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791 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6545 09:41

I once took 200mg DXM as that's all that was in my parent's cough bottle. Didn't realise it also had 360mg DPH, a deliriant, at that volume.

Then I was on Tamiapedia, researching DPH and going "shit". Then it became increasingly hard to type, and I couldn't see straight. Then the pissing, dry mouth came. Robowalking around the house.

I "remembered" getting married to my girlfriend, had lots of CEVs, dreamed of weird stuff, and had a call from my woman when I had the huge toungue and inability to articulate common to DPH intoxication.

Next morning, I (foolishly) drank a cup of coffee to prepare for a lecture I was giving, and slurred my words on the DPH hangover. The caffeine and DPH raised my heartrate and I had palpitations for 2 hours. I watched Seinfeld, ate a bagel and tried to get over it.

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