I am unsure if it qualifies as an act I would like to commit, but I do so wish that suave gentleman >>482 would cast me down upon the bedsheets and ravish me with the fury of a hundred orangutans. In fact, I beseech him to take me now!
Take three spoonfuls of the gall of a barrow swine, three spoonfuls of hemlock juice, three spoonfuls of wild neep, three spoonfuls of lettuce, three spoonfuls of pape, three spoonfuls of henbane, three spoonfuls of eysyl, and mix them all together and boil them a little and put them in a glass vessel well stopped and put thereof three spoonfuls into a potel of good wine and mix it well together. Drink this and you will never have to worry about orangutile dysfunction ever again!
List your top ten favorite snacks.
>>483 hmmmmmm
that was difficult, and hardly in order, and there's probably better stuff i've forgotten. i have a sweet tooth haha
>>485 send a text message of encouragement or compliment or anything nice to anyone you like!
I demand >>489 speak in iambic pentameter in his reply and in at least one other post on DQN.
Oh no. What have this sillyphone done! I owe you a picture now.
Tell me what I must draw on the wall.
I meant the wall of the lounge room, you museless asshole. I'm not drawing a lounge in a lounge for someone like you.
A certain kitten is too shy about being bad at drawing whilst suffering from acute perfectionism. I'm working on it! I'm doing it. But you should draw it anyway, >>506! It might inspire me to do my best. Also, the weight of IOU is so insufferable that I almost ceased to post.
I demand that you make a photo of anything you want outdoors.
>>507 http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/largepic.asp?i=3534221&noPics=9&imgsrv=1¤t=3&make=NISSAN&model=SKYLINER34&trade=1
>>509 I demand a mattress sized hug pillow with a character that fits it.
I demand you list your five most recent bookmarks.
I demand that you post a brief anecdote regarding your childhood.
I may have told this before on 4-ch, but any anecdote worth telling is worth re-telling.
When I was 8, I was building a Lego pirate ship with a good friend from down the street. Our relations until that point had been nothing but amicable. I introduced him to my beloved stuffed seal friend, trusting he would share the joy of its acquaintance. Contrary to my expectations, he began making fun of it. I could not stand for such intolerance. Although he was a close friend, the seal was a closer one. Yet my demands of him to stop only egged him on, and he even began violently beating and swinging my poor seal friend around.
This was the last straw. A rage I had never known before filled my body. Normally a mild-mannered child, I suddenly felt that inhuman disconnect that enables men to murder. I tackled my friend and wrapped my fingers tightly around his neck and squeezed. At first he struggled and screamed at first, but I did not let go. His body went limp and he fell silent. Yet I continued to push my thumbs into his throat, unwilling to let go until I was sure he had perished.
Disturbed by the sudden seconds of silence, my mother ran in and saw what was happening. She pulled me off of him, he ran home, our mothers organized an apology between us. To my surprise he wasn't angry at all, in fact he seemed genuinely guilty, while I secretly felt pretty remorseless. We remained good friends until the day he asked me to lick his dick (but that's another story).
I later reasoned that I probably was not actually that close to killing him. Nonetheless, since that day, I have always lived with the haunting knowledge that I have the willingness to kill another human without remorse.
I demand that you post a brief anecdote regarding your teenagehood.
I live on a long dirt road in a forest that is privately owned. So there are no laws regarding who can drive what kind of vehicle what so ever. We had a van that was so shitty and busted that its only pourpose could have been to be crashed by kids learning to drive for the time. One time while I was practice driving up and down the road I took two of my friends, twins, with me. When I got to the end of the road one of them asked if he could drive. I said sure and he got in the drivers seat and I started to move to to go sit on the floor in the back with his twin. I was half way there when I realized that I was 16 and just now starting to learn how to drive and these guys were two years my junior. I froze, then slowy turned my head. "H-hey dude, you do know how to drive, right?"
