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694 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6516 00:26

The kopipe in http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1300492758/285 reminded me of my own adolescence, for I once had a crush on Jasmine as well. I didn't actually develop the crush until I saw her representation in the game Pokemon Puzzle Challenge, which was basically Pokemon-themed Tetris Attack. I would beat the game over and over just to see her picture in the end credits.

Now that HGSS is out though, I've grown old and lost interest in gaming years ago. ):

Also, when Jasmine lost a battle in that game, her Steelix would curl up and twitch in a manner I thought looked very much like a vibrator. I imagined some dirty things.

Also, Jasmine is moe

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