[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought.[Brains] [Thinking] [Personal] [#3] (999)

753 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6531 12:28

Everything they say about Chinese business ethics is true.

Expect your contracts to be reneged upon once they no longer suit the other party, even when working with big name multinationals. I tried pretty fucking hard to deal with the dishonesty and lies, but all it did was sacrifice my integrity and infect me with their standards.

China will not maintain world power because it lacks the internal economic demand to do so, it cannot raise 700k people from poverty, it is heading for environmental catastrophy which will eat up its capital because of its dishonesty (much like USSR) and confucian values of social harmony, [seeming] accord and preserving face are not compatible for knowlege economies and politcal progress.

Get in within the next 10 years, make your money, fuck desperate farm girls from Hunan for pocket change and then get out. Skyscrapers do not a modern society make.

My butt is literally mad. Fuck this country.
Fuck it right in its sideways vagina.

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