID:Heaven

racism isn't an opinion

475 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-12-06 23:37 ID:ma0vxxUe

Tons of other spam on http://4-ch.net/anime

476 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-12-08 13:23 ID:Heaven

holy shit.

477 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-12-08 18:22 ID:Heaven

At this point 4-ch is just a website for spamming ads.
Are people even clicking those? Fucking spambots.

478 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-12-09 03:20 ID:Kha/66mF

If they were bots than how would they get past the captcha? Though I guess they could be cheap human labor posting for a penny an hour...

479 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-12-09 10:57 ID:Heaven

Captcha reading technology exists, you know. And since they can take infinite time reading this captcha(Due to not having a time limit), that only makes it worse.

480 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-12-10 06:54 ID:7nk035/o

This is really bad.
Is this because abc.pl got disabled?

481 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-12-11 19:15 ID:KpT0vHeH

482 Name: >>481 : 2015-12-11 19:16 ID:KpT0vHeH

Oops wrong thread.

483 Name: >>481 : 2015-12-11 19:17 ID:KpT0vHeH

I really need to think before posting more.

484 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-12-17 06:35 ID:2OsuVy1t

the spammer on anime is continuing to flip us the bird!
you gonna let him get away with that?!?


ban him already!

485 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-12-17 10:15 ID:Heaven

486 Name: bps!!+u1+mB+S (Admin) : 2015-12-20 16:57 ID:Heaven


Is she still causing problems? I have to admit it's a bit difficult for me to follow the thread you linked, even with IDs. Next time it happens, drop me a line here once more (or at the usual email) and I will do something about it.

I won't delete this post - nor other posts like it - on the politics and news boards.


Banned the OP for posting personal information and closed the thread. Thanks for finding this.


It should all be gone now. The spam came from only 3 (now banned) IP addresses.

487 Name: bps!!+u1+mB+S (Admin) : 2015-12-20 16:59 ID:1T88Qgs5

Spam is relatively low, although it seems that disabling abc.pl may have resulted in increased spam. Hard to say with just the information I have at hand.

Thanks once more for all your hard work guys. Keep it up :)

488 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-12-27 13:49 ID:N2qyX8sU

489 Name: bps!!+u1+mB+S (Admin) : 2015-12-28 06:07 ID:Heaven


490 Name: bps!!+u1+mB+S (Admin) : 2015-12-28 06:09 ID:Heaven

TODO: implement a report function

491 Name: Bypel !EHlDapnXJ. : 2015-12-29 15:50 ID:Heaven

Please edit '[politics]' out of the title as I forgot to myself after copying and pasting it from a general discussion board.

492 Name: bps!!+u1+mB+S (Admin) : 2015-12-30 02:23 ID:AHLVz8H1

Editing posts requires me to ssh into the server and modify html files manually. If you want you can re-post the thread with a different title and I will remove the old one. But as a policy I will not edit posts.

493 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-01-04 16:54 ID:1vGv0aks

494 Name: bps!!+u1+mB+S (Admin) : 2016-01-11 03:03 ID:ZeC5Bb64

Deleted, thanks.

500 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-01-28 08:56 ID:7WqKUR2Y

>>486 so we are having that problem again, the poster is #652 but also #653 - she keeps changing her IDs and her user name but it's always the same person.

501 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-02-09 23:37 ID:Heaven

did bps die or something? it's been almost a month and no spam has been deleted...

502 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-02-10 16:56 ID:6iLcQgT4

503 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-02-11 18:05 ID:Heaven

BPS has been inactive lately. I could tell how much he was checking this board by the times there were sudden fluctuations of posts with his trip, he would post on every active thread and then go back to being inactive.

Wonder if he's busy.

504 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-02-12 10:24 ID:Heaven

505 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-02-12 17:20 ID:WlzqV/a/

506 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-02-13 11:09 ID:Heaven

you do realize you could just link straight to the posts, right?


507 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-02-13 14:20 ID:Heaven

>>506 you do realize you could give people tips without being so rude right?

508 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-02-15 04:21 ID:kSOTqqfd

509 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-02-15 16:38 ID:kSOTqqfd

can't believe I missed this one...

