4-ch General Thread Statistics (12)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2019-07-04 21:57 ID:Rh8Nb5Mk

I was bored so I decided to tally and categorize the threads currently visible on the front page of the General board. Sometimes the lines were blurry, such as whether "dust in the wind" counts as an attempt at discussion (but when I create this thread it'll bump that one off to hopefully be forgotten forever anyway.)

Still, I've successfully established that only 25% of threads are about 4-ch being dead (it felt higher) and 50% of threads by volume are kusosure (seems about right.)

Threads about 4-ch being dead: 123456789A
Other threads about 4-ch or the General board: 12345678
Threads about other image/textboards: 123
Forum games: 1234
Miscellaneous discussion: 123456
Miscellaneous kusosure: 123456
Hispachan spam: 123
Actual spam: 1
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