[Quantum theory] ITT we send the next poster to a parallel universe and they tell us about it [go] (468)

294 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7043 14:01

$ cat >>293.c
#include <quantum/universes.h>
#include <self/thought.h>
#include <comms.h>
int main (void) {
universe_t *this = get_universe (null);
say (think (DESCRIBE, universe_inspect (this), null);
return 0;
$ cat >>295.c
#include <quantum/universes.h>
#include <bbs/kareha.h>
#include <self/thought.h>
#include <comms/question.h>
int main (void) {
entity_t *next_san = post_ref (null, 295);
ask (next_san, think (QUESTION,
universe_inspect (get_universe (next_san)),
return 0;
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