He let out a joyous "NOPE!", raised his knee as high as it could go and stopped on the gas pedal as hard as he could. I and his brother flew to the back the van. I hit the top of my head on the back doors and landed face first on the floor. He was all over the road. My head was pounding. I could barely stand up. I yelled for him to straighten out, and he did. But in doing so he had set us on a course to go off the road and fall about 6 feet through air and into a creek. I staggered, fell, go up again, and threw myself into the front, landing on his lap, jamming the steering wheel as far to the right as I could and pushing the breaks with my other hand. We swirved to a halt right at the edge of it. I probably saved all our necks that day. And that is literally the only interesting thing that happened during my teenage yeas.
I demand you post a brief anecdote regarding your young adult days.
I had a fucked up sleep schedule and became a NEET for a while because of it. It's still kind of fucked up, but I can force myself into a normal one easier now...
I demand you end your sentences for the rest of the day with desu, desu! Online and offline, desu! Are you prepared for the challenge, desu?
Well, considering "the rest of the day" consists of the next seventeen minutes, I don't see why not desu.
I demand that you bump this thread with a new problem desu.
Leftover scraps from lunch with the ex. Novel and tobacco included:
Tell me about your current state of consciousness. You may interpret that as broadly as you wish.
>>522 i am wearing a dark green Teenage Fanclub t-shirt, it has a yellow doodle of a billboard showing a power station. On top of that I have my black Cramps hoody, and I am wearing a sticker with my name on it (with a love heart dotting the "i") from the stupid anti-NEET taster class I was at today. I have two cute friendship bracelets my fiancé made on my wrist, one is a watermelon and one has love hearts on it. Lower down I am wearing boxer shorts with a trippy black and white design on them, a pair of socks with sharks on them, a pair of dark tights on top with a big hole cut out for my package, and a pair of rainbow knee socks on top of those. I cut my hair the other day and I did it badly so i have bald spots at the back, with a nice fringe though. It is all greasy and sticking up because I'm kinda sweaty from just walking a mile home wearing extra layers carrying a big rucksack. I'll shower in the morning because I keep getting a whiff of my semen-encrusted boxers, which I was self-conscious about at the jobseeking class.
>>524 Post a link to a song you have recently discovered and loved.
Too many to choose from, but...
Listen to it a bit.
Physically, I'm healthy. I'm lucky to have a high metabolism so I can get away with not exercising. I'm sure that habit will come back to bite me as I get older, though. Even now my lack of exercise is probably partly responsible for my exhaustion after work.
Mentally, I've overcome serious depression in the past. I'm okay now, but I still have problems with lack of motivation, self-absorption, and so on.
Diagnose me a cure!
I really like the less gimmicky ones, i.e. the ones where he's alone instead of with Mike.I guess my favourite is probably "Chronologically Confused about Bad Movie and Video Game Sequel Titles" or the TMNT ones, which aren't even all that much about video games.
I demand to know your favourite comedy sketch!
Philosophical Football by Monty Python. What can I say, I'm a sucker for big words. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79vdlEcWxvM
If you were alone in a dark room with no discernible means of escape and the acute knowledge of an unknown yet willing young girl lying naked on your bed, would you prioritize escape over sexual curiosity? Why or why not?
Does IRC count? If so, this was in my favorite IRC channel, #blackberrytoad on Freenode:
19:31 <Me> http://www.world2ch.org/images/w2ch/w2chcar.jpg
19:56 <@Stars> wwwwwwwwwwww
I demand to know how you feel when looking at this image:
I...guh..ah...damn you. Clever bastard.
I demand you take in the Bu-n video project at http://www.secretareaofvipquality.net/saovq/index.html#14
Stand up. Make sure there is plenty of space around you. Stretch both your arms out in front of yourself, with your fingers spread as far as you can, then clench them together into a fist. Keep doing this several times (say, about 20 times perhaps?) but not so much that your fingers become tired/sore/painful. Put your arms out to either side and repeat the clenching thing, then do the same stretching your arms vertically above yourself.
This stretches and loosens your fingers perfectly as preparation for a good Touhou run. I suppose it probably works fairly well for other games as well.
I demand that you actually do this and then play Touhou and tell me how it goes.
Well, this is awkward, nobody demands anything from me. I feel so unwanted. ;_;
Write a short science fiction story and post it here!
It's 555GET!
I hope this will make you proud at least of your own room:
I haven't operated my camera in a long time and it's pretty dark in my room. I apologize for the quality! I tried to take a photo of a table to the right as well, but it was too blurry.