511 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-02-26 15:05 ID:YyEdgbjT

512 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-03-16 02:29 ID:9U/zVASW

514 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-03-24 22:05 ID:Heaven

I wonder how long it'll take for spam to show up in this thread

515 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-04-24 04:35 ID:dXwmf6g6

516 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-04-25 05:43 ID:uN3TrX6y

517 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-04-29 09:31 ID:zoSnx3ec

519 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-05-04 09:51 ID:zoSnx3ec

520 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-05-16 14:05 ID:sqVnNAVe

521 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-05-27 07:10 ID:bH1a1PFM

522 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-07-25 15:59 ID:fX9bFhT8

523 Name: Rustled Anonymous Advisor : 2016-08-14 00:22 ID:+o/aL8IA

Please let users be janitors or mods - we can save this site from all the fucking spam


524 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-08-14 06:18 ID:WJ8GFGGu

There's a buttload of spam in nearly every thread on anime.

525 Name: mona!N1toQkxgzc : 2016-08-16 22:39 ID:XtDA06NO

Today bps added me as a moderator. I've dealt with every report in this thread. These reports are very helpful in combatting spam so thank you to all the anons who took the time to do that.

526 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-08-24 03:00 ID:lP3tbVy/

Welcome, mona.

527 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-08-24 03:26 ID:WJ8GFGGu

The entire front page of General is spam, all the threads are from one person on the 24th. While they're not advertisements, they are spam and annoying.

Also, hello Mona.

528 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-08-24 19:57 ID:6eimnMH6

http://4-ch.net/iaa/ also got spammed to hell. Please moderate.

Also, hi Mona.

529 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-08-28 19:17 ID:Heaven

Welcome aboard!

530 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-08-29 01:55 ID:3maGABU/

http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1378813401/ is still fucked from html misconduct. Please assist.

531 Name: mona!N1toQkxgzc : 2016-09-01 13:50 ID:XtDA06NO

ok I've had a look into the code and made a patch to fix the unclosed HTML tags thing: http://wakaba.c3.cx/sup/kareha.pl/1294423025/513

532 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-09-07 16:17 ID:cFZoS4sT

533 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-09-07 19:56 ID:XtDA06NO

what about it?

534 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-09-08 13:13 ID:uAW+FxRz

It's spam, just like the other single post threads with screencaps of posts about Tom Hiddleston.

535 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-09-08 13:38 ID:XtDA06NO

I don't agree and will not remove it.

536 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-09-08 17:40 ID:d+QogvOc

537 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-09-08 19:40 ID:XtDA06NO

I understand your concern. If we could make 1 post threads get pushed off and removed before threads with replies it would make it a non-issue.

I think tht would require new code though. Mentioned the idea to bps. No reply yet. For now maybe just try asking /tv/ to use a single thread?

fun fact: the top 3 sources of site activity are /dqn/ in general, the tom hiddleton general on /tv/ and alien spammers.

538 Post deleted.

539 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-09-19 19:37 ID:gf//AzLB

540 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-09-21 09:49 ID:Zbs38/hE

541 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-09-24 13:59 ID:2FU5tx8r

543 Post deleted.

544 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-09-30 19:04 ID:kk5+EsK5

545 Name: Jeb Bush : 2016-10-01 08:13 ID:H8OXvnqR

546 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-10-05 04:09 ID:Heaven

spam in the spam reporting thread!

547 Name: mona!N1toQkxgzc : 2016-10-06 19:38 ID:3QymKMgM

Done. Sorry I took time.

548 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-10-06 22:37 ID:xzZm6mYP

549 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-10-07 04:04 ID:3QymKMgM

I dont have ability on the imageboard.. will ask for.it.

550 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-10-10 15:52 ID:DnIO05w1

552 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-10-15 21:53 ID:3QymKMgM

banned and deleted, thanks for reporting

553 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-10-17 09:58 ID:Zbs38/hE

555 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-10-18 11:54 ID:gz1156lm

556 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-10-20 21:06 ID:1YjfvXSf

557 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-10-27 05:37 ID:Heaven

some imageboard shitbrain is spamming that ancient unfunny Harambe meme on a bunch of different boards.

558 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-10-27 06:21 ID:NChdSiJ+

yeah I saw and it's pretty annoying but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to start removing (shit) posts like that, will ask bps his thoughts.

559 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-10-28 07:34 ID:Heaven

I don't have a problem with shitposts if they're confined to /dqn/ or only posted once, but one person spamming the same shitpost in multiple threads on multiple boards is just spam.

560 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-11-01 06:45 ID:Zbs38/hE

561 Post deleted.

563 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-11-12 06:12 ID:uMOhTvQB

564 Name: mona!N1toQkxgzc : 2016-11-12 21:07 ID:NChdSiJ+


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