That's not a public shrine. Also, I'm damned tired of you never posting full hyperlinks. I'm just going to stop visiting every link you give.
It's high-time we assuage God and pay still more homage to Her unrelenting grace. I demand you construct a second public shrine dedicated to the glory, goodness and melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi.
Go to a local cafe next sunday and drink a cup of tea.
I'm an abnormally hyperconscious entity residing within a human form in the state of Arizona whose conjugate of principles (or absence thereof) and intelligence are doomed to eternal and meaningless paroxysm. I'm doing rather decently today; listless and apathetic as always.
Force yourself to relate to only one of the 16 MBTI types and tell me which you chose.
Cultural boards are replaceable with DQN. However, I should probably give them more attention as I seem to utilize DQN in lieu of them.
AA bar is absolutely unique and original unless you frequent similar boards on 2ch.net. Three windows reinstalls ago I was an avid text artist myself!
In Lifestyle only /hobby/ is interesting. I'm glad somebody still remembers Kikkoman on /food/, but overall it feels there is only one insane Chef talking to himself. Probably we should hold a cooking contest and ask him to be a judge!
I'd post in Personal because I need some advice on how to meet new people on the Internet, how to cyber like a pro and how to deal with a certain annoying poster (or two of them actually, who do their best together to tarnish my reputation as a dokyun) , but my identity would be instantly discovered.
For some reason 4-ch started dying on me when I tried to open Tech, News, World and the rest of the boards. And I couldn't even /req/ Squeeks to relocate his servers to the upper side of the planet (so that data would stream down naturally)!
I promise to review the rest later when I'm able to open them.
I demand that you play Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing for at least ten minutes and point out the best and the worst parts of the game.
>>576 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnHuNUNV0BE
Also >>574 because gol-darn I put a bunch of work into it.
Anime: Lots of off-topic and the usual "Japan is best" bullshit. Also, "LOVING ANIME KILLINGLY."
ASCII: This board is fucking awesome. Too bad whenever I try to copipe that type of shit, it rips all the spaces out and fucks it up.
DQN: It's us, DQNing as usual.
Film & TV: Lots of spillover of Anime's Japan obsession. And I should have known there would be an MLP thread, too.
Food: Yum. Though people can bicker over everything including what you eat. And Korea vs. Japan.
Games: Spammish threads, Japan offtopic, and maybe one or two threads actually discussing games.
General: Anger, hate and angst.
Hobbies: Weeaboo... they just want to be on Japan related boards, or is any ok?
Language: A board where Japanese would be on topic... dominated by Chinese.
Literature: (^ω^;)←Stop using this face from the sick!!
Love & Romance: I'd like to say I feel schadenfreude at knowing other people's love lives are way bigger train wrecks than my own, but this just leaves me numb.
Manga: The usual, aside from the "write your own manga" crowd at the top.
Music: "What's a good song to commit suicide to?" seems increasingly relevant.
News: Worth it for "Priest attached to party balloons vanishes in Brazil".
Personal Issues: Designated whining board.
Politics: There was one thread with seemingly intelligent discussion, which is one more than I expected.
Programming: Not enough of a programmer to understand this shit.
Science: More like sci-fi or so it seems.
Tech/IT: What I'd expect of this board.
日本語: "Japan is full of the organized stalker." makes me imagine guys like in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games wandering around Fukushima. Which would be pretty cool actually.
Describe your ideal pet.
It uses the toilet like a human, hunts and eats vermin so I don't have any extra food expenses and submits the occasional entertaining post on DQN. Hmm, I guess I'm not so much looking for a pet, rather a slave with pica and a strong stomach. Now accepting applications! Also, good job on the board synopses!
Recommend some cheap or free video games. Budget titles from years ago are fine too.
It uses the toilet like a human, hunts and eats vermin so I don't have any extra food expenses and submits the occasional entertaining post on DQN. Hmm, I guess I'm not so much looking for a pet, rather a slave with pica and a strong stomach. Now accepting applications! Also, good job on the board synopses!
Recommend some cheap or free video games. Budget titles from years ago are fine too.